Expatriate Tax Returns, Filing Back Taxes – Former IRS, Attorneys, IRS Expat Experts – Free Tax Consultation – Income Tax Prep

Before hiring anyone make sure you speak to us somewhere in the process. You  can speak directly to Former IRS Agents and Managers who know the complete IRS process and who have worked directly for the IRS for over 60 years.

We are tax experts in Expatriate Tax Returns.

We taught Tax Law at the IRS and know all the tax policies and techniques to get you the best possible results. Expatriate are certainly a tax specialty.

We are accessible and affordable. We will make sure you pay the lowest amount allowed by LAW.

We can file all your income tax returns, back taxes and if you owe money to the IRS we can work out a payment plan and file for abatement of penalties should you qualify.

We have prepared thousands of tax returns since 1982 and we are “A” rated with the BBB.

On staff, Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former Agents as previously mentioned. Call  us for a no cost consult. 1-866-700-1040. Skype available.

Income Tax Preparation.

Exclusion amounts for tax purposes.

1. The maximum foreign earned income exclusion.

Adjusted annually for inflation. For 2011, the maximum exclusion has increased to $92,900.

2.Housing expenses – Base Amounts

The computation of the base housing amount (line 32 of Form 2555) is tied to the maximum foreign earned income exclusion.

The amount is 16 percent of the exclusion amount (computed on a daily basis), multiplied by the number of days in your qualifying period that fall within your 2011 tax year. For 2011, this amount is $40.72 per day ($14,864 per year).

3. Housing expenses – maximum amounts

The amount of qualified housing expenses eligible for the housing exclusion and housing deduction has changed for some locations.

4. Filing requirements.

The amount of income you can receive before you must file an income tax return has increased. Check with us to make sure.

5. Self-employment tax reduced.

For 2011, the rate of self-employment tax has been reduced from 15.3% to 13.3%.

The maximum amount of net earnings from self-employment that is subject to the social security part of the self-employment tax remains at $106,800.

All net earnings are subject to the Medicare part of the tax.

6. IRA deduction expanded.

You may be able to take an IRA deduction if you were covered by a retirement plan and your 2011 modified adjusted gross income (AGI) is less than $66,000 ($110,000 if married filing jointly or a qualifying widow(er)).

If your spouse was covered by a retirement plan, but you were not, you may be able to take an IRA deduction if your 2011 modified AGI is less than $179,000.

Form 8938. If you had foreign financial assets in 2011, you may have to file new Form 8938 with your return.

7. Change of address. If you change your home mailing address, notify the Internal Revenue Service using Form 8822, Change of Address. If you are changing your business address, use Form 8822-B, Change of Address—Business.

If you are a Expatriate, Expat, and need to file tax returns or many years back taxes call us for a no cost consult. 1-866-700-1040.


Expatriate Tax Returns, Filing Back Taxes – Former IRS, Attorneys, IRS Expat Experts – Free Tax Consultation – Income Tax Prep





Expatriate Tax Audits – Expat IRS Tax Experts – Attorneys, Former IRS – Filing Tax Returns, Back Taxes & Settlements


If you are a Expatriate and need help in filing tax returns, filing back taxes or undergoing a IRS Tax Audit, call us for a no cost professional tax consultation. 1-866-700-1040.

We can take the fear and worry out of the IRS tax issue. As Former IRS Agents we know exactly hoe to minimize your IRS exposure.

We are comprised of Board Certificated Tax Attorney, Tax Lawyers, CPA’s and Former IRS agents and Manager.

We have worked for the IRS for over 60 years in both the field office, district and regional offices of the IRS including teaching Tax Law to all the new IRS agents.

We are aware of all the tax techniques, settlement provisions and tax policies that govern all areas of IRS audits, collection, appeals and expatriate cases.

Filing Current Tax Returns

There are many tax treaties in place with foreign countries and special tax laws in place that deal with income exclusions, tax credits and special rulings.Depending on the country where you reside we will analyze  all the tax and revenue procedures so you pay the lowest amount allowed by law.

Back Taxes.

With the IRS modernizing their CADE computer system the IRS will be able to root out non filers by tracing their social security numbers that are now part of the matching program with foreign governments. With the IRS finding a wealth of tax dollars, some $4.4 billion overseas, IRS plan to ramp up full enforcement.

Tax Audits.

IRS has received $500 million dollars from the Federal Government to enforce the tax laws and tax compliance of all taxpayers. One of the targets IRS has announced it will work hard is the area of Expatriates. Special IRS Audit Groups are being formed within the IRS to target Expatriate Tax Audits.

Tax Settlements, Offers in Compromise.

Should you owe tax the good news it that the IRS has announced through the Fresh Start Program that IRS tax settlements are now much easier to settle.

Call us for full details on your individual case.

Expatriate Filing Tax Returns, Back Taxes & Tax Audits – Expat IRS Tax Experts – Attorneys, Former IRS –  Expats Tax Problem Help










FBAR IRS TAX AUDIT – Fear Not – Tax Attorneys, Lawyers, Former IRS – IRS Tax Audit Specialists


We are comprised of Board Certified Tax Attorneys, Tax Lawyers, CPA’s and Former IRS Agents. We are true IRS Tax Audit Experts. We taught Tax Law at the IRS and know all the procedures, policies and settlement techniques.

Call for a no cost consult. 1-866-700-1040.

We have over 60 years of direct work experience at the IRS at all levels. We have worked as:

1. Revenue Agents,

2. IRS Auditors ,

3. IRS Audit Managers,

4. Appeals Agents,

5. Revenue Officers,

6. We also taught Tax Law at the IRS.

Our firm has a total of 205 years of total tax experience and have been practicing since 1982 and have a “A” rating with the BBB.


With IRS collecting over $4.4 billion bucks in past FBAR monies over the past 3 years, the IRS is setting up special groups to deal specifically with FBAR tax audits. Also, the IRS is modernizing its CADE computer system with the latest version, CADE 2. With that in place it will allow the IRS to track taxpayers and successful integrate income tracking software to find unreported income, tax returns and unfiled FBAR reports.

FBAR tax audits are very time consuming and can last anywhere from 3 months to well over a year.

Many times the IRS Tax Auditor reviewing your case can be very unreasonable and just want to close out your case. We find this is true with FBAR tax audits.

We know all the tax procedures and settlement thresholds because we taught them as former IRS Agents.

Call us today and we can review your case for no charge and see if we can help you. 1-866-700-1040.

Let our team of Tax Attorneys, Tax Lawyers and Former IRS Agents can keep your money from the IRS.

Many times we have to file a Federal Tax Appeals to save you large dollars. We fight for every nickel, we hate to lose.

Your Appeal Rights

The IRS has an administrative appeals process that works formally with taxpayers to try to settle tax disputes in an effort to avoid formal court hearings.

The role of Appeals function at the IRS  is to make an independent review of a tax dispute and to consider the positions taken by both the taxpayer and the Service.  The Appeals function strives to resolve tax disputes in a fair way and remain impartial to both parties and most of the time they do.

The IRS will send you a report and/or letter that will explain the proposed adjustments or proposed or taken collection action. The letter also tells you of your right to request a conference with an Appeals or Settlement Officer, as well as how to make your request for a conference.
IRS Appeals conferences are informal meetings. You may represent yourself or have an attorney, accountant, or an individual enrolled to practice before the IRS, represent you. If you do not reach agreement with the Appeals or Settlement Officer, or you do not wish to appeal within the IRS, you may appeal certain actions through the courts.

Call us today to learn more.

FBAR TAX AUDIT – Fear not – Tax Attorneys, Lawyers, Former IRS – IRS Tax Audit Specialists

Tax Help – FLORIDA SALES TAX PROBLEM – Tax Audit, Settlements, Negotiations, Representation – Attorneys, Lawyers, Former Agents

If you need Tax Help for a State of Florida, Department of Revenue problem because of tax issues relating to a tax audit, collections or criminal tax problem call us today for immediate tax representation.

You may call us for a no cost consult. 1-866-700-1040. We are Affordable, Assessable and Friendly.

We are comprised are Tax Attorneys, Tax Lawyers, CPA’s and Former Agents who have worked thousands of cases since 1982.

We have over 206 years of total tax experience and over 60 years of direct government  work experience.

The Florida Department of Revenue Sales Tax Division is very active in the following four areas:

1. Criminal,

2. Tax Audits of businesses,

3. Collections of over dues Sales Tax,

4. Tax compliance non-filing issues.

Because of the huge State of Florida shortfall in budget revenue the State of Florida is aggressively seeking to collect this Revenue with stepped up enforcement action in the aforementioned programs.

You will start to see more public exposure to criminal and tax fraud violations as it relates to Sales Tax. Yes, the State of Florida advertises there convictions for a reason.

Tax Tip:

If you are having any type of tax issues or tax problems make sure you are staying current with all filing and payments.

It is a lot easier to work out a tax settlement and negotiations if you are making current tax payments and your filings are up to date. They STATE wants to see you are making an effort to be current.

Tax Help – FLORIDA SALES TAX PROBLEM – Tax Audit, Settlements, Negotiations, Representation – Attorneys, Lawyers, Former Agents





Tax Wage Garnishment – Former IRS, Attorneys – IRS Tax Problems – South Florida, Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, Palm Beach – Affordable


Tax Wage Garnishment – Former IRS, Attorneys – IRS Tax Problems – South Florida, Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, Palm Beach – Affordable 954-492-0088


We are Former IRS agents who worked out of the local South Florida offices for over 60 years. We worked in the audit, collections and appeals divisions.

We also taught Tax Law at the IRS.

Resolve your tax wage garnishment issue today.

We can resolve any tax issue your have. Call for a no cost consult and speak directly to us. 954-492-0088.

If the IRS has just sent you a Tax Wage Garnishment it is very possible to get the tax wage garnishment released this week.

If you have back tax returns not filed we can prepare those as well.


The Wage Garnishment unlike a bank levy is a continued garnishment.

The IRS will enforce the tax wage garnishment each payday until you contact IRS and resolve your case.

As a Former IRS Agent, I can tell you most people do not understand that the IRS just wants to close there case and the only way to get attention from the taxpayer is to send out a tax wage garnishment, a bank levy,or a federal tax lien.

IRS will require a current financial statement, usually a 433F or a 433A with back up documentation. With that in hand the IRS can analyze the state of your financial affairs and make a decision on how to resolve your case.


The Internal Revenue Service will either;

1. Put your case in hardship or uncollectible,

2. will ask you to make payments,

3. recommend you file a Offer in Compromise.


It also is imperative the all your tax returns are filed and up to date.

Should you have any questions of need immediate tax help relief, call us today.

We are “A” Plus rated by the BBB.


Tax Wage Garnishment – Former IRS, Attorneys – IRS Tax Problems – South Florida, Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, Palm Beach – Affordable



Offshore Tax Lawyer – IRS Tax Experts – Former IRS, File, Settle, Negotiations, Representation, Tax Problems

We are a Tax Specialty Firm. We are IRS Tax Experts in Offshore Tax Issues, Compliance and Tax Problems.

Call us for a no cost tax consult, 1-866-700-1040.

We are comprised of Tax Lawyers, Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS Agents.

We can handle all IRS filings, file back or lost tax returns, settle and negotiate Tax Debt and fully handle all IRS Tax Representation or Tax Problems.

You will never speak to the IRS.

Offshore Tax is one of the many specialties at Fresh Start Tax LLC, a Global Company.

We have over 60 years of direct IRS work related experience in the local, district and regional tax offices.

We taught Tax Law at the IRS.

Terms of Compliance of Offshore Tax Compliance.

What are the terms of the 2011 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative?

Under the new terms of the 2011 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative, taxpayers absolutely must:

1. Taxpayers are to provide copies of previously filed original (and, if applicable, previously filed amended) federal income tax returns for tax years covered by the voluntary disclosure;

2. Taxpayers are to provide complete and accurate amended federal income tax returns (for individuals, Form 1040X, or original Form 1040 if delinquent) for all tax years covered by the voluntary disclosure, with applicable schedules detailing the amount and type of previously unreported income from the account or entity e.g., Schedule B for interest and dividends, Schedule D for capital gains and losses, Schedule E for income from partnerships, S corporations, estates or trusts.

3. Taxpayer are to file complete and accurate original or amended offshore-related information returns (see FAQ 29 for certain dissolved entities) and Form TD F 90-22.1 Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts, commonly known as an “FBAR” for calendar years 2003 through 2010;

4 Taxpayers are to cooperate in the voluntary disclosure process, including providing information on offshore financial accounts, institutions and facilitators, and signing agreements to extend the period of time for assessing tax and penalties;

Offshore Penalty Provisions:

1. Pay 20% accuracy-related penalties under IRC § 6662(a) on the full amount of your underpayments of tax for all years;

2.Pay failure to file penalties under IRC § 6651(a)(1), if applicable;

3.Pay failure to pay penalties under IRC § 6651(a)(2), if applicable;

4.  In lieu of all other penalties that may apply, including FBAR and offshore-related information return penalties, a miscellaneous Title 26 offshore penalty, equal to 25% (or in limited cases 12.5% (see FAQ 53) or 5% (see FAQ 52)) of the highest aggregate balance in foreign bank accounts/entities or value of foreign assets during the period covered by the voluntary disclosure,

5.Submit full payment of all tax, interest, accuracy-related penalty, and, if applicable, the failure to file and failure to pay penalties with the required submissions set forth in FAQ 25 or make good faith arrangements with the IRS to pay in full, the tax, interest, and these penalties (see FAQ 20 for more information regarding a taxpayer’s ability to fully pay) (the suspension of interest provisions of IRC § 6404(g) do not apply to interest due in this initiative); and

Taxpayers must also execute a Closing Agreement on Final Determination Covering Specific Matters, Form 906.

Offshore Tax Lawyer – IRS Tax Experts – Former IRS, File, Settle, Negotiations, Representation