FBAR Tax Help and Tax Problems – Tax Attorneys, Former IRS – World Wide Tax Experts

Fresh Start Tax

If you need IRS tax help to solve a IRS tax problem cause by the new FBAR requirements call Fresh Start Tax L.L.C. today for tax representation and never speak to the IRS.

Call us today for a free tax consult – 1-866-700-1040

We have a World Wide Tax Practice with years of tax experience.

We are affordable and accessible.

We are staffed with Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS agents. We have over 205 years of professional tax experience and over 60 years of working directly for the IRS.

We taught Tax Law at the IRS.

The Offshore Program FBAR

The new program launched by the Federal Government is raising hoards of revenue for the Federal Government.

The IRS has announced that efforts Tops $5 Billion.

New Details:

There are new details on the Voluntary Disclosure Program and Closing of Offshore Loophole

The new details regarding the voluntary disclosure program announced in January, including tightening the eligibility requirements.

The IRS is pressing very hard on the FBAR issue because of the large dollars on the table.

It is the most productive program in the history of the IRS.

IRS Statement:

“We continue to make strong progress in our international compliance efforts that help ensure honest taxpayers are not footing the bill for those hiding assets offshore,” said IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman. “People are finding it tougher and tougher to keep their assets hidden in offshore accounts.”

Shulman said the IRS offshore voluntary disclosure programs have so far resulted in the collection of more than $5 billion in back taxes, interest and penalties from 33,000 voluntary disclosures made under the first two programs. In addition, another 1,500 disclosures have been made under the new program announced in January.

Voluntary Disclosure Program

The voluntary disclosure programs are part of a wider effort by the IRS to stop offshore tax evasion and ensure tax compliance. This includes beefed up enforcement, criminal prosecution and implementation of third-party reporting through the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).


The IRS also closed a loophole that’s been used by some taxpayers with offshore accounts. Under existing law, if a taxpayer challenges in a foreign court the disclosure of tax information by that government, the taxpayer is required to notify the U.S. Justice Department of the appeal.

The IRS said that if the taxpayer fails to comply with this law and does not notify the U.S. Justice Department of the foreign appeal, the taxpayer will no longer be eligible for the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP). The IRS also put taxpayers on notice that their eligibility for OVDP could be terminated once the U.S. government has taken action in connection with their specific financial institution.


Additional details of these eligibility issues are available in a new set of questions and answers released today on the current OVDP, which was announced in January (see IR-2012-5). The IRS reopened the OVDP following continued strong interest from taxpayers and tax practitioners after the closure of the 2011 and 2009 programs.

This program – which helps bring people back into the tax system — will be open for an indefinite period until otherwise announced. The program is similar to the 2011 program in many ways, but with a few key differences. Unlike last year, there is no set deadline for people to apply. However, the terms of the program could change at any time going forward.

Under the current OVDP, the offshore penalty has been raised to 27.5 percent from 25 percent in the 2011 program. The reduced penalty categories of 5 percent and 12.5 percent are still available.

The IRS also announced a plan to help U.S. citizens residing overseas to catch up with tax filing obligations and assistance for people with foreign retirement plan issues.

Expatriates – Ex-Pat’s File Back Tax Returns – Former IRS Agents – Tax Attorneys, CPA’s, Former IRS Agents – Worry Free

Expatriates – Ex Pat’s file Back Tax Returns – Former IRS Agents – Tax Attorneys, CPA’s, Former IRS Agents – Worry Free

If you are an Ex-Pat or you are working overseas you should be aware of the U.S. tax filing requirements.

Fresh Start Tax L.L.C. is a tax specialty firm specializing in Expatriates living overseas. We handle all areas of filing and tax compliance from the filing of all current tax returns, back or late filing of income tax returns and the settlements of back taxes that may be owed. We are IRS Tax Experts in Offers in Compromise.

We offer a no cost professional tax consultation.

Americans that are working overseas are usually aware that $70,000 of foreign earned income can be exempted when certain foreign residency requirements are met.

What is not obvious – Caution

It may not be so obvious, however, that every year a federal tax return should be filed reporting that income.

The reasons for Non- filing are numerous and vast.

Usually, United States IRS tax forms are not available and many of those forms are available but incomprehensible or the tax year for the employer is different from a calendar year so it’s hard to figure out income.

Many taxpayers are simply aware that a tax filing requirement even existed.

Reasonable Cause Does Exist-Get rid of the Penalties completely.

Reasonable cause can exist for a variety of reasons. Many times it is not always clear to the taxpayer that it is necessary to file a federal tax income tax return since it was not even known that there was a tax obligation. Many times taxpayers did not receive income reports or they depended on other third parties who gave them the wrong information.

Whatever the reason, it usually happens at some point that the taxpayer becomes aware of the fact that a U.S. tax return should have been filed and now the taxpayer is in default on that tax obligation to file current  tax returns. Many find out they should have been filing many years of back taxes. Not to worry.

You can look at our website for a comprehensive list of of reasonable cause.

We are comprised of Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS Agents.

Expatriates, Ex-Pat’s File Back Tax Returns call us today. 1-866-700-1040


FBAR – Offshore Voluntary Disclosure – Tax Attorneys, IRS Tax Experts – Former IRS – Tax Representation


FBAR – Offshore Voluntary Disclosure – Tax Attorneys, IRS Tax Experts – Former IRS – Tax Representation

Have IRS Tax Experts in FBAR in the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) represent you before the Internal Revenue. Why call any other tax firm when we worked for the IRS and know there tax policies and procedures.

Our team is comprised of Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS agents, managers and teaching instructors with the IRS.

We have over 205 years of professional tax experience and over 60 years working directly with the IRS.

As you may know the Internal Revenue Service  ( IRS ) reopened the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program to help people hiding offshore accounts get current with their taxes and announced the collection of more than $4.4 billion so far from the two previous international programs.


The third offshore program.

The Third and new Offshore Program comes as the IRS continues working on a wide range of international tax issues and follows ongoing efforts with the Justice Department to pursue criminal prosecution of international tax evasion.

This 3rd program will be open for an indefinite period until otherwise announced. The IRS has collected far more money than expected and this program will continue to generate large dollars of revenue into the federal government.

The new OVD program is similar to the 2011 program in many ways, but with a few key differences.

There is no set deadline for people to apply.


However, the terms of the program could change at any time going forward. For example, the IRS may increase penalties in the program for all or some taxpayers or defined classes of taxpayers – or decide to end the program entirely at any point.

The third offshore effort comes as Shulman also announced today the IRS has collected $3.4 billion so far from people who participated in the 2009 offshore program, reflecting closures of about 95 percent of the cases from the 2009 program. On top of that, the IRS has collected an additional $1 billion from up front payments required under the 2011 program. That number will grow as the IRS processes the 2011 cases.


In all, the IRS has seen 33,000 voluntary disclosures from the 2009 and 2011 offshore initiatives. We are expecting those numbers to soar.

Since the 2011 program closed last September, hundreds of taxpayers have come forward to make voluntary disclosures.

Those who have come in since the 2011 program closed last year will be able to be treated under the provisions of the new OVDP program.

The overall penalty structure for the new program is the same for 2011, except for taxpayers in the highest penalty category. It is best to look into the abate of certain penalties as it relates to FBAR.


Penalty Structure

For the new program, the penalty framework requires individuals to pay a penalty of 27.5 percent of the highest aggregate balance in foreign bank accounts/entities or value of foreign assets during the eight full tax years prior to the disclosure.

That is up from 25 percent in the 2011 program. Some taxpayers will be eligible for 5 or 12.5 percent penalties; these remain the same in the new program as in 2011.

Participants must file all original and amended tax returns and include payment for back-taxes and interest for up to eight years as well as paying accuracy-related and/or delinquency penalties.

Participants face a 27.5 percent penalty, but taxpayers in limited situations can qualify for a 5 percent penalty. Smaller offshore accounts will face a 12.5 percent penalty. People whose offshore accounts or assets did not surpass $75,000 in any calendar year covered by the new OVDP will qualify for this lower rate.

As under the prior programs, taxpayers who feel that the penalty is disproportionate may opt instead to be examined.


Call us today for a no cost professional consult and speak direct to a tax attorney who is a true IRS tax expert.

We specialize in all areas of Ex- Pats Tax Representation.


Expatriate Tax Returns for Those Living in England

Expatriates File Tax Returns – Living in England 1-866-700-1040


Let Former IRS Agents and CPA’s  help reduce your tax debt.

We understand all the tax exclusions related to expatriate tax returns, and will help figure out how you can pay the lowest amount allowed by law.

If you are now living in England and need to file American tax returns call us today and we can fully take care of all your tax matters.

Free tax consultations. 1-866-700-1040.We also have on staff IRS tax attorneys and lawyers.

We have on staff Board Certified Tax Attorneys ( Experts in Expatriate Tax Law ), CPA’s and Former IRS Agents who have over 60 years with the IRS in the local , district and regional offices of the Internal Revenue Service.

We taught Tax Law at the IRS.


Those living in England


We want to remind those living in England and needing to file American expatriate taxes  the option to e-file. E-filing has become the most popular way to file American expatriate taxes with nearly 80% of taxpayers choosing to file electronically.

More than one billion individual tax returns safely and securely filed online, and we what to  remind our taxpayers clients why it has become the very best option for filing.


The benefits of  E-File an American Expatriate Tax Return:


1. Safety, peace of mind, and security.

E-file providers must meet strict guidelines and provide the best in encryption technology. You receive an acknowledgement within 48 hours that the IRS received your return. If the IRS rejects the return, the receipt will explain why so you can quickly correct and resubmit.


2.  Much Faster refunds.

An e-filed tax return normally means a fast refund. If you combine e-file and direct deposit the IRS can typically issue your refund in as few as 10 days. About three of four taxpayers receive a refund and last year the average refund was approximately $2,900.


3. Different payment options.

If you e-file you can file early and set an automatic payment withdrawal date for any date on or before the April due date. You may also pay by paper check or even by credit card.

We can also file all back, late or past due tax returns and work out a tax settlement if necessary.


Expatriate File Tax Returns – England – IRS Experts, Former IRS – Affordable


Filing Back, Late, Past Due Tax Returns – Expatriate – IRS Tax Experts – Former IRS Agents

If you are a Ex-Pat and have late, past due, back or unfiled tax returns contact us today for a free tax consultation to completely resolve your tax problem.

We can get you back in the system worry free.

Being Former IRS Agents and Managers we know the system because we were former IRS teaching Agents. We know all the tax procedures and protocols.

We have on staff CPA’s and Tax Attorneys to help deal with any and all tax situations.

We have successfully filed and prepared thousands of back, late, unfiled, past due tax returns.

We will handle all IRS negotiations so you will never be bothered with the IRS.

Should you owe any back taxes we can work out tax settlements  called offers in compromise so you will not be effected in any way with the tax debt.

Call us for a free tax consult and speak directly to a tax professional.

Filing Dates for tax Returns:

March 15th Form 1120 and 1120S – Due date for US Corporations and Sub-chapter S corporation unless extended with tax Form 7004.

March 15th – Due date of Form 3520A for foreign trusts

April 15th-  Due date for payment of any taxes due for previous calendar year (though if you are living abroad on 4/15 your tax return gets an automatic extension until 6/15)

April 15th Due Date – Form 1040 ES – No 1 pay current years first installment of quarterly income and self employment taxes to avoid penalties.

June 15th Form 1040 ES – No 2 pay current years second installment of quarterly income and self employment taxes to avoid penalties.

June 15th Due date-  Expatriate tax return (for expatriate living abroad on 4/15) or time to file for an extension on Form 4868

June 30 Form TDF 90-22.1 US Treasury Form Report of Foreign Bank Accounts Due Date.

July 30th Due date –   Self Administered Pension Plan and 401K Tax Return From 5500 or 5500EZ

September 15th Form 1040 Due Date –  ES – No 3 pay current years third installment of quarterly income and self employment taxes to avoid penalties.

September 15th Extended Due Date –  U.S. Corporation Returns 1120 and 1120S

October 15th Final Expat Form 1040

January 15th Form 1040 ES – No 3 pay past calendar years fourth installment of quarterly income and self employment taxes to avoid penalties.

If you have penalties and interest that need to be addressed call us today to remove penalties and interest for reasonable cause.

Expatriate Tax Services – IRS Tax Experts – Former IRS, Tax Attorney, CPA – Affordable

If you are looking for true professional tax help, advice call Fresh Start Tax L.L.C. for a no cost tax consultation. 1-866-700-1040.

We are true tax experts.

We file all current tax return via e-file and we can file any multiple back, late, or unfiled years tax returns. Should you owe back taxes we can also work on a settlement  with the IRS called an offer in compromise or a tax debt settlement.

We can help audit proof your tax return. We have Former IRS Agents and IRS Audit Managers review your tax returns and conduct a pre-audit review to ensure a safe  and worry free return. We also take assertive positions to reduce your tax liability so you pay the lowest tax allowed by law.

We are staffed with Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS agents, managers and instructors who have over 205 years of professional tax experience and over 60 years of working directly for the Internal Revenue Service.

Expert Expatriate Tax Services, Tax Consultation and Tax Advise.

We will review all of your U.S. Tax Obligations while living abroad and make determinations of which events are and or not taxable.

We also will review all Earned Income exclusions to give you every tax benefit available  to you.

We also go over all the tax treaties which range and cover over 60 countries. We review all social security, medicare and self employment tax issues.

U.S. Social Security, Medicare, and Self-Employment Taxes

If you are an offshore employee of a U.S. corporation, that employer will normally withhold Social Security and Medicare taxes on your W-2 earnings.

Should you be  working for a United States based employer in one of the 20-plus countries with which the U.S. has established a Social Security Totalization Treaty, you may be able to cite a closer connection to the foreign country and participate in that country’s social insurance system, and not have U.S. Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from your United States pay.

Call us today for a free tax consultation, 1-866-700-1040.