83 days, 13 hrs, 31 min, 54 sec
Florida’s Tax Amnesty Days End September 30, 2010

* Apply for tax amnesty by contact a tax professional thru Fresh Start Tax  You can start today by emailing us or contacting us directly. 1-866-700-1040  Reasonable Fees for professional representation
Florida’s tax amnesty program is an opportunity for taxpayers to voluntarily pay overdue taxes with no penalty and reduced interest. Find out more about how you can save money with amnesty.
Pay no penalty and only 1/2 the interest due, if you:
* Are reporting a tax liability that the Department of Revenue did not know about.
* Are filing a late return for a tax obligation previously unknown to Department of Revenue
* Are responding to a Letter of Inquiry or a self-audit request.
Pay no penalty and only 3/4 of the interest due, if you:
* Are responding to a Department of Revenue bill, delinquency, audit, or other assessment.
Who is eligible?
You and your business are eligible if your liability for tax, penalty, or interest was due before July 1, 2010 and:
* You complete a Tax Amnesty Agreement.
* Your liability is not already covered by a settlement or payment agreement.
* You are not under criminal investigation, indictment, information, or prosecution regarding a Florida revenue law.
* You are not under a pretrial intervention or diversion program, probation, community control, or in a work camp, jail, state prison, or another correctional system regarding a Florida revenue law.
What taxes are eligible?
All taxes administered by the Department of Revenue are eligible, except unemployment tax and Miami-Dade County Lake Belt Fees. See a list of all eligible taxes.
List of eligible taxes

* Communications services
* Corporate income and emergency excise tax
* Documentary stamp
* Estate
* Fuel taxes (including local option taxes)
* Governmental leasehold intangible personal property tax
* Gross receipts tax on utility services
* Insurance premium taxes, surcharges, and fees
* Local option tourist development taxes administered by DOR and counties that self-administer tourist development taxes that have opted into the amnesty program
* Motor vehicle warranty fee (“lemon law”)
* Nonrecurring intangible personal property tax
* Pollutants taxes
* Sales and use tax (including discretionary sales surtaxes)
* Severance taxes (gas and sulfur, oil production, solid minerals)
* Solid waste and surcharge fees (rental car surcharge, tire and battery fees, gross receipts tax on dry cleaning)
Do you know if you owe?
Although most business owners do their best to comply with all revenue laws, mistakes do occur. See examples of some commonly overlooked taxes.
You must submit a Tax Amnesty Agreement (online or paper form) by September 30, 2010.
The fastest and easiest way to apply for amnesty is to do it online. You will receive an amnesty agreement number once you have submitted all the required information. If you do not complete the agreement online, be sure to fill out a paper Tax Amnesty Agreement (Form DR-100000) and mail it to:
Tax Amnesty
Florida Department of Revenue
Post Office Box 5138
Tallahassee FL 32314-5138
You must complete a Tax Amnesty Agreement to participate!
In these situations, it is best to contact a professional at Fresh Start Tax to handle this complete situation so you never have to answer an questions ask by the State. Call us today, time if running out.