Florida Tax = Unfiled, Back, Past Due State or Sales Tax Returns = Fresh Start Tax 1-866-700-1040, Former Agents

Fresh Start Tax

Need to file back Sales Tax Returns *Call the Tax Professionals at Fresh Start Tax 1-866-700-1040

Are you are having problems and for various reasons have not filed Sales Tax returns? You should call Fresh Start Tax today. We have experienced tax professional that can help you through this situation.
The Florida Department of Revenue (DOR) has been recently cracking down on those businesses in the State of Florida that for whatever reason failed to file sales tax returns.
The State has been aggressively filing tax warrants and freezing back accounts until the business comes up with a workable plan to satisfy the State of Florida.
Now is the very best time to resolve these issues because there is a general amnesty period going on in the State of Florida right now.
Fresh Start Tax is located in Ft.Lauderdale Florida and represents all individuals and business in the State of Florida. Fresh Start Tax and its officers have been serving taxpayers in the State of Florida for over 28 years.
Representation Issues offered by Fresh Start Tax include all 36 taxes imposed by the State of Florida
State of Florida sales tax representation includes the following matters with the Florida Department of Revenue:
* Tax audits on any and all sales tax issues and matters
* Non-filing matters
* Criminal investigations
* Department of Revenue enforcement action or warrant proceedings
* Stipulated time payments
* Requests for settlements or Compromise
Fresh Start Tax is compromised of Board Certified Tax Attorney’s, CPA”S, enrolled agents, former IRS Agents, Former Department of Revenue Tax Audit Manager. The firm has extensive experience for all tax issues and are one of the most regarded firms in the area of tax controversy. With one simple call, let one of our professionals contact the State of Florida and begin to resolve your case today. You will never have to speak to the State of Florida or any government agents. We do it all
Let today be the very last day of your tax problem. Get a Fresh Start by calling 1-866-700-1040. See our home page www.freshstarttax.com

Problems with State of Florida Tax Issue = Owe, File, Settle = Fresh Start Tax 1-866-700-1040

Fresh Start Tax

If you are having State of Florida Tax issues, hire one of the best companies in Florida. Call Fresh Start Tax at 1-866-700-1040.

The State of Florida is having to raise billions and billions of dollars to make up for the budget shortfall. One of the ways they will make that happen is by keeping a closer eye on the 33 taxes imposed by Florida Law.
Fresh Start Tax has been seeing an influx in the number in audits in a variety of areas that the State of Florida , Department of Revenue (DOR) imposes.
Fresh Start Tax has also seen a number of follow ups in the tax warrant section where as the State has been sending out levies freezing bank accounts to pay the back sales, use of other taxes owed to the State of Florida.
Most of the time the taxpayers get hold of professional companies too late and they are unable to help most taxpayers. Fresh Start Tax, because of the years of experience, can go into the State of Florida and start to unravel the problem area and get the taxpayer restored to full business health.
Fresh Start Tax is comprised of Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPAs, former Senior Manager at KPMG, S.A.L.T. ( State and Local Tax Division), enrolled agents and former IRS employees. These professionals with their wealth of experience, can help you through these temporary situations.
Representation Issues with the State of Florida Department of Revenue
The State of Florida sales tax representation includes the following matters with the Florida Department of Revenue (DOR):
* Tax audits on any and all sales tax issues and matters
* Non-filing matters
* Criminal investigations that are referred to attorneys that best fit your profile
* Department of Revenue enforcement action or warrant proceedings
* Stipulated time payments
* Requests for settlements
* Immediate tax warrant resolution
The keys to resolving your Florida Sales Tax Problem, DOR, Department of Revenue
There are several keys to make sure your case is resolved timely. These keys are necessary on every case. The Department of Revenue is interested in resolving the cases in their system. The DOR goal is to close cases and get them out of their inventory.
Here are the keys necessary to stop enforcement action on your back taxes.
* Have all your tax returns filed before you call Florida Sales Tax and the Department of Revenue on your back tax issues.
* Be prepared to give the Department of Revenue a financial statement whether you are a hardship candidate, want an installment agreement or want to settle your case.
* Be prepared to give the Department of Revenue all supporting documentation to prove your financial statement.
* Make sure you are current on deposit requirements.
How to stop Florida Sales Tax collection enforcement on your back sales tax
* Contact the Department of Revenue on your back tax problem as soon as you become aware of the situation or receive a letter.
* Let a professional tax company contact Florida Sales Tax before they start to take enforcement action and file warrants and/or make this a criminal case.
* Utilize the settlement program to reduce your tax debt, if you qualify.
* Contact Fresh Start Tax, we are the true professionals in the State of Florida
We would welcome the opportunity as tax consultants to meet with you on a complimentary basis to discuss how we can help your business save money and increase profits. For a free consultation, please email or call us today to schedule a meeting.
Contact the professionals at Fresh Start Tax today, call 1-866-700-1040
www.freshstarttax.com skype password: freshstarttax

Florida Corporate Income Tax Audit? Hire one of the best firms in Florida

Florida Corporate Income Tax Audit? Hire the best in the State of Florida. Call 1-866-700-1040
Are you having a State of Florida, Department of Revenue Tax Audit? If you are, you should be aware of the Professional Tax Team at Fresh Start Tax. The professionals at Fresh Start Tax are Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPAs, enrolled agents and former IRS and Department Of Revenue Tax Audit Manager. Our expertise includes all 33 Department of Revenue (DOR), State of Florida tax industries, from food and beverage, manufacturing, leasing, boat deals, department stores, mobile homes, drinking establishments and contractors, just to name a few. Some services our Team offers also include Unemployment Tax, Self Audits and Compliance Review, Discretionary Sales Surtax and State Tax Refunds.
There are many reasons you do not want to represent yourself. You will be eaten alive. As a former government agent I loved to see taxpayers come in with representation. The average person has no way to determine the bar or the standard in any given situation. As former government employees, we know all the patterns, the internal coding and the necessary steps to show you in the very best light.
Some of the benefits of immediate professional tax and audit representation for Florida Corporate Income Tax Audits:
* You do not have to talk with the State of Florida, Department of Revenue Auditor(DOR)
* You know your case will be handled and resolved as fast as possible
* You know you are getting the very best solution humanly possible
The dangers of self representation:
* Be aware of the far reaching power of the State of Florida
* Be aware of the detailed asset search that the State can use
* Be aware that the State of Florida is also conducting an asset search for enforcement action as well
Why the State of Florida, Department of Revenue will work better with a professional tax company than the taxpayer:
* Professionals know what the Department of Revenue is looking for
* Professionals know the exact packaging required
* Professionals know the applicable way to close the case as fast as possible
* Many times, we may have to deal with the agent to understand their closing techniques
If you are having any issue whatsoever with the State of Florida, Department of Revenue (DOR), or need any legal advise or counseling, please call us at Fresh Start Tax today. Our professionals have over 100 years of tax experience in the State of Florida alone.
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Owe State of Florida, Tax Warrant = Resolve your Back Tax Problem, 1-866-700-1040, Former Agents

Fresh Start Tax
Have a State of Florida Tax Warrant? Let former Department of Revenue Tax Audit Managers Represent you today. Call 1-866-700-1040. Get Local representation

Has the State of Florida, Department of Revenue seized or frozen your business or your bank account?
This problem will never go away until you deal with it straight up.
The Department of Revenue (DOR) will keep this case in their open inventory until they put enough pressure on you to make you scream. They must find a closing procedure to close this case in their inventory.
Here is where the Fresh Start Tax Team can significantly change the outcome of your case.
Our team of tax experts include former Department of Revenue Tax Audit Managers who were also former IRS Group Managers in the Tax Audit Division. Together, we have over 100 years of both Sales and Use Tax and IRS experience.
Florida’s Delinquent Taxpayers General Information
The Florida Department of Revenue received authority from the 2010 Legislature to publish a list of the names of people who have not paid their taxes.
These taxpayers have failed to pay or arrange to pay their debt, despite repeated attempts by the Department to collect the amount due. Now is the time to save and get your penalties waived!
Taxpayers on this list can take advantage of Florida’s Tax Amnesty Program. Under amnesty, you will pay no penalties and receive a 25% reduction in the amount of interest owed. But don’t delay, tax amnesty ends September 30.
The names were selected according to the following criteria:
* Taxpayers who have unsatisfied tax warrants or liens totaling $100,000 or more, and
* In counties where no taxpayer has warrants or liens totaling $100,000, the two taxpayers with the highest amount of warrants or liens are included.
Taxpayers who are in bankruptcy, who have entered into and are current on a stipulated payment agreement, or who have in place a payment agreement with the Department, are excluded.
The warrant or lien is a public record filed with the Clerk of Court or other government office in the county where the taxpayer is located. The list is published according to Chapter 2010-138, Laws of Florida.
How to close your Department of Revenue Sales Tax and Use Tax Cases
* Pay the amount in full.
* Enter a stipulated payment agreement.
* Provide information to prove the amount on the warrant is not due.
* Hire a tax professional
Fresh Start Tax is a true professional Tax Resolution Company. Please contact us by email, telephone or Skype. We are simply the very best in the business.
skype password : freshstarttax

Tax Representation for Sales and Use Tax Audits – State of Florida – Former Audit Managers, Affordable Experts

Fresh Start Tax

Fresh Start Tax has the services of former AFFORADBLE Department of Revenue Tax Audit Managers at their disposal for any and all cases involving the State of Florida, Department of Revenue.

These individuals are experts in the field of Florida  tax audits (sales and use), tax warrants,consultation, and other Florida Sales Tax areas.
The different industries of specialization include:
Food and beverage, automobile dealers, manufacturing and fabricating, all contractors, leasing, hotel, motel, drinking establishments, boat dealers, admissions and amusements commercial clubs, research and development, jewelry, art dealers,interior designers, second hand stores, mobile homes, office equipment, vending machines and an array of other industries.
The State of Florida has 33 different taxes that companies can be held responsible for.
Their is no better persons working your case than former employees of the State of Florida Department of Revenue and former IRS employees.  Fresh Start Tax has former employees of both government agencies at your disposal. The representation includes both small dollar work as well as large corporations including the automobile industry.
Call us today at Fresh Start Tax 1-866-700-1040 if you have any issues with State of Florida Tax or Use tax audits or Tax Warrants issued against your business.



83 days, 13 hrs, 31 min, 54 sec

Florida’s Tax Amnesty Days End September 30, 2010

* Apply for tax amnesty by contact a tax professional thru Fresh Start Tax  You can start today by emailing us or contacting us directly. 1-866-700-1040  Reasonable Fees for professional representation

Florida’s tax amnesty program is an opportunity for taxpayers to voluntarily pay overdue taxes with no penalty and reduced interest. Find out more about how you can save money with amnesty.

Pay no penalty and only 1/2 the interest due, if you:

* Are reporting a tax liability that the Department of Revenue did not know about.
* Are filing a late return for a tax obligation previously unknown to Department of Revenue
* Are responding to a Letter of Inquiry or a self-audit request.

Pay no penalty and only 3/4 of the interest due, if you:

* Are responding to a Department of Revenue bill, delinquency, audit, or other assessment.

Who is eligible?

You and your business are eligible if your liability for tax, penalty, or interest was due before July 1, 2010 and:

* You complete a Tax Amnesty Agreement.
* Your liability is not already covered by a settlement or payment agreement.
* You are not under criminal investigation, indictment, information, or prosecution regarding a Florida revenue law.
* You are not under a pretrial intervention or diversion program, probation, community control, or in a work camp, jail, state prison, or another correctional system regarding a Florida revenue law.

What taxes are eligible?

All taxes administered by the Department of Revenue are eligible, except unemployment tax and Miami-Dade County Lake Belt Fees. See a list of all eligible taxes.
List of eligible taxes

* Communications services
* Corporate income and emergency excise tax
* Documentary stamp
* Estate
* Fuel taxes (including local option taxes)
* Governmental leasehold intangible personal property tax
* Gross receipts tax on utility services
* Insurance premium taxes, surcharges, and fees
* Local option tourist development taxes administered by DOR and counties that self-administer tourist development taxes that have opted into the amnesty program
* Motor vehicle warranty fee (“lemon law”)
* Nonrecurring intangible personal property tax
* Pollutants taxes
* Sales and use tax (including discretionary sales surtaxes)
* Severance taxes (gas and sulfur, oil production, solid minerals)
* Solid waste and surcharge fees (rental car surcharge, tire and battery fees, gross receipts tax on dry cleaning)

Do you know if you owe?

Although most business owners do their best to comply with all revenue laws, mistakes do occur. See examples of some commonly overlooked taxes.
You must submit a Tax Amnesty Agreement (online or paper form) by September 30, 2010.

The fastest and easiest way to apply for amnesty is to do it online. You will receive an amnesty agreement number once you have submitted all the required information. If you do not complete the agreement online, be sure to fill out a paper Tax Amnesty Agreement (Form DR-100000) and mail it to:

Tax Amnesty
Florida Department of Revenue
Post Office Box 5138
Tallahassee FL 32314-5138

You must complete a Tax Amnesty Agreement to participate!

In these situations, it is best to contact a professional at Fresh Start Tax to handle this complete situation so you never have to answer an questions ask by the State. Call us today, time if running out.
