BACK TAX RETURNS – Get back in the system without Worry – Ft.Lauderdale, Miami, Palm Beaches, Boca

August 15, 2013
Written by: Fresh Start Tax

Fresh Start Tax
We can get you back in the IRS system worry free.
As former IRS agents and managers with over 60 combined years in the local South Florida Internal Revenue Service we can get your back tax returns filed and your case settled and you will never have to speak to the Internal Revenue Service.
Stop the worry today.
A tax myth
Being a former IRS agent and teaching instructor I found that once taxpayers did not file multiple back tax returns fear set in and they would just stop filing. This fear will literally cripple you.
However, that is all a myth! You can file these back tax returns without fear of IRS pouncing all over you.
The truth is, the IRS is just happy to have your back tax returns filed and most of the time they could care less whether they received 1 or 10 back tax returns.
IRS is just happy to have you back in the system. There are approximately 25,000,000 tax returns and IRS has not received and there is no way they can go after everyone but as time marches on IRS will find you. The golden rule here is to find IRS before they find you. If you file your tax returns before IRS contacts you there is little fear ever of a criminal investigation.
You may have lost a refund
Believe it or not many of these taxpayers who haven’t filed back tax returns have lost large amounts of tax refunds unless they were self-employed for all the years.
If you have had withholding taken out of your check for any of these years there’s an excellent chance you have missed out on back refunds.
The Snowball Effect
IRS knows that fear and anxiety cause taxpayers not to file back tax returns.
Once a taxpayer does not file the first tax return as a general rule the snowball effect continues. Taxpayers stay in that mode and every time April 15 comes along they start to shutter but then that April 15 passes and they pause a sigh of relief. But with every year the snowball gets larger and larger.
At some point you MUST decide to File Back Multiple Tax Returns
At some point in time there is a triggering mechanism that causes that taxpayer to realize they have to file their back tax returns.
Sometimes you may need him to qualify for a mortgage or loan or maybe guilt starts eating away. For many taxpayers a him read something in the newspaper or the media and they just know it’s time to get current and right with the Internal Revenue Service.
For some fear the element of going to jail and the possibility of a large criminal investigation drives taxpayers to file.
Whatever the reason at some point you must decide to file back multiple tax returns.
Advice from a Former IRS Agent
As a former IRS agent and teaching instructor I can tell you have no fear whatsoever to file your back tax returns. After they are prepared you can send them in all at one time. It is normal for IRS to save multiple tax returns because there are so many tax returns being filed each and every day. IRS does not take the time out to worry about every single individual taxpayer.
Chances of a tax audit for back tax returns
Believe it or not, the IRS will not pull the returns for audit unless you way are out of line for the normal tax filing norms. Your chances for a tax audit will be less than 1% because those are the national averages
Of all the back tax returns at our firm has filed I can only remember in one case in which a taxpayer was ever audited and that’s after 38 years private and public practice.
So do not be afraid to file back income tax returns.
If you are going to owe money as a results of filing Back Tax Returns
If you owe money as a result of filing back tax returns IRS will simply take a financial statement and determine the place you in one of three categories. This is a common procedure any time taxpayers or businesses own money.
Your current financial statement will either play shoe into a current tax hardship, have you eligible for an installment monthly payment plan or the filing of an offer in compromise to settle your tax debt as a result of the money you owe on your back tax returns
How many back years worth of tax return should I file of back tax returns
That is a question I am asked quite frequently by taxpayers who have not filed for the last 6 to 20 years and some have never filed.
As a general rule I tell taxpayers to file the last six tax returns.
Once those tax returns are processed on the system the Internal Revenue Service will let you know whether they want back tax returns are not. For the general taxpayer, filing 6 back tax returns will  satisfy the thirst of the Internal Revenue Service
So if you have to file back tax returns don’t be afraid just go for it. Hiring a professional company can make this process much easier because they know the exact system of how to get the tax returns process and accepted by the Internal Revenue Service.
Contact us today to learn more about the filing of back tax returns and settling your tax debt with the Internal Revenue Service.
We are comprised of tax attorneys, tax lawyers, certified public accountants, and former IRS agents, managers and tax instructors.
We are nationwide tax experts for the filing of back tax returns. You will never have to speak to the Internal Revenue Service.
BACK TAX RETURNS – Get back in the system without Worry – Ft.Lauderdale, Miami, Palm Beaches, Boca

Filed Under: Tax Returns



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