Removing your IRS Federal Tax Lien off Your Credit Report, Former IRS Agents, IRS Experts

Fresh Start Tax
One of the damaging aspects of the Federal Tax Lien is not only putting the public on notice that you owe federal tax dollars and that the lien attaches to all personal and real property that you own, BUT, it also will ruin your credit!
Once a creditor sees that a Federal Tax Lien has been filed, all credit is usually shut off and down until that tax lien has been released.
To get a Federal Tax Lien released you must generally pay the tax in full.
There are other ways and avenues to get your federal tax lien off your credit report.
To get a federal tax lien removed you will obviously get it released if you pay in full.
You can also file an offer in compromise, have accepted and meet the terms of the offer in compromise.
When you meet the terms Internal Revenue Service will release your federal tax lien.
If your tax debt is under $25,000 you could make three payments on a debit checking account and the IRS will release your federal tax lien as well.
We are a full service tax firm and have an expertise in all IRS matters.
If you  need to have a professional tax firm represent you for any IRS matter call us today for free initial tax consultation.
Removing your IRS Federal Tax Lien off Your Credit Report, Former IRS Agents, IRS Experts