by Fresh Start Tax | Feb 6, 2013 | Tax Help

IRS Problems – Owe Back Taxes, Back Returns, Tax Audits – Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm, The Florida Keys 954-492-0088
Let former IRS agents permanently and immediately resolve your IRS problems. Over 60 years of combined work experience.
Call or visit our office for free professional tax consultation and hear the truth about your situation. We are very affordable.
If you have IRS problems you can call us today for free professional tax consultation and hear about the different tax options you have in going ahead in permanently and immediately resolving your tax situation.
If you owe back taxes or have unfiled past-due tax returns or undergoing an IRS tax audit, we can help relieve the stress and worry that you have about your current tax situation.
We are comprised of tax attorneys, CPAs, and former IRS agents and managers.
We have over 60 years of direct work experience in the South Florida IRS offices have also taught tax law at the Internal Revenue Service.
All our work is done in-house and you should also know we do work for several firms who do not have tax departments.
With the new fresh start initiative introduced by IRS six months ago the Internal Revenue Service has made it much easier to go ahead and settle your back tax issues.
Back Tax Returns
Most people who have not filed back tax returns have a natural hesitation to come forward due to the spiraling effect the non filing has in a persons life. We can go ahead and prepare all your back tax returns and work out a tax settlement for you.
Whether you have little or few records we can still prepare your back tax returns as we are experts in tax reconstruction. Remember, at some point you’re going to have to get back in the system. We can make this a painless experience for you.
Do not let fear cripple you and not filing back tax returns. Being former IRS agents and managers we know the exact process on how to get you back in the system in a very painless manner
IRS Audit Technique Booklet
Audit Techniques Guides (ATGs)
Audit technique guides or resource used by the Internal Revenue Service to go ahead and perform tax audits for various businesses industries and individuals. If you are undergoing a tax audit it is best for you to review these audit technique guides to understand the different issues and the processes that IRS we used to conduct their tax audit.
These Audit Techniques Guides (ATGs) help IRS examiners during audits by providing insight into issues and accounting methods unique to specific industries. While ATGs are designed to provide guidance for IRS employees, they’re also useful to small business owners and tax professionals who prepare returns.
ATGs explain industry-specific examination techniques and include common, as well as, unique industry issues, business practices and terminology.
Tax Audit Guidance is also provided on the examination of income, interview techniques and evaluation of evidence.
So they may be helpful for business and tax planning purposes.
The new fresh start initiative by Internal Revenue Service to relieve IRS Problems
The Internal Revenue Service has expanded its “Fresh Start” initiative to help struggling taxpayers who owe taxes. The following four tips explain the expanded relief for taxpayers.
Penalty Relief for IRS Problems
Penalty Relief Part of the initiative relieves some unemployed taxpayers from failure-to-pay penalties. Penalties are one of the biggest factors a financially distressed taxpayer faces on a tax bill.
The new Fresh Start Penalty Relief Initiative gives eligible taxpayers a six-month extension to fully pay 2011 taxes. Interest still applies on the 2011 taxes from April 17, 2012 until the tax is paid, but you won’t face failure-to-pay penalties if you pay your tax, interest and any other penalties in full by Oct. 15, 2012.
The penalty relief is available to two categories of taxpayers:
1. Wage earners who have been unemployed at least 30 consecutive days
during 2011 or in 2012 up to this year’s April 17 tax deadline.
2. Self-employed individuals who experienced a 25 percent or greater
reduction in business income in 2011 due to the economy.
To qualify for this penalty relief, your adjusted gross income must not exceed $200,000 if married filing jointly or $100,000 if your filing status is single, married filing separately, head of household, or qualifying widower. Your 2011 balance due can not exceed $50,000.
Taxpayers who qualify need to complete a new Form 1127A to request the 2011 penalty relief.
Installment or part pay agreements plans
Installment agreements are a payment option for those who cannot pay their entire tax bill by the due date. The Fresh Start provisions give more taxpayers the ability to use streamlined installment agreements to catch up on back taxes and also more time to pay.
The new threshold for requesting an installment agreement has been raised from $25,000 to $50,000.
This option requires limited financial information, meaning far less burden to the taxpayer. The maximum term for streamlined installment agreements has been raised to six years from the current five-year maximum.
If your debt is more than $50,000, you’ll still need to supply the IRS with a Collection Information Statement (Form 433-A or Form 433-F).
You also can pay your balance down to $50,000 or less to qualify for this payment option.
With an installment agreement, you’ll pay less in penalties, but interest continues to accrue on the outstanding balance. In order to qualify for the new expanded streamlined installment agreement, you must agree to monthly direct debit payments.
The new offer in compromise program by the Internal Revenue Service
Offer in Compromise Under the first round of Fresh Start Program. The IRS expanded the Offer in Compromise (OIC) program to cover a larger group of struggling taxpayers. An Offer in Compromise is an agreement between a taxpayer and the IRS that settles the taxpayer’s tax liabilities for less than the full amount owed.
The IRS recognizes many taxpayers are still struggling to pay their bills so the agency has been working on more common-sense changes to the OIC program to more closely reflect real-world situations.
Generally, an offer in compromise will not be accepted if the IRS believes that the liability can be paid in full as a lump sum or through a payment agreement. The IRS looks at the taxpayer’s income and assets to make a determination regarding the taxpayer’s ability to pay.
Call our offices today to see if you qualify for an IRS tax settlement called an offer in compromise. We will evaluate your case for no charge and make sure you are qualified. Do not spend any money with attacks from going ahead and submitting an offer in compromise unless you are preapproved.
Call our team of tax attorneys, CPAs, or former IRS agents to learn more about the different tax options you have available for any IRS problem, unfiled or back tax returns or IRS tax settlement program.
IRS Problems – Owe Back Taxes, Back Tax Returns, Audits – Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm, the Florida Keys
by Fresh Start Tax | Sep 16, 2012 | Back Taxes, Representation, Tax Relief

Tax Resolution, Back Tax Returns, Local Tax Representation – Former IRS – Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm – Affordable 954-492-0088
Hire Former IRS agents who worked out the local IRS South Florida district and regional offices.
We have over 60 years of direct working experience at the local South Florida IRS.
We know all the settlement formulas and tax strategies to get you the results you need.
Stop your worry today. We tell your the truth so you can get past this problem in your life.
We taught Tax Law at the IRS. Turn to former IRS agents who know the system.
Tax Resolution, Back Tax Returns
For a majority of taxpayers looking for a tax resolution firm there are many places to turn in South Florida and there are several solid professionals in our area.
The average tax payer looking for tax resolution work needs to have back tax returns prepared and also needs to have skilled professional tax representation to resolve there tax problem issue to save them the most amount of money.
So where do you turn for Tax resolution, Back Tax Returns and Tax Representation ?
1. They have on staff Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPA’s.
2. They have on staff Former IRS Agents,
3. They have had a local presence for a minimum of 5 years,
4.They have an “A” rating with the Better Business Bureau,
5. They have no complaints filed against there business.
6. They will offer a no cost professional tax consult with a certified tax professional.
7. They will flat fee there rates so you know all the costs connected with your tax case and tax issues.
Remember, not all cases can be settled for pennies on a dollar. As a matter of fact only 12,000 cases in the US were settled by the IRS last year for less than full value.
Each case is very different and no two case are the same. Face to face meetings are best practices for all involved.
We are available at any time for a no cost professional consult 954-492-0088. We are friendly and affordable.
If you have back tax returns and you have lost your tax records, we can easily reconstruct your tax returns and settle your case.
We are one of South Florida’s lead firms for tax resolution, back tax returns and tax representation.
Tax Resolution, Back Tax Returns, Local Tax Representation – Former IRS – Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm – Affordable
by Fresh Start Tax | Sep 16, 2012 | Tax Help, Tax Problem Help
We are a local South Florida Tax Resolution Firm who has been practicing tax representation right here in South Florida since 1982.
We are one of the best Tax Resolution firms in South Florida. “A” Rated BBB.
We have on staff, Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and more importantly Former IRS Agents who worked out the local South Florida IRS offices as Agents, Instructors, Managers and Appeals Agents.
We have over 60 years of direct IRS working experience right here in South Florida.
We taught Tax Law at IRS.
We handle all facets of IRS representation. We are available for a no cost professional tax consultation where you can meet and speak directly to the tax professional who could potential be working your case. 954-492-0088. We are friendly and affordable.
What to look for in a Tax Resolution Company.
1. Credentials of tax professionals that the firm has on staff, check out firm bio page on Internet site.
2. The BBB rating of the tax firm.
3. Check out all complaints through consumer guides,
4. Length of time in business in South Florida,
5. Local professional experience,
6. Do they have Former local IRS Agents on there team,
7. Fees. Will they charge you a flat fee. do not allow for open ended fees.
You can visit our offices today and hear the truth about your case from a true tax professional and you will understand why we consider our self to be one of the very best tax resolution companies in South Florida.
by Fresh Start Tax | Jul 10, 2012 | Florida Sales Tax, Installment Agreements, IRS Tax Debt, IRS Tax Problem, Tax Help

Need Help with a Tax Debt – Former IRS Agents – Settlements, Negotiations, Immediate Tax Relief – Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, 954-492-0088
Who better to call than former IRS agents who worked out of the local IRS South Florida offices. we worked as agents, managers, instructors, and former IRS appellate agents.
We know all of the tax laws and settlement procedures if you need help with an IRS tax debt. We taught the policies to the new IRS agents as former IRS instructors.
Are you looking for immediate tax relief for “Help with a Tax Debt” ?
We are Former IRS Agents and Managers who worked out of the local South Florida IRS offices for over 60 years. We taught Tax Law at the IRS. We know the system.
We have worked in the collections, audit, and in the appeals functions with the local IRS.
We have a combined 205 years of professional tax experience.
If you retain us you will never speak to the IRS. Stop the worry about your tax debt today.
If you are currently experiencing a tax debt and need immediate tax help call us today for a no cost professional tax consult. 954-492-0088.
We can fully resolve your tax debt.
The IRS handles all tax debts the same way. There are usually 3 solutions to resolve your tax debt.
IRS will either resolve your case or tax debt with an:
1. Offer in Compromise or a filing of a tax debt settlement.
2. A payment or installment agreement,
3. Putting your case in currently non collectable or hardship.
IRS will determine the status of your case by reviewing your current financial statement which IRS will require.
You will need to fill out and complete IRS form 433A or 433 F with full documentation.
IRS will then discuss tax settlement for your situation or tax debt.
We can represent you before the IRS, settle and negotiate your case for the lowest amount allowed by federal law.
On cases that have current bank or wage levies we can get you immediate tax relief.
We will also file all back tax returns.
Call us today for a no cost consult. 954-492-0088
Need Help with a Tax Debt – Former IRS Agents – Settlements, Negotiations, Immediate Tax Relief – Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, West Palm
by steve | May 8, 2011 | IRS Tax Advice, Tax Help, Tax News

Fresh Start Tax LLC A Local South Florida Professional Tax Firm “A” Rated by the Better Business Bureau Practicing IRS Tax Representation since 1982 right here in South Florida 954-492-0088
Call us for IRS Tax Representation. We have over 205 years of total experience and worked for IRS in South Florida for over 60 years. We can do it all!
IRS Offices in South Florida:
Fort Lauderdale
7850 S.W. 6TH Court Plantation, FL 33324
Monday-Friday – 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
(954) 423-7300
West Palm Beach
1700 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Monday-Friday – 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
(561) 616-2002
51 SW First Ave.
Miami, FL 33130
Monday-Friday – 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
(305) 982-5077
For EITC assistance, this office will be open Saturday, Feb. 2, Saturday , Feb. 9 and Saturday , Feb. 16 from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m
Fresh Start Tax LLC:
- We are one of South Florida’s oldest, since 1982
- We are one of South Florida’s most trusted ,”A” Rated by the Better Business Bureau
- We are one of the most experienced, we have over 163 years of professional tax experience
Areas of Tax Practice:
- Immediate IRS Tax Representation
- Offers in Compromise/ IRS Tax Debt Settlement
- Immediate Release of Bank Garnishments or Wage Levies
- IRS Bill/Notice of “Intent to Levy” or Final Notices
- IRS Tax Audits Small and Large Dollar
- Hardships Cases / Unable to Pay
- Payment Plans, Installment Agreements
- Innocent Spouse Relief
- Abatement of Penalties and Interest
- State Sales Tax Cases
- Payroll/ Trust Fund Penalty Cases