IRS Levy took your Paycheck, Salary, Wages, What to do – FAST AFFORDABLE HELP

Fresh Start Tax
IRS Levy took your Paycheck, Salary, Wages – How to get immediate tax relief
Sometimes like a thief in the night you find out that your paycheck, salary or wages have been levied by Internal Revenue Service and you have no money to go ahead and pay your bills and immediate panic sets in.
The process to get your paycheck, salary or wages back in your pocket is a very simple process.
Taxpayers are levied because they fail to answer an IRS notice, letter or IRS contact.
Many times because taxpayers have moved or change their telephone numbers they are never contacted by the Internal Revenue Service. After IRS’s final notice goes out the IRS computer system systematically sends out IRS levies on paychecks, salaries and wages.
But the good news is it very possible to get your IRS levy released and get your money back in your pocket.
IRS will need a current financial statement and that will be made on form 433-F.Find that form on our website.
IRS will want that financial statement fully documented along with copies of pay stubs,  bank statements, and copies and proof of all your monthly expenses.
IRS has certain formulas based on the national standard tests that you can find on our website. They apply those standard test against your income.
After the Internal Revenue Service analyzes your financial statement against those national standards  one of three recommendations will be made.
IRS will then release your paycheck, salary, or wages and settle your case.
Three ways IRS will close your case.
IRS will either play your case into:

  • a currently not collectible file where you will usually remain there for two or three years,
  • IRS will recommend a monthly installment agreement for a period of time, or
  • IRS will let you know that you are a suitable candidate to make an offer in compromise and settle your back tax debt for pennies on the dollar.

You must know that not everybody is eligible to settle their tax debt for pennies on the dollar.
To find out quickly if you are a settlement candidate and with no cost simply go to our website and fill out the IRS pre-qualifier tool for the offer in compromise and you can find out for yourself whether you are a qualified candidate to file the offer in compromise.
If you need immediate help contact us today and you can speak directly to a tax attorney, certified public accountant, or former IRS agent, manager and tax instructor who will give you a no cost tax assessment and let you know the best, easiest and most affordable way to settle your IRS tax debt.
So if the IRS levy took your paycheck, salary or wages do not panic.
Important Note
Also  know that you will need to file all your tax returns and get them current with the Internal Revenue Service.
As a general rule, if the IRS is levied your paycheck, salary or wages and they check their computer system and find out you have not filed  back tax returns, the IRS flatly can refuse to release your wages or salary back to you.
Call us today and get your life back in order. We are the fast, friendly and affordable tax firm.

STOP IRS Levy + Salary, Wages, Bank Accounts + We can STOP IRS NOW

Fresh Start Tax
STOP IRS Levy + Salary, Wages, Bank Accounts – We can STOP the NOW
The very best way to stop the IRS is with former IRS agents and managers who know the system.
We not only will get IRS to stop your levy on salary, wages or bank accounts we will also close and settle your case off the IRS enforcement computer.
We have over 60 years of combined work experience in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the Internal Revenue Service.
While employed at IRS we taught tax law to new agents. We can go ahead and stop levies on salary, wages and bank account levies quickly and for affordable pricing.
It is a very simple process to stop in Internal Revenue Service levy.
Two points of interest.
Bank Levy –  if you have received an IRS bank levy be advised that your money is frozen in that bank account for a period of 21 days. The Internal Revenue Service gives you approximately 3 weeks to call them and give them the necessary information so they can release the levy and work out a temporary settlement with them.
Wage, Salary Levy –  Unlike the bank levy, a wage or salary levy is an immediate seizure of your wages. It is a continuous levy and will occur every time payday comes.
To get your bank levy or your wage levy released you will need to submit  fully documented financial statement to the Internal Revenue Service so they can make a determination on your case. We can make this process extremely simple.

How we can immediately get Notices of Bank Levy and Wage Garnishment  Released.
As former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors we have issued thousands of IRS Wage/Garnishment and Bank Levies.
We know exactly how to quickly get them released.
1. We immediately send a power of attorney to the IRS letting them know we are now your representative. You will never have to speak to them and all correspondence and communication goes through our office.
2. We will make sure all your tax returns are filed and current. If your tax returns are not up to date, the IRS will refuse to work your case. This is leverage that they use to get you compliant. We can pull tax transcripts, file and prepare your tax returns within days, even if you have lost your tax records.
3. The IRS requires a current financial statement. We will secure a required 433-F (IRS financial statement), verify the income and expenses and work out a settlement agreement. The IRS will require a closing settlement method for each case.
4. We review with our clients how they want to settle their case. We get them an agreement based on their current financial needs.
IRS Tax Settlement Agreements can be in different forms:
a. Hardship Settlements.
Cases usually go into a 3 year suspended status because of an inability to pay. This is also called currently noncollectable. Your case will go into a hardship status because you do not have the income coming in to meet your current expenses. The IRS will use the National Standards Program to assess hardship.
b. Payment Agreements.
Cases can be closed with agreed upon monthly installment payments to the IRS. We will review the different programs the IRS uses for the lowest possible amount required.
c. Offer in Compromise.
There are three types of OICs:
The IRS may accept an Offer in Compromise based on three grounds:
1. Doubt as to Collectibility – Doubt exists that the taxpayer could ever pay the full amount of tax liability owed within the remainder of the statutory period for collection.
2. Doubt as to Liability – A legitimate doubt exists that the assessed tax liability is correct. Possible reasons to submit a doubt as to liability offer include:
(1) the examiner made a mistake interpreting the law,
(2) the examiner failed to consider the taxpayer’s evidence or
(3) the taxpayer has new evidence.
3. Effective Tax Administration/ Exceptional Circumstances – There is no doubt that the tax is correct and there is potential to collect the full amount of the tax owed, but an exceptional circumstance exists that would allow the IRS to consider an OIC. To be eligible for compromise on this basis, a taxpayer must demonstrate that the collection of the tax would create an economic hardship or would be unfair and inequitable.
Call us today and you can speak directly what tax professional at Fresh Start Tax. We are A+ rated and have been in practice since 1982.

STOP IRS Levy + Salary, Wages, Bank Accounts + We can STOP IRS NOW


Help with IRS LEVY – on Department of Defense, Army Corp, Social Security, Wages, Bank Accounts


Help with IRS  LEVY – on Department of Defense, Army Corp, Social Security, Wages, Bank Accounts   1-866-700-1040

The Internal Revenue Service has the ability to almost levy on anything. As a former IRS agent I know.
If you are experiencing an IRS Tax Levy call us today for free tax consultation and speak directly to a tax attorney, CPA, or former IRS agent.
We have over 60 years of working directly for the Internal Revenue Service  in the local, regional, and IRS district offices and we have over 205 years professional tax experience.
We are a full service tax firm and are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and more importantly we are fast and affordable.
We can help with any type of IRS tax levy that you have including levies on wages, bank accounts, Department of Defense levies an Army Corps levees. Call us today for free tax consultation.

Help with IRS tax Levy on Social Security Benefits Eligible for the Federal Payment Levy Program

Through the Federal Payment Levy Program (FPLP), Social Security benefit payments outlined in Title II of the Social Security Act, Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits, are subject to the 15-percent levy, to pay your delinquent tax debt.
However, benefit payments, such as lump sum death benefits and benefits paid to children, are not included in the FPLP. Additionally, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments, under Title XVI, and payments with partial withholding to repay a debt owed to Social Security are not levied through the FPLP.
Beginning February 2011, the FPLP may exclude certain delinquent taxpayers who receive social security payments if their income falls at or below certain established levels, based on the Department of Health and Human Services poverty guidelines.
Before your Social Security benefits are included in the FPLP, the IRS will send you a final notice of our intent to levy, with appeal rights, if one has not already been issued.
If we don’t hear from you, or if you have already received this notice, we will send you an additional notice CP 91 or CP 298, Final Notice Before Levy on Social Security Benefits, explaining that your Social Security benefits may be levied.

Help with an IRS tax levy on Department of Defense contractor or vendor payments

Department of Defense (DoD) contractor/vendor payments paid through the Defense Finance and Accounting Service’s (DFAS) payment systems. The FPLP will levy 100% of the payment.
Prior to April 8, 2012, some of the payments may have been levied for 15% of the payment.
Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) and the United States Postal Service (USPS) contractor/vendor/supplier payments. The ACOE payments are levied at 100% of the payment. Prior to May 9, 2012, the ACOE payments were levied for 15% of the payment. The USPS vendor/supplier payments are continuously levied at 100% for goods and services payments and 15% for non-goods and services payments.
Call us today for free tax consultation and get an immediate tax help and relief with your IRS Tax Levy.
The best way to handle this problem is head-on and let former IRS agents, managers and instructors not only get you a release of a tax levy but also get you a tax settlement as well.
When you call us you will not speak to a sales person but you will speak directly to a tax attorney, certified public accountant or former IRS agent.  1-866-700-1040
Help with IRS LEVY – on Department of Defense, Army Corp, Social Security, Wages, Bank Accounts