IRS Tax Levy Help – Bank, Wage Garnishment Levy *FAST, AFFORDABLE* Lansdale, Lebanon, Levittown, McKeesport

Fresh Start Tax


As former IRS agents who know the system, we can get your money back very quickly from the Internal Revenue Service.

 Stop being bullied from the IRS, call us today and get your money back now.

We know the system because we have over 60 years of working for the Internal Revenue Service in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the IRS.


What is needed to get your money back from the IRS because of a Tax levy

Because taxpayers have not responded to a final IRS notice sent to their last known address the IRS enforcement computer finds a levy sources that they have on their system through employers and banks that provide information to the IRS.

Not a human hand touches a levy.

The IRS Tax levies are generally sent 30 days after the final notice sent out from the Internal Revenue Service.

To get your money back from the Internal Revenue Service because of a levy, a taxpayer will need to send to IRS a current financial statement on form 433-F.

That financial statement you can find on our website.

The Internal Revenue Service will want to see full documentation to support the financial statement. This fully supported 433F will  include three months worth of bank statements, pay stubs, and copies of all monthly expenses.

The Internal Revenue Service will analyze your financial statement against the national norms and come up with the program and release your levy all at the same time.

When the IRS releases your levy they will usually put your case and close it in one of two methods.

The Internal Revenue Service will either place your case into an uncollected file because IRS does not feel you have the money at the current time or that you have excess money and will insist on a monthly installment.

Filing back tax returns

The Internal Revenue Service will do a full compliance check and make sure that all your tax returns are filed, current and up-to-date.  If your tax returns are not currently filed, IRS can refuse to issue a levy release.

We are A plus rated by the BBB, since 1982.


IRS Tax Levy Help – Bank, Wage Garnishment Levy  *FAST, AFFORDABLE*  Lansdale, Lebanon, Levittown, McKeesport

IRS Bank Levy, Wage Garnishment Levy, What You Need to Know, Former IRS Agents, IRS Tax Experts

Fresh Start Tax

There are generally two types of levies.

The IRS will send both of these levies out when working an open collection case.
The first type of levy is a wage garnishment levy.
The reason this levy is different is because it is a continuous levy.
It activates each and every paycheck period. It does not stop until the levy is released or until you quit.
The IRS by no means wants to take your paycheck each and every week, but does so because it has no choice until you get into compliance with their system.
The second type of levy is a bank or third party levy.
It takes effect only on the date, place, and time of service. It is a one time shot. To seize monies from this place again, the IRS must send out a new tax levy.
If you have received an IRS bank levy or wage garnishment,  call us today and as a general rule within 24 hours of receiving your current financial statement and full documentation we can get your IRS bank levy and wage garnishment released in your case closed.
Please keep in mind all your tax returns will have to be up-to-date with the Internal Revenue Service.
IRS Bank Levy, Wage Garnishment Levy, What You Need to Know, Former IRS Agents, IRS Tax Experts