IRS Tax Amnesty Program – Former IRS Agents – Highest Rated by BBB- IRS Tax Amnesty Program – Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm Beach,

Are you looking for IRS Tax Amnesty?  Let Fresh Start Tax 1-866-700-1040 help you permanently resolve your IRS issues so you never have to worry about this problem again.

We are former IRS Agents who worked the tax amnesty program or the correct name, the “Offer in Compromise Program” with the IRS. Not only did we work at the IRS, but were also former Managers and Instructors while there.
About our firm:
We are the best and guarantee to you the most honest and ethical care of your tax problem. We have the highest rating given by the Better Business Bureau. Check us out today. If we cannot help, we will not work your case.
You should also know tax amnesty is called for IRS purposes the “Offer in Compromise” program.
For your information. Must Read.
An offer in compromise (OIC) is an agreement between a taxpayer and the Internal Revenue Service that settles the taxpayer’s tax liabilities for less than the full amount owed. If the liabilities can be fully paid through an installment agreement or other means, the taxpayer will in most cases not be eligible for an OIC. For information concerning installment agreements, refer to Topic 202.
In most cases, the IRS will not accept an offer unless the amount offered by the taxpayer is equal to or greater than the reasonable collection potential (the RCP). The RCP is how the IRS measures the taxpayer’s ability to pay.
The RCP includes the value that can be realized from the taxpayer’s assets, such as real property, automobiles, bank accounts and other property. In addition to property, the RCP also includes anticipated future income, less certain amounts allowed for basic living expenses.         Call us if you need help through this, 1-866-700-1040
The IRS may accept an OIC based on three grounds.
First, acceptance is permitted if there is doubt as to liability. This ground is only met when genuine doubt exists that the IRS has correctly determined the amount owed.
Second, acceptance is permitted if there is doubt that the amount owed is collectible. This means that doubt exists in any case where the taxpayer’s assets and income are less than the full amount of the tax liability.
Third, acceptance is permitted based on effective tax administration. An offer may be accepted based on effective tax administration when there is no doubt that the full amount owed can be collected, but requiring payment in full would either create an economic hardship or would be unfair and inequitable because of exceptional circumstances.
In general, a taxpayer must submit a $150 application fee along with the Form 656. There are two exceptions to this requirement. First, no application fee is required if the offer is based on doubt as to liability. Second, the fee is not required if the taxpayer is an individual (not a corporation, partnership, or other entity) who qualifies for the low-income exception. This means that the taxpayer’s total monthly income falls at or below 250 percent of the poverty guidelines published by the Department of Health and Human Services. If the total monthly income falls at or below the poverty guidelines, the taxpayer may submit a Form 656-A (PDF), Income Certification for Offer in Compromise Application Fee and Payment, instead of the $150 application fee. The Form 656 package contains a worksheet and the IRS OIC Low Income Guidelines table to assist taxpayers in determining whether they qualify for the low-income exception. The Form 656-A and the worksheet must be submitted with the Form 656.
Taxpayers may choose to pay the offer amount in a lump sum or in installment payments. The tax law provides rules for “lump sum offers” and “periodic payment offers” submitted on or after July 16, 2006. A lump sum offer is defined as an offer payable in 5 or fewer installments. If a taxpayer submits a lump sum offer, the taxpayer must include with the Form 656 a nonrefundable payment equal to 20 percent of the offer amount. This payment is required in addition to the $150 application fee. The 20 percent amount is called “nonrefundable” because it cannot be returned to the taxpayer even if the offer is rejected or returned to the taxpayer without acceptance. The 20 percent amount will be applied to the taxpayer’s tax liability. The taxpayer has a right to specify the particular tax liability to which the IRS will apply the 20 percent amount.
The offer is called a “periodic payment offer” under the tax law if it is payable in 6 or more installments. When submitting a periodic payment offer, the taxpayer must include the first proposed installment payment along with the Form 656. This payment is required in addition to the $150 application fee. This amount is nonrefundable, just like the 20 percent payment required for a lump sum offer. Also, while the IRS is evaluating a periodic payment offer, the taxpayer must continue to make the installment payments provided for under the terms of the offer. These amounts are also nonrefundable. These amounts are applied to the tax liabilities and the taxpayer has a right to specify the particular tax liabilities to which the periodic payments will be applied.
Ordinarily, the statutory time within which the IRS may engage in collection activities is suspended during the period that the OIC is under consideration and is further suspended if the OIC is rejected by the IRS and the taxpayer appeals the rejection to the IRS Office of Appeals within 30 days from the date of the notice of rejection.
If the IRS accepts the taxpayer’s offer, the IRS expects that the taxpayer will have no further delinquencies and will fully comply with the tax laws. If the taxpayer does not abide by all the terms and conditions of the OIC, the IRS may determine that the OIC is in default. To avoid a default, the taxpayer must timely file all tax returns and timely pay all taxes for 5 years or until the offered amount is paid in full, whichever period is longer. When an OIC is declared to be in default, the agreement is no longer in effect and the IRS may then collect the amounts originally owed, plus interest and penalties.
If the IRS rejects an OIC, then the taxpayer will be notified by mail. The letter will explain the reason that the IRS rejected the offer and will provide detailed instructions on how the taxpayer may appeal the decision to the IRS Office of Appeals. The appeal must be made within 30 days from the date of the letter. In some cases, an OIC is returned to the taxpayer, rather than rejected, because the taxpayer has not submitted necessary information, has filed for bankruptcy, has failed to include a required application fee or nonrefundable payment with the offer, or has failed to file tax returns or pay current tax liabilities while the offer is under consideration. A return is different from a rejection because there is no right to appeal the IRS’s decision to return the offer. IRS . gov has contributed to this writing.
Fresh Start Tax is one of the premier tax resolutions firms in the country. We deal with all types of civil cases including individuals, businesses, corporate and defunct corporations. We have staff that specializes in every facet of the Internal Revenue Service. We know all the IRS strategies. Some of our many specialties include the following:

  • Immediate Tax Representation
  • Offers in Compromise/Settlements
  • Back Tax Relief
  • Bank Garnishments or  Tax Levies
  • Wages Garnishments or Levies
  • IRS Notices of Intent to Levy or Final Notices
  • IRS Tax Audits
  • Hardships Cases, Payment Plans
  • Innocent Spouse
  • Abatement of Penalties and Interest
  • State Sales Tax Cases
  • Trust Fund Penalty Cases/ 6672

Our Company Resume:

  • Our staff has over 110 years of professional tax representation experience
  • On staff, Board Certified Tax Attorney’s, Certified Public Accountants, Enrolled Agents, Former IRS Manager, Instructor and Trainers
  • Highest Rating by the Better Business Bureau ” A ”
  • Extremely ethical and moral principles used
  • Fast, affordable, and economical
  • Licensed to practice in ALL 50 States
  • Premium on client communication
  • National Recognized Veteran Former IRS Agent
  • National Recognized Published Tax Expert

Sales Tax Problems – Ft. Lauderdale – Attorneys, CPA's, Former Agents – Sales Tax Experts


Fresh Start Tax

Sales Tax Problems – Ft. Lauderdale  – Affordable Tax Attorneys, CPA’s, Former Agents    954-492-0088, since 1982.

Call our tax firm today and speak directly to tax attorneys, CPAs, or former agents.
We have over 206 years professional tax experience and  we have over 60 years working directly for the Internal Revenue Service working as agents, instructors, and tax investigators for the Department of Treasury.
You can contact us today for a no-cost professional tax consultation and find out how to permanently end your sales tax problem.
If you are experiencing a tax audit or owe back sales tax we can end your problem today.
A word about Sales Tax Amnesty
Do you have a pending audit from the Dept. of Revenue, State of Florida or has a tax warrant been issued for outstanding tax liabilities.
Take immediate advantage of FLORIDA’S TAX AMNESTY!
You only have until Sept. 30, 2010 to apply. Call or CONTACT FRESH START TAX or email us on the web www.freshstarttax. 1-866-700-1040
Contact us to see if you qualify.
Our firm is comprised of former Dept. of Revenue Tax Experts and former Dept. employees!
Areas of Professional Tax Practice:

  • Same Day IRS Tax Representation
  • Offers in Compromise or IRS Tax Debt Settlements
  • Immediate Release of IRS Bank Levies or IRS Wage Garnishments
  • Tax Relief from a IRS Bill, Letter or Notice of “Intent to Levy”
  • IRS Tax Audits
  • IRS Hardships Cases or Unable to Pay
  • Payment Plans, Installment Agreements, Structured agreements
  • Abatement of Penalties and Interest
  • State Sales Tax Cases
  • Payroll / Trust Fund Penalty Cases / 6672
  • Filing Late, Back, Unfiled Tax Returns
  • Tax Return Reconstruction if Tax Records are lost or destroyed

Our Company Resume: ( Since 1982 )

  • Our staff has collectively over 205 years of Professional IRS Tax Representation Experience
  • On staff, Board Certified Tax Attorney’s, IRS Tax Lawyers, Certified Public Accountants, Enrolled Agents,
  • We taught Tax Law in the IRS Regional Training Center
  • Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors with over 60 years experience  in the local, district and regional IRS offices.
  • Highest Rating by the Better Business Bureau  “A”
  • Fast, affordable, and economical
  • Licensed and certified to practice in all 50 States

Sales Tax Problems – Ft. Lauderdale  – Attorneys, CPA’s, Former Agents – Sales Tax Experts

Sales Tax Problems – Ft. Lauderdale – Attorneys, CPA’s, Former Agents – Sales Tax Experts


Fresh Start Tax

Sales Tax Problems – Ft. Lauderdale  – Affordable Tax Attorneys, CPA’s, Former Agents    954-492-0088, since 1982.


Call our tax firm today and speak directly to tax attorneys, CPAs, or former agents.

We have over 206 years professional tax experience and  we have over 60 years working directly for the Internal Revenue Service working as agents, instructors, and tax investigators for the Department of Treasury.

You can contact us today for a no-cost professional tax consultation and find out how to permanently end your sales tax problem.

If you are experiencing a tax audit or owe back sales tax we can end your problem today.

A word about Sales Tax Amnesty

Do you have a pending audit from the Dept. of Revenue, State of Florida or has a tax warrant been issued for outstanding tax liabilities.

Take immediate advantage of FLORIDA’S TAX AMNESTY!
You only have until Sept. 30, 2010 to apply. Call or CONTACT FRESH START TAX or email us on the web www.freshstarttax. 1-866-700-1040
Contact us to see if you qualify.

Our firm is comprised of former Dept. of Revenue Tax Experts and former Dept. employees!

Areas of Professional Tax Practice:

  • Same Day IRS Tax Representation
  • Offers in Compromise or IRS Tax Debt Settlements
  • Immediate Release of IRS Bank Levies or IRS Wage Garnishments
  • Tax Relief from a IRS Bill, Letter or Notice of “Intent to Levy”
  • IRS Tax Audits
  • IRS Hardships Cases or Unable to Pay
  • Payment Plans, Installment Agreements, Structured agreements
  • Abatement of Penalties and Interest
  • State Sales Tax Cases
  • Payroll / Trust Fund Penalty Cases / 6672
  • Filing Late, Back, Unfiled Tax Returns
  • Tax Return Reconstruction if Tax Records are lost or destroyed

Our Company Resume: ( Since 1982 )

  • Our staff has collectively over 205 years of Professional IRS Tax Representation Experience
  • On staff, Board Certified Tax Attorney’s, IRS Tax Lawyers, Certified Public Accountants, Enrolled Agents,
  • We taught Tax Law in the IRS Regional Training Center
  • Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors with over 60 years experience  in the local, district and regional IRS offices.
  • Highest Rating by the Better Business Bureau  “A”
  • Fast, affordable, and economical
  • Licensed and certified to practice in all 50 States


Sales Tax Problems – Ft. Lauderdale  – Attorneys, CPA’s, Former Agents – Sales Tax Experts


Florida's Tax Amnesty Program

Florida’s Tax Amnesty Program – Call us at Fresh Start Tax to apply  1-866-700-1040 – Reduce your Bill today!

Who is eligible?

You and your business are eligible if your liability for tax, penalty, or interest was due before July 1, 2010 and:

  • You complete a Tax Amnesty Agreement.
  • Your liability is not already covered by a settlement or payment agreement.
  • You are not under criminal investigation, indictment, information, or prosecution regarding a Florida revenue law.
  • You are not under a pretrial intervention or diversion program, probation, community control, or in a work camp, jail, state prison, or another correctional system regarding a Florida revenue law.

What taxes are eligible?

All taxes administered by the Department of Revenue are eligible, except unemployment tax and Miami-Dade County Lake Belt Fees. See a list of all eligible taxes.

List of eligible taxes

  • Communications services
  • Corporate income and emergency excise tax
  • Documentary stamp
  • Estate
  • Fuel taxes (including local option taxes)
  • Governmental leasehold intangible personal property tax
  • Gross receipts tax on utility services
  • Insurance premium taxes, surcharges, and fees
  • Local option tourist development taxes administered by DOR and counties that self-administer tourist development taxes that have opted into the amnesty program
  • Motor vehicle warranty fee (“lemon law”)
  • Nonrecurring intangible personal property tax
  • Pollutants taxes
  • Sales and use tax (including discretionary sales surtaxes)
  • Severance taxes (gas and sulfur, oil production, solid minerals)
  • Solid waste and surcharge fees (rental car surcharge, tire and battery fees, gross receipts tax on dry cleaning)

You must submit a Tax Amnesty Agreement (online or paper form) by September 30, 2010. (Agreement will be available July 1.)
The fastest and easiest way to apply for amnesty is to do it online. You will receive an amnesty agreement number once you have submitted all the required information. If you do not complete the agreement online, be sure to fill out a paper Tax Amnesty Agreement (Form DR-100000) and mail it to:
Tax Amnesty
Florida Department of Revenue
Post Office Box 5138
Tallahassee FL 32314-5138
You must complete a Tax Amnesty Agreement to participate!
Call us at Fresh Start Tax and we can help you through this program  1-866-700-1040

Florida’s Tax Amnesty Program

Florida’s Tax Amnesty Program – Call us at Fresh Start Tax to apply  1-866-700-1040 – Reduce your Bill today!

Who is eligible?

You and your business are eligible if your liability for tax, penalty, or interest was due before July 1, 2010 and:

  • You complete a Tax Amnesty Agreement.
  • Your liability is not already covered by a settlement or payment agreement.
  • You are not under criminal investigation, indictment, information, or prosecution regarding a Florida revenue law.
  • You are not under a pretrial intervention or diversion program, probation, community control, or in a work camp, jail, state prison, or another correctional system regarding a Florida revenue law.

What taxes are eligible?

All taxes administered by the Department of Revenue are eligible, except unemployment tax and Miami-Dade County Lake Belt Fees. See a list of all eligible taxes.

List of eligible taxes

  • Communications services
  • Corporate income and emergency excise tax
  • Documentary stamp
  • Estate
  • Fuel taxes (including local option taxes)
  • Governmental leasehold intangible personal property tax
  • Gross receipts tax on utility services
  • Insurance premium taxes, surcharges, and fees
  • Local option tourist development taxes administered by DOR and counties that self-administer tourist development taxes that have opted into the amnesty program
  • Motor vehicle warranty fee (“lemon law”)
  • Nonrecurring intangible personal property tax
  • Pollutants taxes
  • Sales and use tax (including discretionary sales surtaxes)
  • Severance taxes (gas and sulfur, oil production, solid minerals)
  • Solid waste and surcharge fees (rental car surcharge, tire and battery fees, gross receipts tax on dry cleaning)

You must submit a Tax Amnesty Agreement (online or paper form) by September 30, 2010. (Agreement will be available July 1.)

The fastest and easiest way to apply for amnesty is to do it online. You will receive an amnesty agreement number once you have submitted all the required information. If you do not complete the agreement online, be sure to fill out a paper Tax Amnesty Agreement (Form DR-100000) and mail it to:

Tax Amnesty
Florida Department of Revenue
Post Office Box 5138
Tallahassee FL 32314-5138

You must complete a Tax Amnesty Agreement to participate!

Call us at Fresh Start Tax and we can help you through this program  1-866-700-1040