Stop IRS Tax Levy, Bank Levy, Wage Garnishment Levy, Settle Tax *Affordable* Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati

Fresh Start Tax


Have former IRS agents and managers with over 60 years of direct IRS work experience stop your IRS tax Levy, Bank Levy, wage garnishment levy today.

We can settle your case at the same time for affordable professional fees.


I urge all taxpayers having IRS tax problems to check out the firms on the Internet because most companies advertising are lead generation companies selling your information to third parties.

Many taxpayers have no idea who will wind up with your personal information.

When you call our office specifically you will speak to a tax professional that you find on  on our website.

As former IRS agents we know the exact processes and protocols to get the IRS tax Levy, Bank Levy wage garnishment levy released within 24 hours of receiving your current and verifiable financial statement.

The Internal Revenue Service will not issue a tax levy release unless it has a verifiable financial statement usually on form 433F.

FST will review with you your form 433F, provide IRS with the current documentation work out of tax settlement and get your IRS levy release all within 24 hours.

If you need to file back tax returns because that is a requirement of Internal Revenue Service, we can do that at the same time the completely close your IRS case off the IRS enforcement computer.

Call us today for a free initial tax consultation and speak to a true tax professional.

We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and have been private practice since 1982.


Stop IRS Tax Levy, Bank Levy, Wage Garnishment, Settle Tax  *Affordable*  Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati