Owe Back IRS Taxes – Individual, Payroll Taxes – Former Affordable IRS Agents – New York NY

Fresh Start Tax


The Internal Revenue Service has a system to everything.

Being former IRS agents managers and teaching instructor we know everything about the system.

We have over 60 years of working in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the Internal Revenue Service and we taught tax law to new and advance IRS agents.

We know the exact system dealing with back IRS tax debt for individuals and for businesses that owe back payroll taxes.

Call us today for free initial tax consultation and speak to  true IRS tax experts.

We are staffed with tax attorneys, certified public accountants, and former IRS agents.


How the Internal Revenue Service will deal with taxpayers that owe back IRS individual and payroll taxes.


Part of the IRS system in dealing with people who owe back individual and payroll taxes are to make determinations through financial statements.

Therefore a current financial statement is necessary.

You will have to provide the IRS financial statement along with documentation and support to verify everything you put on the statement.

With that in hand, the Internal Revenue Service will expect you to be current in the year with your  tax deposits or ES payments or withholding taxes as well as having all tax returns filed.

After IRS reviews your financial statement, they will place you on one of two categories.

The Internal Revenue Service will either place you in to a:

  • uncollectible or hardship status or
  • ask you to start making payments based on your ability to pay through the analysis of your income and expense review.


Remember that your current financial statement determines how  the Internal Revenue Service will deal with your case so it’s important that a true tax professional deals and represent your best interest during this process.

Call us today for a free initial tax consultation and we can walk you through the process to relieve yourself of owing IRS back tax debt in the pain that that causes.

We are A plus rated by the Better Business Bureau and  have been in private practice since 1982.

We are individual and payroll tax experts.

If you are not making current payroll tax deposits  it is wise to immediately start making current tax deposits so the Internal Revenue Service sees that you are making a true effort to redeem yourself.


Owe Back IRS Taxes – Individual, Payroll Taxes – Former Affordable IRS Agents – New York NY


IRS Tax Debt Relief * Settle Tax Debt* *IRS Back Taxes Settlement* * Affordable Former IRS* New York, NY

Fresh Start Tax


The best way to get yourself out of IRS tax debt is to speak to former IRS agents and managers with over 60 years of combined work experience in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the IRS to fully resolve your tax debt problem.

We know the system. We are the Affordable Choice.

We are A plus rated – BBB


IRS tax debt relief

IRS has a very specific system to deal with taxpayers, businesses and corporations that over the Internal Revenue Service.

Before the Internal Revenue Service makes any determinations whatsoever they need to have a documented and verifiable financial statement before they will close or settle any IRS tax debt.

The Internal Revenue Service has different forms that they use for their financial statement but the two base forms are the 433F in the 433A.

When a taxpayer submits that financial statement to the Internal Revenue Service they will expect full documentation including the last three months worth of bank statements, copy of all monthly expenses, and the last month’s pay stubs.

IRS will analyze your financial statement against the national, regional, and localized norms for income and expenses.

You can find the acceptable standards on our website.

As a general rule, after the financial review the IRS has one of  2 categories taxpayers businesses or corporations may be placed into.

  • The Internal Revenue Service may determine your current hardship and put your case and to the non-collectible file where it remains for a couple years until it comes back out for review.
  • The Internal Revenue Service may let you know that you must make monthly payments based on your income and expense analysis.


The Internal Revenue Service may suggest the filing of an offer in compromise because they feel that you are a viable candidate for the tax debt settle program.

You can call or email us today and we will completely review your financial statement and walk you through the process of getting IRS tax debt relief and settling your IRS tax debt if you’re a qualified candidate.

The offer in compromise program is not for everybody.

You must know the system.

As former IRS agents we have worked thousands of cases and understand the complete working system to settle your IRS tax debt.

just as a side note, all taxpayers when contacting IRS would be required to file all  tax returns. If that’s an issue we can prepare your tax returns within days with little or no records.


IRS Tax Debt Relief  * Settle Tax Debt*  *IRS Back Taxes Settlement*  * Affordable Former IRS*  New York, NY


IRS Tax Levy * Bank Levy *Wage Garnishment Levy * Immediate Removal* Former IRS – NEW YORK, NY

Fresh Start Tax


We are the most affordable and proficient professional choice to get your money back from the IRS.

We know the system as Former IRS agents, we can get tax levy’s removed and your case settled.

FST is comprised of tax attorneys, certified public accountants, and former IRS agents with over 60 years working in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the Internal Revenue Service.


How get the IRS Tax Levy Released & Removed


There is a system to everything and we know it.

The Internal Revenue Service has a very specific system to get an immediate removal or release  of an IRS tax Levy, bank levy, wage garnishment notice served on your employer.

As a result of taxpayers not responding to final notices and appeal rights, the Internal Revenue Service has the right to issue a tax levy on your bank account or on your wages or other third parties.

A bank tax levy differs slightly to a wage garnishment levy.

With the bank levy, the bank freezes the money in the account the day the levy was received by the bank for a 21 day period.

What that means you have 21 days to get your money back from the Internal Revenue Service.

With a wage garnishment levy, the majority of your next paycheck will go to the Internal Revenue Service until the wage garnishment levy is released or removed by the Internal Revenue Service.

IRS can serve both bank and wage garnishments at the same time.

IRS can also levy social security and seized IRA’s and pension funds.

To get a IRS tax Levy, bank levy or wage garnishment levy released the Internal Revenue Service will need a current financial statement on form 433F.

That financial statement will need to be fully documented along with bank statements, pay stubs, and a list of all your monthly expenses. IRS wants to see all the proof.

The Internal Revenue Service will compare that against the national, regional and localized norms. As a result of IRS reviewing your financial statement the IRS will releasethe levy and settle your case at the same time.


Upon getting your current financial statement we can get your IRS tax Levy released as a general rule within 24 hours.


An IRS settlement could be a temporary hardship( currently uncollectible ) for two or three years, a payment agreement or IRS could let you know that you appear to be a suitable candidate to settle your tax debt through the offer in compromise.

Call us for free initial tax consultation.

You can speak directly to a true IRS tax expert including tax attorneys, CPAs and a former IRS agents to start process to get your money back from the Internal Revenue Service.

It also should be noted that the IRS will insist all your tax returns are filed and brought up to date current.

We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau have been in private practice since 1982.



IRS Tax Levy * Bank Levy  *Wage Garnishment Levy * Immediate Removal*  Former IRS – NEW YORK, NY