Remove IRS Tax Levy, Bank Levy, Wage Garnishment – Fast – Middletown, Brookside, Glasgow, Hockessin, Smyrna

Fresh Start Tax


As Former IRS agents, we can settle your case and remove your IRS Tax Levy.

We are the affordable tax firm. We know the system.

The Internal Revenue Service sends out close to 2 million bank and wage garnishment levies each and every year.

If taxpayers do not  respond to final notices, IRS is mandated to send out these tax Levy to seize paychecks and bank accounts.

How to get an IRS tax Levy, bank levy and wage garnishment levy released

To get a tax levy released IRS will require a current financial statement on form 433F.

That is a IRS form and the only form the will accept.

That financial statement will need to be fully documented and verified by the Internal Revenue Service.

We have released multitudes of tax levies.

As a general rule the Internal Revenue Service will ask for your last pay stub, your last three months bank statements, and a copy of all monthly expenses.

IRS will compare that against the national, local, and geographical standards.

Once IRS has the financial statement they will release the levy and have an exit strategy to close your case off the IRS enforcement computer.

As a general rule, IRS who either place your case into a hardship or uncollectible file, ask you for a monthly installment or payment agreement, and/or recommend you file an offer to compromise because you appear to be a suitable candidate.

Call us today for a free evaluation and consultation you can talk to a true IRS tax expert.

Keep in mind the Internal Revenue Service will conduct a full compliance check to make sure all your tax returns are current up-to-date on their computer system.

We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau have been in private practice since 1982.


 Remove IRS Tax Levy, Bank Levy, Wage Garnishment – Fast – Middletown, Brookside, Glasgow, Hockessin, Smyrna