Wage Garnishment IRS – Lawyers, Former IRS – FLORIDA

Fresh Start Tax
IRS sends out 3.8 million wage and bank garnishments each year. There is a very specific process to get your wage garnishment released.
We are the Affordable Tax Firm that specializes in IRS tax resolution relief for Wage Garnishments by the IRS.
We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and have been practicing IRS tax resolution since 1982 right here in the state of Florida.
We can get your wage garnishment released and work out a tax settlement with the Internal Revenue Service all at one time and for the same fee.
We are comprised of tax attorneys, tax lawyers, certified public accountants, former IRS agents, managers and tax instructors with the IRS.
We have over 60 years of direct work experience at the Internal Revenue Service as we have worked in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the IRS.
There are many excellent professional tax firms that do this work and we feel we are among those firms.
When searching for a firm on the Internet make sure you are contacting a firm that has tax attorneys, CPAs and former IRS agents to ensure that you are getting professional tax representation.
The IRS Wage Garnishment is a continuous garnishment.

Important Note if you have received a Wage Garnishment:
Employers generally have at least one full pay period after receiving a Form 668-W, Notice of Levy on Wages, Salary and Other Income before they are required to send any funds from their employee’s wages.
The reason for this, the IRS wants to give every opportunity for the taxpayer to contact IRS and get your wage levy garnishment release to or removed. Believe it or not the IRS does not want to send a wage garnishment out to anybody however they must because of the Internal Revenue Service Manual. a bank levy or a wage garnishment is a wake-up call to the taxpayer to contact IRS and the get their case or tax bill satisfied  with Uncle Sam.
If the taxpayer does not recognize the final notice tax bill, the IRS must send out some type of enforcement action  to get the intention of the taxpayer.
That enforcement action is usually in the form of an IRS wage levy garnishment or in the form of a IRS tax levy on a bank account. IRS will then follow up with the filing of a federal tax lien.
The IRS is waiting to hear from the taxpayer to work out a plan of resolution. The Internal Revenue Service will not back away of their enforcement efforts until the case is taken off their enforcement computer called the CADE2.
Even though wage garnishments are continuous IRS must repeat bank levies because bank levies are one-time shots. The Internal Revenue Service is  waiting for a plan of action from the taxpayer.
How to determine the plan IRS will accept?
If you owe back taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, the IRS requires of all individual, business, or corporate taxpayers to provide a IRS financial statement.
In the case of individual taxpayers a form 433-F will be required.
You want to make sure you are both honest and accurate in the completion of this financial statement because IRS will verify all the figures you place on that form and they will want supporting documentation.
The documentation must include proof of income, your pay stubs, and the IRS will want to all current monthly bills and expenses.
Before the Internal Revenue Service will render a decision on closing and settling your IRS case, IRS will use the national and regional standard tests on your income vs expenses.
If you do not have enough income coming in to cover your current expenses IRS has the ability to put you into a current economic tax hardship which means you are currently not collectible.
IRS may look at your case and determine you have more income than necessary living expenses and ask for an installment or monthly payment.
IRS also may look at the whole of your financial statement and determine that you are offer in compromise or IRS tax debt settlement candidate.
Before you go running off filing for offer in compromise you should truly check with a tax professional to make sure you are a qualified candidate before you go spending your money.
Beware of tax firms promising pennies on a dollar. Even though pennies on a dollar are possible it’s best to fill out the IRS pre-qualifier tool for offers in compromise. You can find this form on our website.
Once the Internal Revenue Service goes through of the process of reviewing your current financial statement and comes to a resolution on your case they will immediately stop the IRS wage, or bank garnishment.
This process of getting a wage garnishment releases can all happen within one day.
One key is giving to IRS a current documented financial statement. The only thing that slows down the process of getting your IRS wage or bank levy released is the taxpayer by not providing a current financial statement.
Another key is to act immediately and have a plan of action of how you want the IRS to deal with your case.
What kind of plan of action is acceptable to the IRS to remove a Wage Levy Garnishment?
1. that you are currently in a IRS tax hardship,
2. you can start making installment payments,
3. you want to file an offer in compromise.
The aforementioned are the most common ways the IRS will dispose of an account that is on the enforcement computer.
Contact us today for a free initial tax consultation and we can walk you through this process for affordable pricing.
We have been practicing in Florida since 1982 in are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau. We are comprised of tax lawyers, tax attorneys, certified public accountants, and former IRS agents.

Wage Garnishment IRS – Lawyers, Former IRS – FLORIDA