IRS Levy Help – Remove IRS Bank, Wage Garnishment Levy, Tax Settlement *Affordable* Greenwich, Norwalk, White Plains, New Caanan

Fresh Start Tax


We are the most affordable choice!

Have former IRS agents and managers completely resolve your back tax issues, remove an IRS bank or wage garnishment levy and settle your case all at the same time.

 We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and have been in practice since 1982.

Being a former IRS agent there are fast and efficient protocols to get an IRS bank or wage garnishment levy released.

Because taxpayers have not responded to their final IRS’s notice, the IRS enforcement computer automatically generates a bank or wage garnishment levy based on information they have within their computer system.

The Internal Revenue Service is looking to close your case.

The only way they can do that is to receive a current financial statement and to make a determination how you plan to settle your IRS debt.

As a general rule, taxpayers who have received these final notices are put into two general categories.

As a general rule, most taxpayers are currently not collectible and put into a hardship file. Those cases stay there for a couple years until their income improves.

The other option, the Internal Revenue Service may ask for a payment agreement based on a current financial statement.

Taxpayers will need to submit the current financial statements.

The Internal Revenue Service will require a current financial statement on form 433F along with all documentation.

The Internal Revenue Service will compare your expense statement to that of the national, and local standards.

As soon as IRS completely reviews your financial statement they will go ahead issue a levy release of let you know how they will close your case.

As a general rule once we, FST,  get your completely verified financial statement we can go ahead and get your bank or wage garnishment levy released generally within 24 hours and have your case settled.

If you are looking for an IRS tax settlement we can walk you through the pre-qualifier tool to find out if you are a candidate for the new offer in compromise program.

Contact us today for free initial tax consultation and we can walk you through the available resolution options and get your IRS case behind you once and for all.

We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau have been in private practice since 1982.


IRS Levy – Remove IRS Bank, Wage Garnishment Levy, Tax Settlement –  Affordable – Greenwich, Norwalk, White Plains, New Caanan