Received IRS Billings & Notices + Christian Tax Help Relief Service Company Help + Since 1982

February 19, 2020
Written by: Fresh Start Tax


Fresh Start Tax

Affordable Former IRS agents and managers end your problem now. Since 1982, A plus Rated. STOP IRS NOW! AFFORDABLE. We can put an immediate end to the threats NOW. <><


We have over 100 years of working directly for the Internal Revenue Service in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the IRS.

We are a Christian Tax Firm.

We know the system inside and out.

If you received a letter, notice or tax bill from the IRS we can help. Stop the stress and resolve your IRS problem.

You will never have to speak to the IRS! 1-866-700-1040

Let Former IRS Agents, Managers and Tax Instructors take the worry out of this situation.



IRS Contacts Taxpayers by Letter or Notification 4 Different Ways:

1.By certified mail
2.By notice of federal tax levy or be filing of federal tax lien
3.By regular mail
4.By telephone


So What Is Your Next Step?


First of all, do not panic.


The IRS is just trying to resolve an open issue.

Most IRS letters, notices or bills come with a time frame of ten to thirty days to respond to the notification.

You should respond within the time period specified or the IRS will follow up and eventually use enforcement action. If you do not respond to the IRS’s attempts to reach you they will hit you with a Federal Tax Lien, a Wage Levy on your paycheck or a Tax Lien on your bank account.

Contact Fresh Start Tax and our professionals will handle the IRS for you and resolve your problem.


IRS only sends out tax levies after a series of 5 letters are sent to the taxpayer. These are sent about 5 weeks apart.


1. CP 14 – This is the notice of balance due,

2.CP 501 – This is a Bill that you still owe tax,

3. CP503 – Important, Immediate Action Required

4. CP 504 Urgent Notice – We Intend to Levy on Certain Assets, Please Respond Now

5. CP90/CP297/ IRS Letter 1058 – Final Notice of Intent to Levy of Your Right to a Hearing

6.CP 91 CP298 -Final Notice Before Levy on your Social Security Benefits


IRS Contact By Certified Mail


When IRS contacts you by certified mail it is time to be serious about the next step. The IRS has tried to contact you before to resolve the issue and has been unsuccessful.

Certified letters from the IRS usually means they are ready to take enforcement action. Unless you reach them within the prescribed period of time the IRS will probably levy your wages or bank account and file a Federal Tax Lien.

It is time to call your Fresh Start Tax Professional. In most cases, within a thirty day period of time, the IRS will send a wage levy to your employer, and or a bank levy to your bank accounts.

Whether you sign for the IRS certified mail or not, the 30 day period starts on the date of the IRS letter.

Before you make any contact with the IRS you want to know your rights so you don’t make the situation worse than it already is. This requires a plan of action. Contact Fresh Start Tax as soon as possible and we will contact the IRS immediately to stop any collection activity.


The IRS CADE2 computer is the issuer of IRS Letters and Notices

The Internal Revenue Service is spending millions and millions of dollars on their CADE2 computer. This is the computer giant that belongs to Internal Revenue Service and all its systems are held within this massive computer.

All IRS notices, letters and bills that go to taxpayers are generated from the system.

All the information that this computer generates is handled systemically and not a human hand will ever touch a piece of paper you receive. All systemic.

To stop the issuance’s of IRS notices and IRS letters you must contact an Internal Revenue Agent who can directly make changes to the CADE2 computer.

Usually you will find this on a 1-800 number on your letter, notice or bill.

If you do not contact the Internal Revenue Service at some point in time enforcement action will begin.

It is critical you contact the Internal Revenue Service at the number shown on Letter or Notice to stop or correct the problem or situation.

The worst thing you can do is not respond to the IRS notice her letter because I can assure you you will not be happy with the consequences.

I can tell you as a former IRS agent these letters are notices will not go away.

Filed Under: Tax Help



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We are here to help!

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“Thanks to Fresh Start, I am feeling more and more confident about finally getting caught up after all these years.”
M. Johnson

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“I cannot thank you enough for handling my IRS issues. After dealing with another office who did nothing, you guys did everything that you promised. Thanks again, especially Steve Jacob for guiding me every step of the way.”
Jerry H.