It may surprise you, but the number of offer’s in compromise being filed has dropped over the last couple of years. In 2005, just over 74,000 offers in compromise were filed. In 2007, only 46,000 were received. Why the drop??? The writer believes that the tax industry got the message not to send in a mess. Most of the offers that were filed were sloppy to say the least. The IRS has standards and people were ignoring them. Commercialism has hurt this industry because of unethical people trying to pick up a buck. Companies need to realize these are real people with real tax problems. The problem is to be taken serious. Look for experienced people working your offers in compromise.
Offers in Compromise, Numbers and Facts.
No Obligation
“Thanks to Fresh Start, I am feeling more and more confident about finally getting caught up after all these years.”
“I will certainly refer anyone I come across who needs your services for sure.”
“I cannot thank you enough for handling my IRS issues. After dealing with another office who did nothing, you guys did everything that you promised. Thanks again, especially Steve Jacob for guiding me every step of the way.”