Affordable IRS Tax Settlement Relief Company, Former IRS Agents & Managers who know the system. Since 1982.
As a former IRS agent in teaching instructor I taught the offer in compromise or tax debt settlement program to seasoned and new IRS agents.
I know the system inside and out and will offer to you a free initial consultation evaluation to see if an IRS tax settlement is in your future.
Because of our years of experience in working for the Internal Revenue Service we can assure you of the lowest possible tax settlement if you are a suitable candidate for offer in compromise.
If you wish to settle back IRS taxes you can call us today to learn about the different systems IRS uses to settle back tax debt.
Most likely, your current financial statement will determine the outcome therefore the submission preparation of your financial statement is the key to success.
We have a combined 65 years of direct work experience at the Internal Revenue Service. We are composed of tax attorneys, CPAs, and former federal and state tax agents.
If you have any back tax issues with the Internal Revenue Service or have not filed back income/business tax returns, we can settle your case all at the same time.
As a former IRS revenue officer I have worked hundreds of cases and can be very instrumentally in the settling of your case.
IRS Tax Relief:
When IRS takes a current financial statement there are three options to get IRS tax relief.
IRS as a general rule will place your case into a current hardship, ask for monthly payment agreement or accept an offer in compromise.
Your current documented financial statement will dictate how IRS will take if you take you off the IRS enforcement computer.
Why is Fresh Start Tax LLC is a much different firm than other IRS Settlement Companies.
We do our own work in-house, most companies sub their work out to backend offices.
We have over 65 years of direct work experience working in the local, district and regional tax offices of the IRS. We have worked as managers, instructors, and teaching agents.
Some of our staff have put on joint forums with the Internal Revenue Service. We have an excellent working relationship with Uncle Sam.
Offer in Compromise + IRS Settlements
If you want to settle your back taxes, IRS will require a current financial statement along with full documentation.
IRS will require form 433OIC and form 656OIC to be fully documented and complete before the submission of an offer in compromise. you should understand that an offer in compromise is a complicated process and program. It normally takes six months to have these cases worked and the settlement issued.
You should also know any accepted offer in compromise is open for public inspection. at a regional tax offices of the IRS they keep those cases open for one year.
Select a payment option for IRS Settlements for IRS Tax Relief
Your initial payment will vary based on your offer and the payment option you choose:
• Lump Sum Cash: Submit an initial payment of 20 percent of the total offer amount with your application. Wait for written acceptance, then pay the remaining balance of the offer in five or fewer payments.
• Periodic Payment: Submit your initial payment with your application. Continue to pay the remaining balance in monthly installments while the IRS considers your offer. If accepted, continue to pay monthly until it is paid in full.
If you meet the Low Income Certification guidelines, you do not have to send the application fee or the initial payment and you will not need to make monthly installments during the evaluation of your offer. See your application package for details.
Understand the OIC Process
While your offer is being evaluated:
• Your non-refundable payments and fees will be applied to the tax liability (you may designate payments to a specific tax year and tax debt);
• A Notice of Federal Tax Lien may be filed;
• Other collection activities are suspended;
• The legal assessment and collection period is extended;
• Make all required payments associated with your offer;
• You are not required to make payments on an existing installment agreement; and
• Your offer is automatically accepted if the IRS does not make a determination within two years of the IRS receipt date.
Filing Back or Unfiled, Old or Past Due Tax Returns
Over 16 million taxpayers do not file annual tax returns. At some point if you do not file the Internal Revenue Service will catch up with you do not keep your head in the sand.
If you have not filed tax returns we can prepare your returns with little or no records do our reconstructive methods we learned IRS.
If you did not file your back tax returns, IRS can prepare them for you and you will owe more money than you should. IRS as the ability under 6020B to file for you.
If you do not respond to the IRS bills and notices they send out as a result of filing your tax returns IRS will follow-up with tax levies in the filing a federal tax liens.
We can prepare your back or on file tax returns with little or no tax records.
If the IRS has already filed your back tax returns and they are grossly inaccurate, call us today for us to file for an IRS audit reconsideration.
Do not be afraid of filing your tax returns with IRS because at some point in time they will catch up with you.