Tax Help If Your Tax Return if Being Audited By Mail

The Internal Revenue Service accepts most federal tax returns as filed.
However, and a BIG however, the IRS examines/ some returns to determine if income, expenses, and credits are being reported accurately.
If not, the nasty gram from the IRS.
It is in the form or letter/notice 566.
If your return is selected for examination, it does not suggest that you made an error or are dishonest. Returns are chosen by computerized screening, by random sample, or by an income document matching program. This is called the DIF process.
What You Should Do If You have Received IRS Notice or Letter 566
The Internal Revenue Service may be looking for documentation such as confirming interest expenses, childcare, credits and exemptions, any deductions, office in the home, travel and entertainment, in any expense item found on the tax return that seems out of the normal range.
You will be given a 30 day period of time to send the information back to the Internal Revenue Service.
IMPORTANT + Make sure it is received by IRS by the due date on the correspondence from the Internal Revenue Service and it is sent by certified mail.
The burden of proof is on you.
If the Internal Revenue Service is not contacted you back within a reasonable period of time, make sure you follow up that letter or IRS can assess the tax liability against you and start collections.