As former IRS agents and managers, we can help you find different examinations to settle your case with the Internal Revenue Service. <><
There are generally three examinations, payment agreements, current hardship statuses, and settlement s.
Some people may want to look at the statue of limitations on their cases but we can go over every option and bring a quick resolution and remedied your case. For other, a bankruptcy may apply.
The Internal Revenue Service generally has a 10 year statute of limitations on all IRS collection cases. You can contact us to find out what the exceptions are.
We have money back guarantees and are Experts for the very best settlement s and examinations.
We have over 100 years of direct working experience with the IRS. We know every possible solution and can provide every possible remedy to get you the best result possible.
We worked as former IRS agents, managers, and tax supervisors in the local IRS offices.
Let our years of experience be your best friend to get you the results that you need.
You will never speak to the Internal Revenue Service.
The first step to lower stress and lower debt is to contact former IRS agents who know the system.
If you owe $15,000 or more in taxes, or you have on Unfiled tax returns, you need to hear about the IRS programs available to you.
6.5 million Americans are falling in tax debt every year and the other countless million who have not filed their yearly tax returns.
If you are one of them, you understand about the stress and frustration of having to deal with the IRS.
The IRS can hold on to your refund, take a chunk of your pay, put a federal tax levy or garnishment on your bank account, seize and sell your property and revoke your passport.
IRS also can take 15% of your Social Security check, a benefit that’s off-limits to private creditors.
The Internal Revenue Service is the largest and most vicious tax collection agency in the world. But you do not have to worry about them we how to control the beast because of our years of experience.
If you know the system you will found the IRS actually working with you not against you.
There are tax relief programs available.
A simple call the to our office and speak directly to a tax professional can assure you that this process is not as nearly as complicated as you think.
Why does the Internal Revenue Service want to settle your tax debt for pennies on the dollar?
1.IRS resources are very constrained.
Five years of budget cuts by Congress has limited the IRS’ ability to enforce its own laws.
The IRS budget has been reduced by $1.2 billion since 2010 despite having 12.8 million more tax returns to process.
Since 2010, the IRS has laid off 17,000 workers, which explains why, in 2015, the IRS only Audited 0.7% of all tax returns.
Actually, we have a former IRS agent who recently retired and can go through a litany of other reasons why IRS would settle your tax debt.
Just know this is in the best interest of the government to do so.
Congress looks at IRS numbers at the end of every year and many times budgets of the Treasury department based on the collection statistics from the Internal Revenue Service.
2. You may have heard that the IRS only has 10 years to collect taxes.
These time restrictions put a lot of pressure on already overworked IRS agents.
Also it is called return on investment. The IRS wants to collect something on a debt that they may never be able to collect.
You will get you the best deal possible whether it’s our firm or another firm always go with former IRS agents.
IRS tax relief programs help taxpayers by reducing the amount they owe, giving them more time to pay, or a combination of both. It’s a win-win for the IRS and taxpayers.
What type of IRS tax Debt relief examinations are there?
There are several tax relief programs taxpayers can apply for, but only three that offer debt forgiveness:
1. The Offer in Compromise program,
2. The Partial Pay installment Agreement program,
3. The Currently non-collectible, hardship.
Your current financial statement on form 433A or 433F will determine how IRS will closer settle your case.
Caution must be taken giving IRS a financial statement. Must sure a tax professional reviews first.
The Offer in Compromise Program, IRS TAX DEBT SETTLEMENT
An IRS offer in compromise is a settlement where the IRS accepts less that the total debt amount in exchange for a lump sum or up to two years of monthly payments.
As far as debt forgiveness goes, offers in compromise are usually the best deal available to taxpayers.
The problem is it’s not easy to meet IRS eligibility criteria. There is also a pre-qualifier program to make sure you are eligible for settlement .
I was a former IRS agent who taught the offer in compromise program to new agents. I am one of the nation’s leading Experts in the offer in compromise.
However, since 2010, the IRS has relaxed its standards through the fresh start initiative.
In 2015, the IRS accepted 40.3% of all offers in compromise for an average settlement of $9000 a case.
The acceptance rate is even higher for taxpayers who hire a tax relief company. It’s common for tax relief firms to maintain acceptance rates of over 85%.
Partial Pay or monthly payments installment Agreement
The Partial Pay installment Agreement does not get much attention and publicity, but it often has even better terms that offers in compromise.
40% of all open IRS cases are issue in payment agreement status but sadly over 50% of taxpayers cannot keep up their payments.
A Partial Pay installment Agreement is similar to an Offer in Compromise in that the IRS forgives part of your debt, but it has longer repayment terms: typically, 36 to 72 months.
Partial Pay installment Agreements are easier and faster to qualify for and you don’t have to provide as much financial information.
However if your debt is over $50,000 IRS will require a complete documented financial statements.
The Hardship Program, Currently Non collectible. 40% of open collection cases are put in this classification.
The hardship program simply means you do not have the currently the means to deal with Internal Revenue Service.
After the Internal Revenue Service reviews your current financial statement and based on the national, local, and geographical standards, IRS will find that you are upside down in issue you in a currently non-collectible status.
What that means is that IRS puts a freeze on your case for two or three years and will look at the situation later.
Many times a taxpayer stays in this uncollectible status for several years and at some point in time the statute of limitation may run out, contact us for more details.
Do you have Unfiled tax returns? Very Important issue with the IRS
You Must have all tax return filed and update to date on the IRS Cade 2 computer system.
If you have on file tax returns the Internal Revenue Service, they will insist on you bringing all tax years current or they will not deal with you, as matter of fact, they may go ahead and enforce collections to make sure you are in full compliance.
As soon as the IRS contacts you they will pull a summary of the last six years of your compliance history.
If you have Unfiled tax returns we can prepare your returns with or without records to bring you in full compliance of internal revenue standards and ensure that you pay the lowest amount of tax allowed by law.
What to look for when hiring a tax relief firm?
Only hire IRS debt tax relief firms that have:
1. Attorneys , CPA’s and Enrolled Agents on staff,
2. Offer flexible payment examinations,
3. Licensed to act as a power of attorney,
4. Always check the Better Business Bureau for active complaints.
Not sure which company to hire?
Get a free consultation with a tax relief firm that meets e requirements.
The consultation is free and there is no obligation to hire.
We have money back guarantees.
At the very least you’ll know what tax relief programs you qualify for.
Solve Your Tax Problems with FST.
Get a free consultation with a top tax expert, find out if you qualify for an IRS settlement , payment agreement or IRS hardship.
HELP FOR IRS BACK TAX DEB, Resolve Debt Now + Christian Tax Services, Consultants, CPA’s, Accountants