IRS sent me a Audit Letter- IRS Former Audit Manager

November 4, 2010
Written by: steve

Did IRS send you a letter telling you they are going to adjust your tax return?  A tax audit?   Do not worry!        1-866-700-1040

You likely got a notice from either the IRS’s Automated Underreporter or the Correspondence Examination (Exam) Unit. The Correspondence Exam Unit is doing the audit. IRS conducts about 1.4 million correspondence audits a year. Do not be alarmed!
IRS wants to have an office audit or a field examination. If IRS want to conduct a formal tax audit, do not go in to IRS unrepresented. Hire a former IRS Agent, Audit Manager.

An Automated Underreporter or AUR a notice is sent when differences are detected between information you report on your tax return and information a third party, such as an employer or bank — reported on a Form W-2 or 1099. AUR will issue Notice CP-2501 or Notice CP-2000. You’ll see this on the upper right corner of the notice.
The Examination Unit of the IRS will often ask for proof of items you’ve taken as a deduction or claimed as a credit on your return.
Exam uses several different letters to contact taxpayers about such differences, but the most common are the CP-75 and a 566 Letter. You’ll see this on the upper right corner of the notice.
Do not ignore this letter. You must respond or the IRS will asses the tax liability against you and begin collection proceedings against you. If IRS has sent these letters out in error , be sure to contact them at the number on your letter.

What Fresh Start Tax can do for you today:
  • have former IRS Agents, Manager and Instructors immediately start to resolve your tax problem,
  • immediately send a power of attorney to IRS so you will never have to contact the IRS. We know all the strategies!
  • make sure you are taken off the IRS” enforcement action computer system immediately”
  • adjust the tax liability to make sure you are paying the lowest amount possible
  • file any tax returns that need to be filed and bring you current with the IRS
  • settle the tax liability for the lower possible amount
  • make sure IRS never takes your tax refund
  • have the company with moral integrity, the highest BBB rating, fast, affordable, licensed in all 50 States, resolve your case.
Filed Under: IRS Tax Advice



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