How To Pick A Good Tax Resolution Company – 7 Top Tips

November 15, 2010
Written by: steve

With so many tax companies claiming to resolve IRS tax issues, you should be careful in choosing the company that suits you the best. Do your homework!
There are many things to consider before selecting a tax resolution company.  As a general rule, be careful choosing from large tax mills. The Internet is loaded with horror stories. Most of the time these large  companies have sales staff that sign you up and have no idea about tax issues.  They are commissioned sales people. These people strictly want your money. Not all , but some.  Ask the person you are speaking to if they are a tax attorney, CPA, enrolled agent or a former IRS agent.
1. The very first thing to check on is the BBB rating. Only hire a company that has an “A ” rating. Be wary of any company with a rating below an “A.”  You would  probably have your money at risk.
2. Use a Google search to check the company out. People who are unhappy with a company or have been ripped off will usually post something up.
3. Always check to see how long the company has been in business for.  A good solid company will have a solid history.
4. Check to see whether the company has tax attorney’s or CPA’s on their staff. True professional companies have these skilled tax experts on staff to help with the difficult cases. Also, an attorney or CPA will not put their neck on the line for scam companies.
5. Find out who owns the company. If a nonprofessional does, check the person out closely. Has he owned other businesses and what type of businesses were they? Are they still in business?
6.  If the tax resolution company wants all the money up front, run.  This is a bad sign. There is no incentive for them to close your case. They will generally become lazy.
7. Does the tax strategy makes sense?  If what they are telling you is pie in the sky your money will end up there are well.
One closing thought. If you can meet the representative face to face your chance of success is far greater.
Again, do your homework!

Filed Under: IRS Tax Advice



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