We are Former IRS Agents and Managers who know the system and can get fast and affordable IRS Bank, Wage Garnishment Levy releases. ( usually within 24 hours )
We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and have been in private practice since 1982.
Our former IRS agents have over 60 years working in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the Internal Revenue Service.
We know the system!
How to Get a Tax Levy Released or Removed
IRS sends out bank or wage garnishment levies only after taxpayers do not respond to the IRS final notice.
The taxpayer has 30 days after the final notice to contact IRS to stop all levies and or enforcement action that will be taken by the IRS.
To get your IRS tax levy released (bank or wage garnishment ) you will need to give IRS a current financial statement on form 433-F.
Your financial statement will need to be fully documented with copies of all bank statements, pay stubs, and copies of all monthly expenses.
IRS will conduct a financial analysis to determine how they will close your case and give you immediate release of the levy.
Based on your current financial statement, the Internal Revenue Service were either place you into an:
- uncollectible or hardship file,
- ask you to make a monthly installment payment, and/or to
- let you know you are a suitable candidate to make an offer to compromise.
Please beware that your tax returns must be filed and up-to-date before the Internal Revenue Service will go ahead and issue the release.
If you have little or few tax records we can prepare your tax returns fax them over to IRS and get a levy released generally within 24 hours of receiving your verify financial statement.
Contact us today for a free initial tax consultation.
You will speak with the true IRS tax expert to get your IRS bank or wage garnishment levy removed as fast as humanly possible.
Tax Levy – IRS Bank, Wage Garnishment Levy Removal, * Fast * Affordable – Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Laredo