Florida Sales Tax Debt – Former Agent Can Represent You

August 23, 2013
Written by: Fresh Start Tax

Fresh Start Tax
Let our Former State Tax Agent Frank Lamantia ( 16 year vet ) represent you so you can stop the anxiety and worry of your Florida Sales Tax Debt.
Florida Sales Tax Debt  – Insider Tips
The Florida Department of revenue can wage war against individuals and businesses that owe Florida sales tax.
The Florida Department of revenue has all sorts of enforcement tools in their bag of tricks including such frozen bank accounts, seizing or closing your business and opening an active criminal investigation for failure to pay your back Florida sales tax debt.
Start making current payments

If you are behind on your Florida sales tax debt. I would encourage you to start to make current payments and make some effort to show Florida sales tax you want to get back in the system.It will go a long way when working with them in negotiating with them.
Back delinquent tax returns
In the past the Florida Department of revenue would automatically send out notices for delinquent returns, followed by more severe notices, then threatening notices, then a Florida tax warrant with an estimate of the taxes due plus penalties and interest.
After the last threatening notice had been sent with no response then the matter would be taken over by a collection agent who might initiate a lien on the bank account normally used to pay the tax.
If that bank account did not have any funds then the collection agency would begin searching for other bank accounts or assets.

That was then – this is now!

The Florida Department of revenue began on March 1, 2012 using a new method called “COLLECTION ANALYTIC” to track down and seize funds of delinquent taxpayers for filing returns for paying taxes.
The new system analyzes data from various federal and state resources to predict where a company has funds.
The Florida Department of Revenue will then levy/seize funds without additional warning.
The source of data used by the new collection system can come from many sources. Such as state unemployment tax returns, and payroll accounts.
This new system could use the information to place a lien on the payroll account on the day that funds come into this account to meet a payroll.
Below is a quote from the Florida Department of revenue regarding the new collection analytic system
“Revenue to Use New Tax Collection System”
The Department switched to a collection analytic system in April.
The Florida Debt of Revenue says:
It will allow us to better focus our tax collection efforts to determine positive future tax payment outcomes, based on predictive behavioral models.
We will maximize collection outcomes by routing accounts to the collection step most likely to result in payment in the least amount of time, which will mean fewer follow-up notices and shorter time frames between collection and enforcement actions.
It is extremely important for taxpayers to respond promptly to bills and delinquency notices from the Department.
Collection analytic should have no impact on taxpayers who file and remit their full amount of taxes on time.”

Caution – Do not ignore notices from the Florida Department of revenue

When you receive any type of delinquent return, payment notice from the Florida Department of revenue – take this matter very seriously.
Florida Sales tax debt  law can be very complicated and if you feel uncomfortable with handling this matter then discuss this with our tax law professionals.
Remember that if your bank accounts have been frozen by the Florida Department of revenue the funds are still there. They are just frozen for a period of time.
Keep in mind that any bank account with the same federal employment identification number as your business is subject to a lien.
It is very possible that you and your company should have a negotiator with the Florida Department of revenue collection agent to help release some or all the funds.
Our firm can assist in negotiating the release of funds on the business bank accounts.
Your bank account is the lively hood of your business and could be detrimental to the survival of your business.
We can negotiate with the Florida Department of revenue to help release these funds.
After the funds are released our next goal will be to determine whether the Florida Department of revenue’s claim that you owe money is correct.
We may still be up the help you even if the period of time to protest an assessment has passed.
Our Tax Firm for Sales Tax Debt
We are a full-service tax firm that specializes in federal tax representation and are one of Florida’s most experienced for sales tax audit defense.
Our staff consists of tax attorneys, certified public accountants, former IRS agents and a former sales tax auditor with over 16 years of direct work experience with the Florida Department of revenue.
Feel free to contact us for initial tax consulting for Florida sales tax audit defense.
We will completely review your case and give you a full assessment of your audit status so you can make an informed and confident decision of how to fully resolve your sales tax audit case.

Florida Sales Tax Debt – Former Agent Can Represent You

Filed Under: Florida Sales Tax



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