Tax Relief – Help Settle IRS or State Tax Problems – Costa Mesa, Huntington, Anaheim, Irvine, Orange, Santa Ana, Glendale, Newport – Local IRS Experts


Tax Relief – Help Settle IRS Tax Problem – Local Tax Firm California

If you are going through IRS or State Tax Problems or Issues call Fresh Start Tax L.L.C. 1-866-700-1040.

We are a local tax firm that resolve your IRS or State Tax Issues or Tax Problems. We can help resolve your tax debt once and for all.

Stop the worry now!  Get tax relief today.

Fresh Start Tax
1901 Newport Boulevard
Suite 350
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

We are comprised of Tax Attorneys, Tax Lawyers, CPA’s, Enrolled Agents and Former IRS Agents, Managers, Appeals Agents and Instructors.

With over 206 years of professional tax experience and 60 years of direct IRS work experience in the local, district and regional offices.

IRS has different options in dealing with those taxpayers that have tax debt.

How we can get your tax relief to Settle and Negotiate your case with the Internal Revenue Service or the State of California:

1. Fresh Start Tax LLC will immediately send a power of attorney to the IRS or State of California letting them know we are now your tax representative.

You will never have to speak to the IRS or the State. We handle all tax correspondence. You can stop the sorry today.

2. Fresh Start Tax LLC  will make sure all your tax returns are filed and current. If your tax returns are not up to date, the IRS will refuse to work your case. This is leverage that they use to get you compliant with tax laws.They can opt to file tax levies and tax liens.

We will pull your tax transcripts, file and prepare your tax returns within days, even if you have lost your tax records. We have reconstructed thousands of back tax returns to get taxpayers the tax relief they need.

3. The IRS  will requires a current financial statement. We will secure a required 433-A (IRS financial statement) or a 433F that will verify the income and expenses and work out a settlement agreement.

The IRS will require a closing settlement method for each case. This will take the case off of the CADE 2 enforcement computer.

4. Fresh Start Tax LLC will review with our clients how they want to settle their case.

We get our clients tax relief  with a agreement based on their current financial needs.

IRS Tax Settlement Agreements can be in different forms:

a. Hardship Settlements.

Tax cases usually go into a 3 year suspended status because of an inability to pay. This is also called currently noncollectable. Your case will go into a hardship status because you do not have the income coming in to meet your current expenses. The IRS will use the National Standards Program to assess hardship. This is also called an Economic Hardship. They are millions of cases right now in Hardship Status.

b. Payment Agreements.

Open IRS Collection Cases can be closed with agreed upon monthly installment payments to the IRS. We will review the different programs the IRS uses for the lowest possible amount required. We can get your life back to normal.

c. IRS Offer in Compromise. There are three types of OICs:

The IRS may accept an Offer in Compromise based on three grounds:

1. Doubt as to Collectibility. 

Doubt exists that the taxpayer could ever pay the full amount of tax liability owed within the remainder of the statutory period for collection.

2. Doubt as to Liability.

A legitimate doubt exists that the assessed tax liability is correct. Possible reasons to submit a doubt as to liability offer include:(1) the examiner made a mistake interpreting the law,(2) the examiner failed to consider the taxpayer’s evidence or(3) the taxpayer has new evidence.

3. Effective Tax Administration or Exceptional Circumstances.

There is no doubt that the tax is correct and there is potential to collect the full amount of the tax owed, but an exceptional circumstance exists that would allow the IRS to consider an OIC. To be eligible for compromise on this basis, a taxpayer must demonstrate that the collection of the tax would create an economic hardship or would be unfair and inequitable.

Call us today and get experienced, honest and affordable IRS Tax Relief from the IRS or the State. 1-866-700-1040.

How to pick out the Best Tax Resolution Firm for IRS Tax Relief – Hire Former IRS Agents – Fresh Start Tax LLC

Mike Sullivan


How to pick out the Best Tax Resolution Firm for IRS Tax Relief  – Hire Former IRS Agents – Fresh Start Tax LLC  1-866-700-1040


IRS Tax Problem Help – Get the Right Tax Help to Solve IRS Problems, use Former IRS Agents

Do not be ripped off! It is easy to find out the Best Tax Firm for yourself.


Fresh Start Tax LLC is one of those tax firms with the highest rating in the business. 1-866-700-1040.


There are thousands of sites in the Internet that claim they are the right and best tax resolution firm/ company to get you IRS Tax Relief for IRS Tax Problems.


So how do you pick a tax firm to resolve your IRS problem once and for all?


With the down fall of J.K.Harris, Roni Duetch and Tax Masters you should look closer on who you chose before paying any money over to a tax firm that claims to be the best. There are many good one but few great ones.


Here is a list of things you should check for before choosing  a tax resolution company.


1. Check out the Better Business Bureau Rating.


When looking at the BBB rating, find out how many complaints the company has had overall and especially those in the last couple months. This is usually a good indicator on the health of the company. Many companies actually have lawsuits filed against them.


2. Check out how long the Company has been in existence for.


If a company is brand new you may want to check a little further. Usually a history of how many years in business is a good indicator to the health of the Company. Stay away from new companies. Many times new companies are old companies that had to fold because of the number of BBB complaints and rating.


3. Check out how much IRS experience the companies employees may have.


As a Former IRS Agent and Teaching Instructor I have worked thousands of cases. Without any question while there are many good representatives that have not worked for the IRS the true cream of the crop of those who were former Agents.


Because they knew the closing systems and the tax procedures to close out the case. The former IRS agents were able to package the case the get the very best results for there clients. There is nothing like knowing the system.


3. When calling a tax company ask to speak directly to the person or professional that will be working your case. Insist on making that conversation taking place. If they are to busy to speak to you walk away quickly.


4. Check to make sure how many cases that person has worked before and what the probably result could be.


An experience tax professional can tell you with a high degree of accuracy how the case will probably be resolved. I can probably do that 99% of the time.


5. Check on the cost.

Flat fees are preferred so you do not get socked in the end. Some of these firms are charging $7500 and up. They are scam artists. Get two or three cost comparisons from various companies.


6. Does the firm guarantee  a result.


No firm up front can guarantee  a result. You must at least see a verified financial statement before rendering an opinion. If the firm is pushing they can get get you a tax settlement leave quickly. The offer in compromise” pennies on a dollar ” ploy has scammed thousands of taxpayers. Do not be a fooled.


7. Beware – When you call most companies you are calling a salesman. These people are called closers in the business. They sign you up make about 25% fee and promise you the moon without knowing much about the IRS. JK Harris was famous for this. You must check the credentials of the person you are talking with over the phone, at all cost avoid closers. Ask to speak directly to Tax Attorneys, Tax Lawyers, CPA’s, Enrolled agents or Former IRS agents.


8. Beware of Splash ads.


If you are cruising the Internet you will find thousands of what we call splash advertising campaigns. You can recognize them because they have little tax information and there will not be a Firm Bio page. These are advertisers trying to sign you up and sell your information to the highest bidder. Do not fill out these forms. Call the tax firm directly who you may want to hire.


Do your homework before hiring a Professional Tax Firm. Make sure they have on staff Board Certified Tax Attorneys, Lawyers, CPAs, Former IRS Agents and Managers. Also, check the following to ensure the creditability and history of the Tax Firm.


1. Better Business Bureau –
2. –
3. Rip Off Report –


How to pick out the Best Tax Resolution Firm for IRS Tax Relief  – Hire Former IRS Agents – Fresh Start Tax LLC







IRS Taxes – Owe, File Back Tax Returns, Tax Audit, Tax Debt Settlements – Costa Mesa, Long Beach, Anaheim, Glendale, Santa Ana, Orange, Irvine, Newport – IRS Tax Experts

Fresh Start Tax IRS Taxes – Owe, File Back Tax Returns, Tax Audit, Settlements

 Stop the worry today, let our years of experience work for you.

Let Former IRS agents resolve your tax issues! Our 60 years of IRS experience can be your best friend.

We are friendly and affordable. A plus rated by the Better Business Bureau.

If you are having back IRS tax issues or problems call us today to contact a true tax professional that can completely and permanently resolve your IRS problem and tax issues.

Local Tax Experts.

Fresh Start Tax – 1901 Newport Boulevard
Suite 350
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

You will speak directly to a Tax Attorneys, Tax Lawyers, CPA’s, Enrolled Agents or Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors.

With over 206 years of IRS expereince and over 60 years of working directly for the IRS in the local, district and regional office we can fully stop the IRS today.


Owing Back Taxes, Filing Back Tax Returns, Tax Audit


IRS is pretty straight forward if you owe back taxes. The IRS will take a IRS financial statement to determine how your case will be closed. The IRS form of choice if the 433 A or the 433F. The form choice that is used by the IRS is solely determined on who at the IRS is working your case.

The ASC Unit will use the 433F and the local office will use the longer 433A.

You will have to make sure you fully document the form so make sure you fill out a accurate financial form. you will sign this form under penalties of perjury. Being a Former IRS Agent, I would recommend any taxpayer have a true professional give IRS the financial statement. Usually a true tax pro can get you the result you need.


Filing Back Tax Returns.


We find many taxpayers who owe back taxes have past due returns to file.

We can file all your back taxes with little or no tax records. We pull up an income transcript that is available to tax practitioners and use that as a basis to start your back return preparation. We can file back returns quickly so do not be discouraged if you do not have your tax records. If you are going to owe tax, we can work out a tax settlement.


IRS Tax Audit.


We have many former IRS Agents on staff who worked in the Audit/Appeals Division of the IRS.

We have former agents, managers and appeals agents. We can handle any tax audit and appeals that you may have. IRS Tax Audits are very lengthy. If your tax return is 100% accurate we encourage you to go in to the IRS by yourself, however if your tax return has questionable issues the last thing you want to do is to walk in to the  IRS agent without a tax representation. We can review your return for no charge and offer an opinion.


Tax Debt Settlements


An offer in compromise  or a tax debt settlement allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you owe.

It may be a legitimate option if you cannot pay your full tax liability, or doing so creates a financial hardship.

After IRS reviews a 433OIC the settlement offer form, IRS will also consider your unique set of facts and circumstances including your

a. Ability to pay;
b. Income;
c. Expenses; and
d. Asset equity.

IRS can generally approve an offer in compromise  or Tax debt settlements when the amount offered represents the most the IRS can expect to collect within a reasonable period of time.

The Internal Revenue Service will also explore all other payment options before accepting a offer in compromise.

The Offer in Compromise program is not for everyone. IRS accepts about 15,000 tax debt settlements a year nation wide.

If you hire a tax professional to help you file an offer, be sure to check his or her qualifications.
Call us today 1-866-700-1040 for a free tax review of your case.


IRS Taxes – Owe, File Back Tax Returns, Tax Audit, Debt Settlements –  Costa Mesa, Long Beach, Anaheim, Glendale, Santa Ana, Orange, Irvine, Newport – IRS Tax Experts















Department of Revenue Sales Tax Audits – Local Sales Tax Experts – Florida – SALES TAX HELP & RELIEF

Department of Revenue Sales Tax Audits – Local Sales Tax Experts – FloridaMike Sullivan

We are staffed with Board Certified Tax Attorneys, Sales Tax Lawyers, CPA’s and Former Agents that can take away your worry today.

Being Former Agents we know all the policies and procedures. Use of years of experience to work for you.

Call us for a no cost consult and here the truth from a reputable and affordable tax firm. Practicing IRS and State Tax Representation since 1982 in the State of Florida. 1-866-700-1040.

With the Department of Revenue being short of funds, the only way to fund the State of Florida needs if to collect back taxes with that said the number of Sales Tax Audits for the State of Florida will be on the rise for years to come.

We have handled thousands of taxpayer cases since 1982. We are Sales Tax Experts and can handle any tax issues you may have.

Should you owe money to the State of Florida Department of Revenue we can also work out a tax settlement and your back taxes.

Why the State Of Florida Audits Tax Returns

a. To enforce Florida tax laws uniformly to all taxpayers,
b. To deter tax evasion,
c. To promote voluntary compliance for all taxpayers,
d. To educate taxpayers and enforce the tax laws.

Most Tax Returns are accepted as Filed

While they accept most State of Florida tax returns as filed, the State audits some returns to verify accuracy and evaluate compliance. The State has mandatory audit requirements.

Tax audits many times do not always result in the taxpayer owing additional tax, penalty or interest. The tax  auditor may adjust a credit carryover or correct distribution without assessing additional tax. The Sales Tax Auditor may even determine that a refund is due.

How and Why Are Taxpayers /Businesses  are Selected for Sales Tax Audit?

The methods for selecting a business or individual to audit vary from tax to tax.

Here are some examples of sources the State of Florida may use to identify a potential audit candidate:

1.Internal Revenue Service information.The Federal Government can share results of there tax audits.
2 .Information sharing programs with other states and state agencies. On large cases this is the norm.
3. Computer-based random selection. YES, YOU CAN WIN THE AUDIT LOTTERY.
4. Analysis of Florida tax return information.
5. Business publications, periodicals, journals, and directories.

What Types of Records Will I Need to Provide?

When the State notifies you of our intent to audit, they will also tell you what records you will need to provide. The types of records may include, but are not limited to:

a. General ledgers and journals,
b. Cash receipt and disbursement journals,
c. Purchase and sales journals,
d. Sales tax exemption or resale certificates,
e. All related Florida tax returns,
f. Federal tax returns and documentation,
g. Depreciation schedules and such,
h. Property records,
i. Other documentation to verify amounts entered on all tax returns. The State can ask for anything related to your tax return.

Three year record keeping rule.

You must keep your records for three years since an audit can extend back that far.

The Department of Revenue may audit for periods longer than three years if you did not file, or filed a substantially incorrect return or payment.

What Are Your Rights During an Audit?

The Florida Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights provides protection for taxpayers’ privacy and assets during their interactions with Revenue employees.

Your  tax rights include:

a. The right to fair treatment from the auditor and the State,
b. The right to get available information and prompt, accurate responses to your questions,
c. The right to have the Department begin and complete its audit in a timely manner after we notify you of our intent to audit,
d. The right to get simple, non-technical statements which explain the reason for audit selection and the procedures, remedies, and rights available during audit, appeals, and collection proceedings. You always have the right to speak to managers and supervisors upon request.

Call us today for a free tax consult and get solid, honest and trustworthy tax advice and treatment. 1-866-700-1040


IRS Levy, IRS Wage Garnishment – Quick, Affordable, Tax Settlement – Attorneys, Former IRS – Fresh Start Tax LLC

Mike Sullivan


IRS Levy, IRS Tax Garnishments, Tax Settlements  1-866-700-1040


Stop the worry today. Use of years of IRS experience  to settle your tax case.

We offer quick and affordable tax settlement solutions.If you have received a IRS Notice of Federal Tax Levy or Notice of a Tax Tax Levy Garnishment call us today to get immediate IRS tax relief.

1-866-700-1040. Free tax consult.

We are A plus rated by the Better Business Bureau.

On staff are Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS agents. We cover all spectrum of IRS and State Tax Representation.  We are a IRS and State tax specialty firm and are true experts in our fields. We have over 206 years of total tax experience.


We taught Tax Law at the IRS. We can get results fast, quick and for affordable pricing.


How the Release or Removal of your IRS Tax Levy or IRS Wage Garnishment take place.

IRS sends series of tax notices or letters to each tax entity that owes tax whether it be a business of a individual. All these tax notices or tax letters are sent out systemically.After of series of 3 letters or notices are sent to the taxpayer the IRS Cade 2 commuter system generates a notice of tax levy or wage garnishment.

If the levy was sent to your bank account the bank must freeze your funds for 21 days giving you time to call IRS and get the levy released or removed.

If the Notice of Wage Garnishment was sent to your employer a large portion of your check will be sent to the IRS until the levy is released.The Wage Garnishment will never stop unless you quit the job or work out a tax settlement.

To get the  levy released the IRS has different plan options depending on your financial statement.

We will review your 433 A or 433 F, the IRS financial statement and review the best option that fits your lifestyle and work out a IRS tax settlement.


Levies vs. Liens


A levy is a legal seizure of your property to satisfy a tax debt. Levies are different from liens. A lien is a claim used as security for the tax debt, while a levy actually takes the property to satisfy the tax debt.


You must close your case off of the IRS enforcement computer.


If you do not pay your taxes or make arrangements to settle your debt the IRS may seize and sell any type of real or personal property that you own or have an interest in.

As a Example, the IRS could:

1.Seize and sell property that you hold such as your car, boat, or house,

2. the IRS could  levy property that is yours but is held by someone else such as your wages, retirement accounts, dividends, bank accounts, licenses, rental income, accounts receivables, the cash loan value of your life insurance, or commissions,

3. Seize your IRA or pension plan,

4. File a Federal Tax Lien.


IRS can only seize usually  after these three requirements are met:


1. After the IRS assessed the tax and sent you a Notice and Demand for Payment;
2. If you neglected or refused to pay the tax; and
3. After IRS sent you a Final Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to A Hearing  at least 30 days before the levy.


Source of Delivery of the Levy or Garnishment to be valid.


IRS must give you this notice in person, leave it at your home or your usual place of business, or send it to your last known address by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested.

IRS has the ability to  levy  or garnish your state tax refund.

Call us today 1-866-700-1040. Hire trust & experience.


IRS or State Tax Audit – IRS Representation Help – Costa Mesa, Long Beach, Anaheim, Laguna, Irvine, Newport – IRS Tax Audit Experts

Fresh Start Tax


IRS Tax Audit – IRS Representation Help –  IRS & State Tax Representation

Have Former IRS Agents and Managers Represent you for an IRS Tax Audit

Hire True Tax Professional, stop the worry!  We can save you money and completely resolve your IRS issue.

We were Former IRS Audit Agents/Managers and know the procedures and policies. We can prevent IRS to wreck havoc in your life. 1-866-700-1040.

Do not be fooled by other companies. Call us and speak directly to Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors who have over 60 years working directly for the IRS.


The odds of you getting audited by the IRS are about 1%.


IRS Audits 1.4 million tax returns each year. Rate of corporate returns being audited are far greater sometimes up to 10%.

The more money you make the greater likelihood your tax return will be audited.

If you need professional tax help to represent you on a individual or business tax audit call us today for the finest available Federal or State tax representation.

We are the true IRS and State tax experts. We are comprised of Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPA’s, Former IRS Agents & Managers and Enrolled Agents.


You can met with us directly, contact us by telephone of Skype.

Fresh Start Tax – Joe Dimino
1901 Newport Boulevard
Suite 350
Costa Mesa, CA 92627


IRS Tax or State Sales Tax Audits

Both government agencies can audit your tax return for a variety of reasons. As a general rule, the computer has selected your tax return for a tax audit.

The DIF Score, the main reason for tax audits.

Each tax return is issued a DIF Score (Discriminatory Index Function). According to the IRS and Former IRS agents who worked in the tax audit section, a DIF Score “is a mathematical technique used to score income tax returns for examination potential.

This  technique establishes the National Average Guidelines.

If if your DIF score  for your tax return is above the national average, then the risk of an audit escalates. The highest scoring tax returns are then forwarded to an IRS Examiner/ Agent for further review. All returns are manually screened.


So what triggers a high DIF Score?

Falling out of the National Average Guidelines in the areas of Charitable Contributions, Casualty Losses, Home Office, and Travel & Entertainment, excessive deductions and taking to many unauthorized tax credits  will affect the tax return’s DIF Score.


How DIF Actually Works
To arrive at the DIF score for each tax return, the IRS computer identifies returns by assigning weights, algorithms  and certain basic tax return characteristics.

These weights are added together to obtain a systemic composite score for all tax returns. That score is used to rank all returns into numerical sequence.

The highest scores are then manually reviewed by IRS Agents at the Service Centers to determine the merit and worthiness of a Tax Audit.


One Caution

You want to avoid IRS picking up multiple years during your tax audit. There are ways to prevent this action.

Call us for more details. 1-866-700-1040.