IRS Wage Garnishments Can be Stopped Immediately, Former IRS Agents

Fresh Start Tax
If you have received an IRS wage garnishment it is very possible to stop the IRS action within 24 hours. As a Former IRS agent I can tell you just follow my instruction.
You must have to give the IRS a current financial statement, the IRS form 433-f, along with all documentation to support the statement and  be ready to send to the Internal Revenue Service. Also make sure all your tax returns are filed and up-to-date.
Call the number on the wage garnishment, usually a 1-800 number and IRS will review  your financial statement and make it determination of how to close and settle your case.
After the IRS reviews your current financial statement they will make a determination on which method will be used to settle your case and release the IRS wage garnishment.
The Internal Revenue has very specific guidelines on how they will release your wage garnishment and settle your case and I highly recommend to any taxpayer to hire a true tax professional to make this a seamless process.
If you intend to contact IRS yourself, I  also recommend you contact the Internal Revenue Service by phone and have  your current financial statement on form 433-F along with all documentation including bank statements and pay stubs ready to fax to the Internal Revenue Service agent on the other line.
You must have all the documentation, if you are missing any supporting documentation IRS cannot close your case or release your wage garnishment.
The IRS financial statement form 433F
The Internal Revenue Service uses the financial statement to determine how taxpayers who will back taxes can close their cases with the IRS.
After IRS reviews your financial statement they will look to income and expenses to make their determinations on how they will proceed.
IRS will compare your income and expenses with that against the national and regionalized standard tests for expenses.
Closing Methods for Cases
1. If your expenses exceed your income IRS can place your case and to currently non-collectible which is basically a current economic tax hardship.
2. If you have more income than allowed expenses IRS will insist on a monthly installment payment plan.
3. Upon review IRS may determine you are an offer in compromise candidate or a tax debt settlement candidate. Before you wanting before you run off to try to settle your case you should fill out the pre-qualifier tool on our website to make sure you are in fact a qualified and suitable candidate to settle your tax debt.
How soon will IRS take your paycheck?
Employers generally have at least one full pay period after receiving a Form 668-W, Notice of Levy on Wages, Salary and Other Income before they are required to send any funds from their employee’s wages.
This allows the taxpayer to go ahead and get your wage garnishment released and their case settle with the Internal Revenue Service.
Introduction – What is Wage Garnishment by the IRS ?
An individual’s wages, salary, and other income can be levied.
Your wages, salary, and other income include payment for personal services in a work relationship.
So a wage garnishment is a seizure of an asset that belongs to a taxpayer or an entity that owes back taxes.
Can a Employer Threatens to Fire Taxpayer Because of a Levy
Sometimes an employer threatens to fire an employee to avoid handling a levy. This might be a violation of 15 USC 1674.
If the employer fires the taxpayer because of this, the employer might be fined not more than $1000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
Refer the taxpayer to the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor (DOL). DOL, not IRS, must decide if the employer violated the law. Do not let your employer bully you around like this. Contact an attorney if the threat is made.
Continuous Effect of Wage Garnishment Levy on Salary and Wages
Unlike other levies, a levy on a taxpayer’s wages and salary has a continuous effect.
It does not stop until the IRS releases the levy. You must react quickly.
A IRS Levy or Wage Garnishment attaches to future payments, until the levy is released. Wages and salary include fees, bonuses, commissions, and similar items. All other levies only attach to property and rights to property that exist when the levy is served.
If a bank account is levied, it only reaches money in the account when the levy is served.
It does not reach money deposited later.
When other income is levied, the levy reaches payment the taxpayer has a fixed and determinable right to. If the taxpayer’s right to that payment is not dependent upon the performance of future services, then the levy will reach the future payments as well.
A Form 668-A is issued to levy an author’s royalties.
The author has a fixed and determinable right to royalties for books that have already been published. The levy reaches royalties for sales of those books in the future. The levy does not reach royalties for books that are written and published later. A new levy must be served to take those royalties.
A Form 668-W is issued to levy a taxpayer’s retirement income. The taxpayer has a fixed right to the future payments; therefore, the levy remains in effect until it is released.
Also, see IRM, Levy on Non-Liable Spouse in a Community Property State for guidance when the wage levy on the non-liable spouse is not continuous.
IRS Wage Garnishment Levies
Part of the individual taxpayer’s wages, salary, (including fees, bonuses, commissions and similar items) and other income, as well as retirement and benefit income, is exempt from levy.
The weekly exempt amount is:
The total of the taxpayer’s standard deduction and the amount deductible for exemptions on an income tax return for the year the levy is served.
Then, this total is divided by 52.
Income that is not paid weekly is prorated, so the same amount is exempt.
In addition, the amount the taxpayer needs to pay court ordered child support is exempt.
The support order can originate from a court or administrative process under the laws and procedures of a state, territory or possession.
Special Note
If support is allowed, the same child can not be claimed as an exemption for figuring the exempt amount. See IRM (2)a above.
If     Then
The taxpayer has already shown proof of the required child support payment     Write on the levy form, “Under section 6334 (a)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code, $ ____________________is exempt from this levy.”
The taxpayer shows proof of the child support after the levy is served     Release enough of the levy so the support can be paid.
The taxpayer is not entitled to the support exemption unless the support is being paid.
Consider getting the taxpayer to have the child support payment withheld and sent directly to the person with custody.
Or, the taxpayer may make the child support payment through the Service, and the Service will forward the payment. When there is no open assignment, have the payments sent through Submission Processing. This may happen if the payments are being monitored in the campus.
Claiming the Exempt Amount on a Wage Garnishment
The Notice of Levy on Wages, Salary, and Other Income (Form 668-W) was developed for use when an individual may be entitled to the minimum exemption from levy in IRC 6334(a)(9) and includes a Statement of Exemptions and Filing Status. The employer gives the statement to the taxpayer to complete and return within three days.
If it is not received by then, the exempt amount is figured as if the taxpayer is married filing separate with one exemption. The taxpayer can give the statement to the employer later to change the exempt amount.
The employer needs to use this statement rather than the employee’s W–4, Employee’s Withholding Certificate. Taxpayers may claim different exemptions for withholding from those claimed on their return.
Publication 1494, Tables for Figuring Amount Exempt From Levy on Wages, Salary, and Other Income – Forms 668-W(ACS), 668-W(c)(DO) and 668-W(ICS), is sent with the levy to help figure the exempt amount.
The taxpayer can give a new statement to the employer later to have the exempt amount recomputed.
The taxpayer’s filing status or personal exemptions may change.
There may be a change in exempt rates in a new year.
The statement is completed under penalty of perjury. Generally, accept the information on the statement, unless there is reason to question it.If exemptions are disallowed, notify the employer and the taxpayer in writing.
The taxpayer can provide evidence that the statement is right and request managerial review. Include a statement that the taxpayer may provide evidence to prove the statement is accurate and may request a managerial review of the dis allowance.
Employers with Centralized Payrolls
Some employers have a centralized payroll, so the payroll is not handled where most employees work.
Consider mailing the Statement of Exemptions and Filing Status directly to the taxpayer. This avoids the delay of the employer re-mailing it.
Send to the employer Part 1 of the levy form and Notice 484, Instructions to Employer with Centralized Payroll for Processing Statement of Exemptions and Filing Status.
Send to the taxpayer the other parts of the levy form and Notice 483, Instructions to Employee Paid through Central Payroll System for Submitting Statement of Exemptions and Filing Status.
IRS Wage Garnishments on Joint Liabilities
For joint liabilities, generally levy the income of the spouse with the larger income.
Levy both incomes only in flagrant cases of neglect or refusal to pay. Secure group manager approval to issue notices of levy on the income of both spouses’ living in the same household. If taxpayers are separated, consider collecting from both spouses’ income rather than collecting from one spouse’s income.
On Flagrant cases.
If     And     Then
The taxpayers are filing as married filing jointly     Both taxpayers’ incomes are levied     Only one of them can claim the standard deduction for figuring the exempt amount.
The taxpayers are filing with any other filing status     Both taxpayers’ incomes are levied     Both can claim the standard deduction for their filing status.
The taxpayers are remarried and filing as married filing jointly with the new spouses.     Both taxpayers’ incomes are levied     Both can claim the standard deduction for their filing status.
When both spouses’ incomes are levied, neither spouse can claim the other one as a personal exemption.
Taxpayers with More Than One Source of Income
IRS will consider income from all sources when a taxpayer has more than one income source.
Call us today and we can stop your IRS wage garnishment. We are the affordable professional tax firm.
Wage Garnishments Can be Stopped Immediately, Former IRS Agents

How to get a IRS Wage & Bank Levy Release, Quick Results, Affordable Former IRS Agents

Fresh Start Tax
IRS sends out 3.8 million wage and bank levies every year. You are not alone.
It is very possible to get a wage or bank levy release within 24 hours so don’t let the IRS wage or bank levy ruin your day and by all means do not be bullied by the IRS.
It is critical you understand the process of the IRS wage and bank levy.
Being a former IRS agent and teaching instructor with Internal Revenue Service I know the exact protocols and systems of the IRS wage and bank levies because I used to teach them as a former IRS agent.
We can get you quick results of getting this IRS issue behind you.
IRS does not want to seize or levy.

Believe it or not the IRS does not want to send out a wage or bank levy.
As a part of the Internal Revenue Manual if the taxpayer does not contact IRS after sending out a series of notices, the Internal Revenue Service has no choice but to send out a wage or bank levy.
On the IRS computer system called the CADE2, IRS keeps it levy information.
IRS systematically goes into the file of every taxpayer and  systematically sends to the last employer or last information they have on your bank and sends out the levy. Not a human hand touches these levies. It is critical that taxpayers respond to a IRS bill or notice especially the last L- 1058 letter.
If you do not  respond or contact the IRS you can expect enforced collection actions from the Internal Revenue Service.
 How to get an IRS wage or bank levy release
A taxpayer will have to contact the Internal Revenue Service in the ACS unit.
There will usually be a telephone number connected with the IRS wage or bank levy. When calling the Internal Revenue Service each taxpayer will be required to give a current financial statement to the Internal Revenue Service.
That financial statement will have to be accurate, correct and fully documented.
That financial statement will be on form 433-F. You can find that form on our website.
Beside the completion of the 433F, IRS will want copies of your last 3 to 6 months bank statements along with your pay stubs to verify all the information on the financial statement.
Once IRS’s reviewed your financial statement they will make a determination on how it best feels to close your case or settle your case off the enforcement computer.
Based on your financial statement, IRS will either put you into:

  • an economic tax hardship which is called currently not collectible,
  • IRS may  determined that you should be making monthly or installment payments or
  • the Internal Revenue Service may let you know that you can qualify for a tax debt settlement call the offer in compromise.

As soon as you get an IRS wage or bank levy immediately start preparing your financial statement to send or fax to the Internal Revenue Service.
Being former IRS agents and managers we know the exact system to get an immediate release of your wager bank levy. Contact us today and we can walk you through the process and settle your case all at the same time.
Do not be bullied by the Internal Revenue Service. As soon as you get an IRS wage or bank levy contact us today for fast, quick and affordable results.
How to get a IRS Wage & Bank Levy Release, Quick Results, Affordable Former IRS Agents

How a Wage Levy Garnishment Works, Lasts – Former IRS

Fresh Start Tax
IRS sends out 3.8 million wage levy garnishments and bank garnishments each and every year to taxpayers at owe back taxes to the Internal Revenue Service.
The wage levy garnishment will not stop until you contact the Internal Revenue Service and give the IRS a current financial statement so they can make a determination on the collectibility of your case. To get the very best results you should use professional tax firm.
How long does a Wage Levy Garnishment Last.
The wage levy garnishment will last for as long as it takes the Internal Revenue Service to get the information it needs to close there case off their enforcement computer called CADE2. You can get wage Levy garnishment releases within 24 hours. Contact us today.
The only reason the Internal Revenue Service sent out a wage levy garnishment was simply because the taxpayer failed to call IRS on a series of bills and collection notices in which IRS requested taxpayer contact.
As a result, the IRS must get the attention of the taxpayer and it does so with enforced collection actions. IRS will either send out a bank levy or a wage levy garnishment.
The IRS wage levy garnishment will last until IRS secures a current financial statement along with all documentation and comes up with a plan of action to close the taxpayer case.
Important Note if you have received a Wage Garnishment:
Employers generally have at least one full pay period after receiving a Form 668-W, Notice of Levy on Wages, Salary and Other Income before they are required to send any funds from their employee’s wages. This is very good news to the taxpayer because you should be able to get a wage levy garnishment released within one week.
How does a wage levy garnishment work
Being a former IRS agent I can tell you that the IRS computer system is full  of levy sources for the Internal Revenue Service.
Third parties submit information to IRS  each year containing your W-2s, your 1099s, and various other income sources.
The IRS enforcement computer called the CADE2 simply searches its network of income sources and self generates a levy systemically.
IRS usually chooses your last employer and gets that from your last 1040 on file or from the employer through end of year mandatory reporting to the IRS.
All these wage levy garnishments are sent systematically and are never touched by human hands. Thousands and thousands of wage levy garnishments are sent out every day
How can I get my wage Levy garnishment release
To get a quick wage levy garnishment release simply contact the IRS  and be prepared to give him a completed, correct and accurate 433-F financial statement which you can find on our website.
All documentation must be attached or sent to the Internal Revenue Service so they can make a determination  on how they will close your case off their enforcement computer. Basically, IRS needs a plan of action.
In most cases taxpayers usually fall into three categories.
Based on their current financial statement taxpayers are either put into a non-collectible file due to current economic tax hardships,or taxpayers may be required to make installment or monthly payment agreements to the Internal Revenue Service, or taxpayers are eligible for an offer in compromise or for a tax debt settlement.
Please note, you maybe be eligible to settle your case with the IRS.
Contact us today and we cannot only get your wage levy garnishment released we can  also settle your case with the Internal Revenue Service.
We are comprised of tax attorneys, CPAs, and former IRS agents managers and tax instructors.
We have over 60 years of direct work experience at the Internal Revenue Service and have released thousands of wage levy garnishments since 1982.
We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau
How a Wage Levy Garnishment Works/Lasts – Former IRS

Wage Garnishment IRS – Lawyers, Former IRS – FLORIDA

Fresh Start Tax
IRS sends out 3.8 million wage and bank garnishments each year. There is a very specific process to get your wage garnishment released.
We are the Affordable Tax Firm that specializes in IRS tax resolution relief for Wage Garnishments by the IRS.
We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and have been practicing IRS tax resolution since 1982 right here in the state of Florida.
We can get your wage garnishment released and work out a tax settlement with the Internal Revenue Service all at one time and for the same fee.
We are comprised of tax attorneys, tax lawyers, certified public accountants, former IRS agents, managers and tax instructors with the IRS.
We have over 60 years of direct work experience at the Internal Revenue Service as we have worked in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the IRS.
There are many excellent professional tax firms that do this work and we feel we are among those firms.
When searching for a firm on the Internet make sure you are contacting a firm that has tax attorneys, CPAs and former IRS agents to ensure that you are getting professional tax representation.
The IRS Wage Garnishment is a continuous garnishment.

Important Note if you have received a Wage Garnishment:
Employers generally have at least one full pay period after receiving a Form 668-W, Notice of Levy on Wages, Salary and Other Income before they are required to send any funds from their employee’s wages.
The reason for this, the IRS wants to give every opportunity for the taxpayer to contact IRS and get your wage levy garnishment release to or removed. Believe it or not the IRS does not want to send a wage garnishment out to anybody however they must because of the Internal Revenue Service Manual. a bank levy or a wage garnishment is a wake-up call to the taxpayer to contact IRS and the get their case or tax bill satisfied  with Uncle Sam.
If the taxpayer does not recognize the final notice tax bill, the IRS must send out some type of enforcement action  to get the intention of the taxpayer.
That enforcement action is usually in the form of an IRS wage levy garnishment or in the form of a IRS tax levy on a bank account. IRS will then follow up with the filing of a federal tax lien.
The IRS is waiting to hear from the taxpayer to work out a plan of resolution. The Internal Revenue Service will not back away of their enforcement efforts until the case is taken off their enforcement computer called the CADE2.
Even though wage garnishments are continuous IRS must repeat bank levies because bank levies are one-time shots. The Internal Revenue Service is  waiting for a plan of action from the taxpayer.
How to determine the plan IRS will accept?
If you owe back taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, the IRS requires of all individual, business, or corporate taxpayers to provide a IRS financial statement.
In the case of individual taxpayers a form 433-F will be required.
You want to make sure you are both honest and accurate in the completion of this financial statement because IRS will verify all the figures you place on that form and they will want supporting documentation.
The documentation must include proof of income, your pay stubs, and the IRS will want to all current monthly bills and expenses.
Before the Internal Revenue Service will render a decision on closing and settling your IRS case, IRS will use the national and regional standard tests on your income vs expenses.
If you do not have enough income coming in to cover your current expenses IRS has the ability to put you into a current economic tax hardship which means you are currently not collectible.
IRS may look at your case and determine you have more income than necessary living expenses and ask for an installment or monthly payment.
IRS also may look at the whole of your financial statement and determine that you are offer in compromise or IRS tax debt settlement candidate.
Before you go running off filing for offer in compromise you should truly check with a tax professional to make sure you are a qualified candidate before you go spending your money.
Beware of tax firms promising pennies on a dollar. Even though pennies on a dollar are possible it’s best to fill out the IRS pre-qualifier tool for offers in compromise. You can find this form on our website.
Once the Internal Revenue Service goes through of the process of reviewing your current financial statement and comes to a resolution on your case they will immediately stop the IRS wage, or bank garnishment.
This process of getting a wage garnishment releases can all happen within one day.
One key is giving to IRS a current documented financial statement. The only thing that slows down the process of getting your IRS wage or bank levy released is the taxpayer by not providing a current financial statement.
Another key is to act immediately and have a plan of action of how you want the IRS to deal with your case.
What kind of plan of action is acceptable to the IRS to remove a Wage Levy Garnishment?
1. that you are currently in a IRS tax hardship,
2. you can start making installment payments,
3. you want to file an offer in compromise.
The aforementioned are the most common ways the IRS will dispose of an account that is on the enforcement computer.
Contact us today for a free initial tax consultation and we can walk you through this process for affordable pricing.
We have been practicing in Florida since 1982 in are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau. We are comprised of tax lawyers, tax attorneys, certified public accountants, and former IRS agents.

Wage Garnishment IRS – Lawyers, Former IRS – FLORIDA


How to STOP a IRS Wage, Bank Garnishment by IRS, Former IRS Agents

Fresh Start Tax
One of the reasons you can trust the advice we give you is that we are former IRS agents and managers and have over 60 years of working directly for the Internal Revenue Service and the local, district, and regional tax offices of the Internal Revenue Service.
You can do this on your own or you can hire a professional firm to do this for you but the work that is involved to stop an IRS wage or bank garnishment is still the same and this is the process.
You can STOP a IRS wage, bank garnishment by contacting the Internal Revenue Service and letting them know of your current financial status and letting them know of your plan of action.
What kind of plan of action is acceptable to the IRS?
1. that you are currently in a IRS tax hardship,
2. you can start making installment payments,
3. you want to file an offer in compromise.
How to determine the plan IRS will accept?
If you owe back taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, the IRS requires of all individual, business, or corporate taxpayers to provide a IRS financial statement.
In the case of individual taxpayers a form 433-F will be required.
You want to make sure you are both honest and accurate in the completion of this financial statement because IRS will verify all the figures you place on that form and they will want supporting documentation. The documentation must include proof of income,  your pay stubs,  and the IRS will want to all current monthly bills and expenses.
Before the Internal Revenue Service will render a decision on closing and settling your IRS case, IRS will use  the national and regional standard tests on your income vs expenses. If you do not have enough income coming in to cover your current expenses IRS has the ability to put you into a current economic tax hardship which means you are currently not collectible.
IRS may look at your case and determine you have more income than necessary living expenses and ask for an installment or monthly payment.
IRS also may look at the whole of your financial statement and determine that you are offer in compromise or IRS tax debt settlement candidate.
Before you go running off filing for offer in compromise you should truly check with a tax professional to make sure you are a qualified candidate before you go spending your money.
Beware of tax firms promising pennies on a dollar. Even though pennies on a dollar are possible it’s best to fill out the IRS pre-qualifier tool for offers in compromise. You can find this form on our website.
Once the Internal Revenue Service goes through of the process of reviewing your current financial statement and comes to a resolution on your case they will immediately stop the IRS wage, or bank garnishment.
This process can all happen within one day. The key is giving to IRS a current documented financial statement. The only thing that slows down the process of getting your IRS wage or bank levy released is the taxpayer by not providing a current financial statement. The key is to act immediately.
If you do nothing at all when you receive a IRS tax bill or tax notice expect enforcement

The enforcement computer system generates all IRS bank levies and wage garnishments. All these enforcement tools used by the Internal Revenue Service systemically generates all notices without a human hand touching the seizure actions.
It is very important to follow up these IRS notices or letters no later than the final notice dates sent by the Internal Revenue Service.
If you fail to respond to the Internal Revenue Service after the L-1058 letter you can expect an IRS bank levy or wage garnishment notice and you may also receive the filing of a federal tax lien.
So if you want to avoid a Bank Garnishment, Wage Garnishment, you had better follow up.
It is important to know all your IRS tax options and remedies and how to close your case short-term and to have a long-term exit strategy.
Contact us today and speak to a tax attorney, CPA, or former IRS agent and manager to fully understand the best way to deal with your IRS problem.
All consultations are free.
We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and we have been in private practice since 1982 and  we have over 206 years of professional tax experience.

How to STOP a IRS Wage, Bank Garnishment by IRS, Former IRS Agents

How to AVOID a Wage Garnishment with Former IRS Agents

Fresh Start Tax
Avoid a Wage Garnishment by the IRS
You can avoid a IRS wage garnishment by contacting the Internal Revenue Service and letting them know of your current financial statement.
If you have an outstanding bill with the Internal Revenue Service the case must be taken off the IRS enforcement computer called the CADE2.
If not you can expect a wage garnishment or bank levy.
We know all about this process because we are former IRS agents and managers with over 60 years of direct work experience in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the Internal Revenue Service.
While at the Internal Revenue Service we taught tax law.
The enforcement computer system generates all IRS bank levies and wage garnishments. All these enforcement tools used by the Internal Revenue Service systemically generates all notices without a human hand touching the seizure actions.
It is very important to follow up these IRS notices or letters no later than the final notice dates sent by the Internal Revenue Service.
If you fail to respond to the Internal Revenue Service after the L-1058 letter you can expect an IRS bank levy or wage garnishment notice and you may also receive the filing of a federal tax lien.
So if you want to avoid a Wage Garnishment, you had better follow up.
Everything the Internal Revenue Service service does it works off a system or a protocol. Another fact is that each IRS notice is sent out on a five-week billing cycle.
If you want to stop or avoid an IRS wage garnishment simply be prepared to give the information that the IRS is looking for.
What is the IRS looking for to close your case to avoid a Wage Garnishment

IRS must use a common standard to evaluate every case in which back taxes are owed.  The Internal Revenue Service wants to make sure all your tax returns are filed and up-to-date.
Secondly, they want a current financial statement to fully evaluate your case and find out what your intentions are on paying your back taxes. You should have a plan in mind to handle the IRS.
IRS uses the form 433-F to make that determination so you could avoid an IRS wage garnishment. If you have received an IRS wage garnishment the form 433-F also help will release an IRS wage garnishment.
 IRS will need a current financial statement
IRS will expect a complete and accurate financial statement.
IRS will want all documentations to certify that your financial statement is adequate and correct. Along with your financial statement they want copies of your last 3 to 6 months of bank statements and checks along with your last pay stub. You should know that IRS has a national and regional standardize expenses that they allow on all taxpayers. You can find those our website. IRS will compare your expenses to the expenses found on the nationalized and regionalized standards.
 How IRS will settle your case
Based on those standards, IRS will make three recommendations on your case.
IRS will either place your case into an economic tax hardship or put you into a currently non-collectible file. If your case is put into a non-collectible file it usually stays there for two years or until you make sufficient amount of income that the IRS generates your case back out to the field.
IRS may determine or insist on a monthly installment payment agreement. Once again this is all based on the national and regionalized expense standards.
IRS may look at your case and determine you are a good offer in compromise settlement candidate.
Once IRS makes these determinations and recommendations to you they will close your case off the enforcement computer and settle your case.
It is important to know all your IRS tax options and remedies and how to close your case short-term and to have a long-term exit strategy.
Contact us today and speak to a tax attorney, CPA, or former IRS agent and manager to fully understand the best way to deal with your IRS problem.
All consultations are free.
We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and we have been in private practice since 1982 and  we have over 206 years of professional tax experience.
How to AVOID a Wage Garnishment with Former IRS Agents