by steve | Jul 19, 2011 | IRS Tax Advice, Tax News
Fresh Start Tax L.L.C. Since 1982 IRS Tax Experts A Professional Tax Firm “A” Rated by the Better Business Bureau
We can get immediate releases of the Federal Tax Levy both Bank and Wage Levies. We can get these levies usually released with in 48 hours.
We have released thousands of IRS levies since 1982. We know the system because we taught the system!
We are comprised of Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors. We taught Tax Law at the IRS and know all the tax strategies and settlement formulas settle and close you case.
We have 205 years of professional tax experience and over 60 years of working directly for the IRS in the local, district and regional offices of the IRS.
Areas of Tax Practice:
- Immediate IRS Tax Representation
- Offers in Compromise/ IRS Tax Debt Settlement
- Immediate Release of Bank Garnishments or Wage Levies
- IRS Bill/Notice of “Intent to Levy” or Final Notices
- IRS Tax Audits Small and Large Dollar
- Hardships Cases / Unable to Pay
- Payment Plans, Installment Agreements
- Innocent Spouse Relief
- Abatement of Penalties and Interest
- State Sales Tax Cases
- Payroll/ Trust Fund Penalty Cases
Our Company Resume: ( Since 1982 )
- Our staff has over 205 years of professional IRS tax representation experience collectively
- On staff, Board Certified Tax Attorney’s, IRS Tax Lawyers, Certified Public Accountants, Enrolled Agents,
- Former IRS Managers, Instructors and Trainers
- Highest Rating by the Better Business Bureau “A”
- Fast, affordable, and economical
- Licensed to practice in all 50 States
- Certified by the Internal Revenue Service
- Nationally Recognized Veteran Former IRS Agent
- Nationally Recognized Published Tax Expert
- As heard on 90.3 FM Monthly Radio Show-Business Weekly
How we immediately get Notices of Bank Levy and Bank Garnishment Released.
As former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors we have issued thousands of IRS Wage/Garnishment and Bank Levies. We know exactly how to quickly get them released. We have what it takes.
1. We immediately send a power of attorney to the IRS letting them know we are now your representative. You will never have to speak to them.
2. We will make sure all your tax returns are filed and current. If your tax returns are not up to date, the IRS will refuse to work your case. This is leverage that they use to get you compliant. We can pull tax transcripts, file and prepare your tax returns within days, even if you have lost your tax records.
3. The IRS requires a current financial statement. We will secure a required 433-F (IRS financial statement), verify the income and expenses and work out a settlement agreement. The IRS will require a closing settlement method for each case.
4. We review with our clients how they want to settle their case. We get them an agreement based on their current financial needs.
Settlement agreements can be in different forms:
a. Hardship Settlements. Cases usually go into a 3 year suspended status because of an inability to pay. This is also called currently noncollectable. Your case will go into a hardship status because you do not have the income coming in to meet your current expenses. The IRS will use the National Standards Program to assess hardship.
b. Payment Agreements. Cases can be closed with agreed upon monthly installment payments to the IRS. We will review the different programs the IRS uses for the lowest possible amount required.
c. Offer in Compromise. There are three types of OICs:
The IRS may accept an Offer in Compromise based on three grounds:
1. Doubt as to Collectibility – Doubt exists that the taxpayer could ever pay the full amount of tax liability owed within the remainder of the statutory period for collection.
2. Doubt as to Liability – A legitimate doubt exists that the assessed tax liability is correct. Possible reasons to submit a doubt as to liability offer include:
(1) the examiner made a mistake interpreting the law,
(2) the examiner failed to consider the taxpayer’s evidence or
(3) the taxpayer has new evidence.
3. Effective Tax Administration – There is no doubt that the tax is correct and there is potential to collect the full amount of the tax owed, but an exceptional circumstance exists that would allow the IRS to consider an OIC. To be eligible for compromise on this basis, a taxpayer must demonstrate that the collection of the tax would create an economic hardship or would be unfair and inequitable.
by steve | Jul 18, 2011 | IRS Tax Advice, Tax News
Fresh Start Tax L.L.C. Since 1982 A Professional Tax Firm IRS Tax Experts “A” Rated by the Better Business Bureau
If you need to get your IRS Bank or Wage Levy Released, call us today and get the process started. We get results, proven results!
We know exactly how the tax system works. We taught the system for the IRS for over 60 years in the local, district and regional offices of the IRS. We know every tax formula and settlement strategy because we taught them at IRS.
Other tax professionals use us to work their cases because of our vast expertise. We are F.I.C.P.A. Certified as well.
Call us today for a no cost consult if you want your levy release ASAP.
How we immediately get Notices of Bank Levy and Bank Garnishment Released.
As former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors we have issued thousands of IRS Wage/Garnishment and Bank Levies. We know exactly how to quickly get them released. We have what it takes.
1. We immediately send a power of attorney to the IRS letting them know we are now your representative. You will never have to speak to them.
2. We will make sure all your tax returns are filed and current. If your tax returns are not up to date, the IRS will refuse to work your case. This is leverage that they use to get you compliant. We can pull tax transcripts, file and prepare your tax returns within days, even if you have lost your tax records.
3. The IRS requires a current financial statement. We will secure a required 433-F (IRS financial statement), verify the income and expenses and work out a settlement agreement. The IRS will require a closing settlement method for each case.
4. We review with our clients how they want to settle their case. We get them an agreement based on their current financial needs.
Settlement agreements can be in different forms:
a. Hardship Settlements. Cases usually go into a 3 year suspended status because of an inability to pay. This is also called currently noncollectable. Your case will go into a hardship status because you do not have the income coming in to meet your current expenses. The IRS will use the National Standards Program to assess hardship.
b. Payment Agreements. Cases can be closed with agreed upon monthly installment payments to the IRS. We will review the different programs the IRS uses for the lowest possible amount required.
c. Offer in Compromise. There are three types of OICs:
The IRS may accept an Offer in Compromise based on three grounds:
1. Doubt as to Collectibility – Doubt exists that the taxpayer could ever pay the full amount of tax liability owed within the remainder of the statutory period for collection.
2. Doubt as to Liability – A legitimate doubt exists that the assessed tax liability is correct. Possible reasons to submit a doubt as to liability offer include:
(1) the examiner made a mistake interpreting the law,
(2) the examiner failed to consider the taxpayer’s evidence or
(3) the taxpayer has new evidence.
3. Effective Tax Administration – There is no doubt that the tax is correct and there is potential to collect the full amount of the tax owed, but an exceptional circumstance exists that would allow the IRS to consider an OIC. To be eligible for compromise on this basis, a taxpayer must demonstrate that the collection of the tax would create an economic hardship or would be unfair and inequitable.
Our Company Resume: ( Since 1982 )
- Our staff has over 205 years of professional IRS tax representation experience collectively
- On staff, Board Certified Tax Attorney’s, IRS Tax Lawyers, Certified Public Accountants, Enrolled Agents,
- Former IRS Managers, Instructors and Trainers
- Highest Rating by the Better Business Bureau “A”
- Fast, affordable, and economical
- Licensed to practice in all 50 States
- Certified by the Internal Revenue Service
- Nationally Recognized Veteran Former IRS Agent
- Nationally Recognized Published Tax Expert
- As heard on 90.3 FM Monthly Radio Show-Business
by steve | Jul 18, 2011 | IRS Tax Advice, Tax News
Fresh Start Tax LLC A Professional Tax Firm IRS Tax Experts “A” Rated by the Better Business Bureau
Being a Former IRS Revenue Officer, the average tax payer has no idea how much due diligence the IRS goes through on an average case.
Having IRS Problems, call us today so we can resolve your IRS Tax Issues. We are the Insiders.
We have over 205 years of professional tax experience and over 60 years of direct IRS work experience.
How IRS Verifies Financial Information on the 433A or the 433B.
When conducting interviews to secure and/or review financial statements, the IRS will ask pertinent questions to determine as much as possible about the taxpayer’s financial condition and document the results. For example:
1.How the taxpayer generates income, both foreign and domestic.
2. The nature of their business process.
3. The main products/services, type of customers, wholesale vs. retail, etc.
4.Major suppliers and competitors.
5.Assets held in the name of the taxpayer or on their behalf, both foreign and domestic.
6.Type of internet presence the taxpayer may have.
IRS will observe and document the physical layout of the business, the number of employees, the type and location of equipment, machinery, vehicles and inventory. A brief tour of the business premises may help to gauge the business operation and the condition of assets.
A thorough verification of the Collection Information Statement (CIS) 433A and 433B involves reviewing information available from internal sources and requesting that the taxpayer provide additional information or documents that are necessary to determine reasonable collection potential. Consider contacting third parties to verify or obtain information.
IRS Collection issues that have been previously addressed during a balance due investigation by field personnel in the preceding 12 months will not be re-examined unless there is convincing evidence that such reinvestigation is absolutely necessary.
If the previous revenue officer has completed a full CIS analysis within the last 12 months including verification of assets, income, and expenses and has made a determination of Fair Market Value of assets, equity in assets and monthly ability to pay, the information should not be re-investigated unless there is reason to believe the taxpayer’s situation has significantly changed.
A taxpayer may be required to substantiate expenses that are categorized as Local Standards or Other Expenses
Substantiation of expense amounts could include the following items: bank statements, credit cards vouchers, rent/lease receipts and leases, payment coupons, court orders, contracts, and canceled checks. Document how obligations are being met and the source of funds. Taxpayers who own real estate should provide documents showing the monthly payment, the purchase price, date of purchase, and the principal amount due. When obtaining documents for substantiation, ask the taxpayer for copies, not original documents. If necessary, secure telephone numbers and contact names of creditors. These can be used if verification is necessary.
When analyzing expenses for a business taxpayer, the IRS will ensure that business expenses are not included under personal expenses. IRS will compare the 433-A and 433-B to income tax returns to verify assets and income or analyze bank deposits.
Taxpayer claims the lease payment of an automobile for business. The expense will not be allowed as part of the transportation expense on the 433-A. If a taxpayer claims a vehicle for both business and personal use ensure that the allowable expense is not duplicated.
IRS will secure third party information such as bank deposit records, government agency records, competitors or suppliers to determine the source of funds of the taxpayer.
Compare income to expenses. If expenses exceed income, ask the taxpayer probing questions to determine alternate sources of income that may be supplementing his/her income.
IRS will look for and consider:
1. “non-cash expenses” such as depreciation or amortization of assets
2. “book value” vs. Fair Market Value (FMV)
3. non-payment of accounts receivables (in dispute)
4. down-sizing/insolvent (a viable business)
5. roommate(s) or rental income
6. commingling of funds between unrelated entities
On business accounts, IRS will determine if there are “non-cash ” expenses such as depreciation or amortization. Also consider a commingling of funds between related entities. Examine prior year returns to detect sporadic income. Review bank deposits for at least 3 months to determine the taxpayer’s stated income.
For Shared Expenses
Generally, a taxpayer will be allowed only the expenses they are required to pay. Consideration must be given to any other income into the household and any expenses shared with a non-liable person.
Generally, the assets and income of a non-liable person are excluded in the computation of the taxpayer’s ability to pay. One notable exception is community property states. Follow the community property laws in these states to determine what assets and income of the otherwise non-liable spouse are subject to collection of the tax.
Community Property States: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin. (IRM In addition, Alaska is an opt-in community property state; property is separate property unless both parties agree to make it community property through a community property agreement or a community property trust. The territories of Puerto Rico and Guam also allow property to be owned as community property.
Regardless of whether community property laws apply, IRS will secure sufficient information concerning the non-liable person to determine the taxpayer’s proportionate share of the total household income and expenses. Review the entire household’s information and:
Determine the total actual household income and expenses.
Determine what percentage of the total household income the taxpayer contributes, i.e., taxpayer’s income divided by total household income.
Determine allowable expenses.
Determine which expenses are shared and which expenses are the sole responsibility of the taxpayer, e.g., child support, allowable educational loan, union dues.
IRS will apply the taxpayer’s percentage of income to the shared expenses.
by steve | Jul 18, 2011 | IRS Tax Advice, Tax News
FRESH START TAX L.L.C. Since 1982 IRS Tax Experts A Professional Tax Firm “A” Rated by the Better Business Bureau
Hire one of the oldest, most trusted and experienced professional tax firms! Immediate and Permanent Tax Relief.
We taught Tax Law at the IRS. We know all the tax strategies and settlement formulas.
If you have an IRS Problem and need immediate and permanent tax relief call us for a no cost professional tax consult. There are usually four tax options available to you in resolving and settling your IRS Tax Debt.
We know all the tax options because we taught them for the IRS.
We were former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors that have worked for the IRS for over 60 years in the local, district and regional IRS offices.
Areas of Tax Practice:
- Immediate IRS Tax Representation
- Offers in Compromise/ IRS Tax Debt Settlement
- Immediate Release of Bank Garnishments or Wage Levies
- IRS Bill/Notice of “Intent to Levy” or Final Notices
- IRS Tax Audits Small and Large Dollar
- Hardships Cases / Unable to Pay
- Payment Plans, Installment Agreements
- Innocent Spouse Relief
- Abatement of Penalties and Interest
- State Sales Tax Cases
- Payroll/ Trust Fund Penalty Cases
Our Company Resume: ( Since 1982 )
- Our staff has over 205 years of professional IRS tax representation experience collectively
- On staff, Board Certified Tax Attorney’s, IRS Tax Lawyers, Certified Public Accountants, Enrolled Agents,
- Former IRS Managers, Instructors and Trainers
- Highest Rating by the Better Business Bureau “A”
- Fast, affordable, and economical
- Licensed to practice in all 50 States
- Certified by the Internal Revenue Service
- Nationally Recognized Veteran Former IRS Agent
- Nationally Recognized Published Tax Expert
- As heard on 90.3 FM Monthly Radio Show-Business Weekly
Why Hire Fresh Start Tax, LLC? We tell you the truth!
1. Fresh Start Tax is a National Tax Firm whose principles have been practicing Tax Law since 1982.
2. On staff are Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPAs and Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors.
3. Former IRS Agents/Managers will review, manage, represent and close your IRS Tax Case for the best settlement possible.
4. We are one of the most experienced and trusted Professional Tax Firms with over 163 years of tax experience.
5. We have an “A” Rating from the Better Business Bureau.
by steve | Jul 18, 2011 | IRS Tax Advice, Tax News
Fresh Start Tax L.L.C . A Professional Tax Firm Since 1982 IRS Tax Experts “A” Rated by the Better Business Bureau
We are a full service Tax Firm specializing in IRS Tax Relief Services. Our entire practice in centered around IRS Tax Resolution and IRS Tax Representation. We are the BEST! “A” Rated
On staff are Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructor who have over 60 years with the IRS in the local, district and regional offices of the IRS.
There are four options of getting you IRS Tax Relief. Call us today for a no cost tax consult to hear the best option to save you the most amount of money. We have saved millions of dollars for our clients since 1982.
We taught Tax Law at the IRS.
Areas of Tax Practice:
- Immediate IRS Tax Representation
- Offers in Compromise/ IRS Tax Debt Settlement
- Immediate Release of Bank Garnishments or Wage Levies
- IRS Bill/Notice of “Intent to Levy” or Final Notices
- IRS Tax Audits Small and Large Dollar
- Hardships Cases / Unable to Pay
- Payment Plans, Installment Agreements
- Innocent Spouse Relief
- Abatement of Penalties and Interest
- State Sales Tax Cases
- Payroll/ Trust Fund Penalty Cases
Our Company Resume: ( Since 1982 )
- Our staff has over 205 years of professional IRS tax representation experience collectively
- On staff, Board Certified Tax Attorney’s, IRS Tax Lawyers, Certified Public Accountants, Enrolled Agents,
- Former IRS Managers, Instructors and Trainers
- Highest Rating by the Better Business Bureau “A”
- Fast, affordable, and economical
- Licensed to practice in all 50 States
- Certified by the Internal Revenue Service
- Nationally Recognized Veteran Former IRS Agent
- Nationally Recognized Published Tax Expert
- As heard on 90.3 FM Monthly Radio Show-Business Weekly
How our Tax Relief Services work!
1. We immediately send a power of attorney to the IRS letting them know we are now your representative. You will never have to speak to them.
2. We will make sure all your tax returns are filed and current. If your tax returns are not up to date, the IRS will refuse to work your case. This is leverage that they use to get you compliant. We can pull tax transcripts, file and prepare your tax returns within days, even if you have lost your tax records.
3. The IRS requires a current financial statement. We will secure a required 433-A (IRS financial statement), verify the income and expenses and work out a settlement agreement. The IRS will require a closing settlement method for each case.
4. We review with our clients how they want to settle their case. We get them an agreement based on their current financial needs.
Settlement agreements can be in different forms:
a. Hardship Settlements. Cases usually go into a 3 year suspended status because of an inability to pay. This is also called currently noncollectable. Your case will go into a hardship status because you do not have the income coming in to meet your current expenses. The IRS will use the National Standards Program to assess hardship.
b. Payment Agreements. Cases can be closed with agreed upon monthly installment payments to the IRS. We will review the different programs the IRS uses for the lowest possible amount required.
c. Offer in Compromise. There are three types of OICs:
The IRS may accept an Offer in Compromise based on three grounds:
1. Doubt as to Collectibility – Doubt exists that the taxpayer could ever pay the full amount of tax liability owed within the remainder of the statutory period for collection.
2. Doubt as to Liability – A legitimate doubt exists that the assessed tax liability is correct. Possible reasons to submit a doubt as to liability offer include:
(1) the examiner made a mistake interpreting the law,
(2) the examiner failed to consider the taxpayer’s evidence or
(3) the taxpayer has new evidence.
3. Effective Tax Administration – There is no doubt that the tax is correct and there is potential to collect the full amount of the tax owed, but an exceptional circumstance exists that would allow the IRS to consider an OIC. To be eligible for compromise on this basis, a taxpayer must demonstrate that the collection of the tax would create an economic hardship or would be unfair and inequitable.
See our home page for more details about Fresh Start Tax L.L.C. Thank You
by steve | Jul 18, 2011 | IRS Tax Advice, Tax News
Have Affordable Tax Attorneys and Former IRS Agents get you the very best results for IRS Tax Relief.
Fresh Start Tax L.L.C. IRS Tax Experts Since 1982 A Professional Tax Firm “A” Plus Rated by the Better Business Bureau
We are true IRS Tax Experts and specialize in IRS Tax Relief. We are one of the oldest, most trusted and experienced professional tax firms in the country.
We taught Tax Law at the IRS!
We have been resolving client tax issues and settling IRS cases since 1982. We have saved our clients million’s of dollars since 1982.
We are comprised of Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors who have worked for the IRS for over 60 years in the local ,district and regional offices of the IRS.
Also on staff are former Veteran IRS Agents, a National Recognized Tax Expert and a published EZINE tax author.
Areas of Tax Practice:
- Immediate IRS Tax Representation
- Offers in Compromise/ IRS Tax Debt Settlement
- Immediate Release of Bank Garnishments or Wage Levies
- IRS Bill/Notice of “Intent to Levy” or Final Notices
- IRS Tax Audits Small and Large Dollar
- Hardships Cases / Unable to Pay
- Payment Plans, Installment Agreements
- Innocent Spouse Relief
- Abatement of Penalties and Interest
- State Sales Tax Cases
- Payroll/ Trust Fund Penalty Cases
Our Company Resume: ( Since 1982 )
- Our staff has over 205 years of professional IRS tax representation experience collectively
- On staff, Board Certified Tax Attorney’s, IRS Tax Lawyers, Certified Public Accountants, Enrolled Agents,
- Former IRS Managers, Instructors and Trainers
- Highest Rating by the Better Business Bureau “A”
- Fast, affordable, and economical
- Licensed to practice in all 50 States
- Certified by the Internal Revenue Service
- Nationally Recognized Veteran Former IRS Agent
- Nationally Recognized Published Tax Expert
- As heard on 90.3 FM Monthly Radio Show-Business
Why Hire Fresh Start Tax, LLC? We tell you the truth!
1. Fresh Start Tax is a National Tax Firm whose principles have been practicing Tax Law since 1982.
2. On staff are Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPAs and Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors.
3. Former IRS Agents/Managers will review, manage, represent and close your IRS Tax Case for the best settlement possible.
4. We are one of the most experienced and trusted Professional Tax Firms with over 163 years of tax experience.
5. We have an “A” Plus Rating from the Better Business Bureau.