IRS & State Tax Audit Help & Defense – Former IRS Agents – Affordable – Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, Palm Beaches – Tax Experts



IRS & State Tax Audit Help & Defense – Former IRS Agents – Affordable – Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, Palm Beaches – Tax Experts        954-492-0088


We are comprised of tax attorneys, CPAs and former IRS agents and managers who worked out of the cell floor Internal Revenue Service offices.

We were over 206 years of professional tax experience and over 60 years of working directly for the Internal Revenue Service and the local, district, and regional offices of the Internal Revenue Service.

We are A+ rated by the BBB.

If you are having a IRS or a State of Florida Tax Audit and need to hire tax experts in Tax Audit and Tax Defense it only makes sense to hire  true tax professionals who worked for the IRS and know the rules and laws of the State of Florida to represent your best interest

We can save you money and worry!

We taught Tax Law at the IRS and have on staff Former IRS Audit Managers and Former IRS Appeals Agents.

We have over 60 years of direct working experience with the IRS in the local, district and regional offices of the right here in South Florida.

You can call our office for a no cost professional consultation. 954-492-0088.

It is important to know that we have handled hundreds and hundreds of tax audits since 1982.

Each tax audit is different. Being Former IRS agents we will have a complete understanding on how to get these audits over as fast as possible and save you monies.

We also have on staff a Former IRS Appeals Agent that reviews each case to prepare for a tax appeal if necessary.


How Are Taxpayers Selected for a IRS or State Tax Audit?


The methods for selecting a business or individual to audit vary from agency to agency and tax to tax. Here are some examples of sources both the IRS and State of Florida use to identify a potential audit candidate:


  • Internal Revenue Service information swapped to the State of Florida,
  • Information sharing programs with other states and state agencies.
  • Computer-based random selection.
  • The DIF score is the number reason of a tax audit. The DIF score means that your tax return fell out the the national averages to certain targeted items,
  • Analysis of Florida tax return information and past IRS tax returns.


It is important to know that there are statutes of limitations for both the IRS and State. There is a limit on how far each Agency can  go back and examine tax returns.

Call us for more details. 954-492-0088.

We are one of the finest professional tax firms for IRS and State of Florida Tax Audit Help Defenses.


IRS & State Tax Audit Help & Defense – Former IRS Agents – Affordable – Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, Palm Beaches – Tax Experts








Florida Tax Help – Federal & State, Local Former IRS Agents – Fresh Start Tax – IRS & Sales Tax Experts


We are a professional tax firm located in the State of Florida. We have on staff Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS agents who worked in Florida in the local, district and regional offices of the Government.

We have over 206 years of professional tax experience and over 60 years of working directly for the IRS. in the local, district and regional offices of the IRS. We also worked hand in hand with the Department of Revenue, State of Florida.

We taught Tax Law. Call for a no cost tax consult. 1-866-700-1040.

IRS Problem areas and issues in the State of Florida

1. Unfiled tax returns, ( always the biggest problem )

2. Unpaid Payroll Taxes, ( 941, 940 )

3. Unreported Income,

4. FBAR Reporting,

5. IRS Tax Audits, office and field tax audits,

6. Criminal Investigations on non filers and deliberate tax evasion.

7. Specialized market specialization tax audits.

You will find IRS activity in the State of Florida extremely high. It ranks fourth in overall IRS activity. Due to the transient nature of it residents, the IRS has found many taxpayers living in Florida simply do not file tax returns.

When I worked at the IRS we conducted a undercover operation called FLEA BAG. We went undercover in to Flea markets and found that only 20% of vendors even filed tax returns. IRS is currently running similar projects in different industries.

With the new upgraded CADE 2 computer system being loaded with new software we will find much more activity in the area of non-fliers.

The State of Florida, Department of Revenue  has thousands and thousands of business not filing and paying their Sales Tax. This has caused a huge problem for the State of Florida.

The State of Florida and the IRS have matching programs with shared agency use and you will find the IRS much more aggressive in non payment of payroll taxes.

IRS has hired many new Revenue Agents and we are finding a sharp rise in IRS tax audits for small and mid size businesses.

If you are undergoing a Florida Sales Tax Audit call us today.
How Are Taxpayers Selected for Audit?

The methods for selecting a business or individual to audit vary from tax to tax. Here are some examples of sources we use to identify a potential audit candidate:

a. Internal Revenue Service information.
b. Information sharing programs with other states and state agencies.
c. Computer-based random selection.
d. Analysis of Florida tax return information.
e. Business publications, periodicals, journals, and directories.

Records needed to a tax audit.

When we notify you of our intent to audit, we will also tell you what records you will need to provide.  The types of records may include, but are not limited to:

a.General ledgers and journals
b.Cash receipt and disbursement journals
c.Purchase and sales journals
d.Sales tax exemption or resale certificates
e.Florida tax returns
f.Federal tax returns
g.Depreciation schedules
h.Property records
i.Other documentation to verify amounts entered on tax returns

Call former IRS agents and hear the truth. 1-866-700-1040. We are IRS and State of Florida Sales Tax Issues.
















Florida Sales Tax Attorneys – Local Sales Tax Experts – Tax Audit, Settlements – Florida


Florida Sales Tax Attorneys – Local Sales Tax Experts – Tax Audit, Settlements – Florida 

Hire trust, experience and accessibility. Let us stop your worry today. We have handled thousands of cases since 1982. We will do your fighting so you can relax.

Free professional tax consultation, you have nothing to lose 1-866-700-1040.

Do you have the following situation?

1. Owe Sales Tax,

2. have Tax Warrant,

3. been contacted for a Sales Tax Audit or.

4. have a Criminal Investigation that may be getting started or ongoing ?


We handle all aspects of Florida Sales Tax.

Call us today for a no cost professional tax consultation. 1-866-700-1040

We can handle all Sales Tax Audits and provide tax settlements.We are a full service tax firm. We have a “A” rating with the BBB.

We are comprised of Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS Agents. We have over 205 years of professional tax experience and over 60 years of direct work experience at the IRS in the local, district and regional office. We are  Sales Tax Experts.

The most frequently asked question.

How  and why are Taxpayers Selected for Audit?

The methods for selecting a business or individual to audit vary from tax to tax. Here are some examples of sources we use to identify a potential audit candidate:

1. Internal Revenue Service information.
2. Information sharing programs with other states and state agencies.
3. Computer-based random selection.
4. Analysis of Florida tax return information.
5. Business publications, periodicals, journals, and directories.

Call us today for a no cost professional tax consultation and speak directly to a Sales Tax Experts. Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former Agents on staff.



Sales Tax Attorneys – Florida Sales Tax Audit – Former Agents – Fresh Start Tax LLC – FLORIDA


Florida Sales Tax Audit – Sales Tax Attorneys, Former Agents – Fresh Start Tax LLC   1-866-700-1040


We can take away your fear and anxiety on these Florida Sales Tax Audits. Our Sales Tax Attorneys and Former Agents have successfully represented thousands of clients since 1982.

Free tax consultations available. Call us today and find out the truth about your case. We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau.

Call us for a no cost consult and hear the truth. You will never have to speak to the Sales Tax Department, ever! We are Florida Sales Tax Audit Specialists.

We are a professional tax firm specializing in Federal & State Tax Representation. We are comprised of Tax Attorneys, CPA’s and Former IRS Agents. Our Sales Tax Attorneys are some of the best. In most cases, Sales Tax Attorneys are only used in criminal cases.

We have taught Tax Law and we are some the the leading authorities on Sales Tax Audits in the State of Florida. We can save you money.

Why Are Florida Taxpayers Audited by Sales Tax Division?

State of Florida Department of Revenue Audits tax returns to:

1. Enforce Florida tax laws uniformly,
2. Deter tax evasion,
3. Promote voluntary compliance,

Florida Sales Tax Audits are conducted to verify accuracy and evaluate compliance. Sometimes they conduct special compliance audits. The Department is numbers driven and must audit so many returns and collect a given amount each year.

Audits do not always result in the taxpayer owing additional tax, penalty or interest.

The auditor at times, may adjust a credit carryover or correct distribution without assessing additional tax. Many Sales Tax Audits are no changes.
How Are Taxpayers Selected for Audit by the Sales Tax Division ?

The methods for selecting a business or individual to audit vary from tax to tax. Here are some examples of sources the Sales Tax Division uses to identify a potential audit candidate:

1. Internal Revenue Service information or other government referral,
2. Information sharing programs with other states and state agencies.
3. Computer-based random selection.
4. Analysis of Florida tax return information.Many times auditors can eyeball incorrect tax returns.

What types of records you will need to provide during the Sales Tax Audit:

The Florida Department of Revenue will notify you of there intent to audit, they will also tell you what records you will need to provide during the Florida Sales tax audit.

The types of records may include, but are not limited to:

1. General ledgers and journals
2. Cash receipt and disbursement journals
3. Purchase and sales journals
4. Sales tax exemption or resale certificates
5. Florida tax returns
6. Federal tax returns
7. Depreciation schedules
8.Property records

How long do you need to keep your tax records?

You must keep your records for three years since an audit can extend back that far.  The Florida Department of Revenue may audit for periods longer than three years if you did not file, or filed a substantially incorrect return or payment.

Sales Tax Attorneys,  Florida Sales Tax Audit,  Former Agents, Fresh Start Tax LLC – FLORIDA

Florida Sales & Use Tax Audits – Have Former Agents save you money, Free Consultations – Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, West Palm, South Florida

Do not be bullied by the State of Florida Department of Revenue for Sales Tax Audits.

Let Former Agents, CPA’s and Tax Attorneys take the fear and worry out of the Sales or Use tax audit.

We are true tax experts.

Call for a no cost tax consultation, 954-492-0088. We are a local South Florida Tax Firm.

We know how to fight back. We are aware of all the tax provisions and techniques because we taught Tax Law and worked for the Agency for over 60 years of combined experience.

We have over 205 years of professional tax experience and over 60 years of working directly for the government.

We have represented thousands of taxpayers since 1982.

Come and visit our South Florida offices.

How Are Taxpayers Selected for Audit by the State of Florida?

The methods for selecting a business or individual to audit vary from tax to tax and industry to industry.

Here are some examples of sources the State of Florida uses to identify a potential sales and use audit candidate taxpayers:

1. From information given to the State by the Internal Revenue Service information.
2. Information sharing programs with other states and state agencies. This is by use of matching programs.
3. Computer-based random selection. About 001% of returns are used for this selection.
4. Analysis of Florida tax return information and falls out of industry norms.
5. Business publications, periodicals, journals, and directories.

Tax Tips:

1.Using a good tax firm for tax filing can minimize a tax audit completely. Experienced tax firms know how to audit proof your tax return.

2.Call a firm that has State of Federal Tax experience.

Florida Sales & Use Tax Audits.  Have Former Agents save you money. Call for a Free Consultations.

We service all of Florida including our own home town of Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, West Palm and South Florida.

We are true tax experts.



Sales Tax Audit – Florida – Sales Tax Experts – Affordable Tax Representation Firm – We take the Fear Away


Let us take away all fear and worry. Let our experience work for you. We are Sales Tax Experts. We are friendly, affordable and accessible.

The stress of a tax audit from the Florida Department of Revenue is both stressful and taxing.

We have represented thousands of clients since 1982 for State of Florida Sales tax issues, problems and for IRS Problems.

We have over 206 years of professional tax experience and over 60 years working directly with the IRS .

Why hire  Fresh Start Tax LLC.

We have extensive experience in Sales Tax and IRS representation. We have a tax specialty firm and we are true experts in State and Federal Tax issues.

We can take away your fear by handling ever aspect of the sales tax audit. Should you owe a tax debt we can work out a tax settlement so this will never disrupt your life.

Tax Tips for Sales Tax Audits, State of Florida

What happens when the sales tax audit is over?

After your  State of Florida Sales Tax Audit is complete, you can review the audit findings and proposed changes to your tax liability.

The  sales tax auditor will give you and your representative  a copy of the work papers and explain your rights, including deadlines for filing protests.

If you agree with the tax assessment you can pay the tax in full or work out a payment plan.

If you disagree with the proposal, we can filed a tax appeal. It is critical you respond to all Sales Tax notices that are sent out by the State. Should you fail to respond the State has the ability of creating their own tax assessments for you. Respond to all letters asap.

Call us for a no cost professional tax consult, 1-866-700-1040.