The Offer In Compromise + What You Need To Learn From Former IRS Agents, Offer Tax Experts

Fresh Start Tax


Michael Sullivan, Offer in Compromise Tax Offer Expert at Fresh Start Tax, Former Agent


As a former IRS agent and teaching instructor with the Internal Revenue Service I used to teach the offer in compromise program to agents that were qualified to both work to process and accept offers in compromise.

I worked out a local South Florida IRS offices we have over 100 years of professional IRS work experience and over 200 years of professional tax experience in our offices.

Therefore, I know the system inside and out and when you call our office we will review your case with you and let you know before hand whether we will process your offer in compromise and take the case on.

We will never take any offer in compromise on that we do not believe will settle with the IRS.

One of the reasons the offer in compromise is the best way to settle your back tax that is simple it reduces your debt for pennies on the dollar and it removes the federal tax lien from your credit records.

The offer in compromise is a much more complicated process than taxpayers can possibly imagine. Much time is put in to the acceptance of an offer in compromise and IRS goes through great lengths of due diligence before it accepts an offer in compromise.

Below you will find out different aspects of the offer in compromise program you may not have been aware of so take heed.

1. All offers in compromise that are accepted are open to public inspection at rate eight regional IRS offices across the United States.

Believe it or not, only one person reviewed accepted offers in compromise at one regional site and to date this year, no one has reviewed any accepted offers in compromise.

2. It is much easier for an IRS agent to reject an offer in compromise into accepting why?, just sheer laziness, matter of fact an agent will look to reject an offer in compromise first as to accept it. It takes a lot more work to accept an offer in compromise because all the managerial reviews required.

3. An average offer in compromise takes anywhere between 20 to 40 hours to accept because of all the due diligence that is necessary for the program.

4. The offer in compromise group is a specialized group that goes through ask expansive training to understand the different nuances within the offer in compromise program and to make sure it legally can be accepted by the Internal Revenue Service.

5. The offer in compromise is a legal and binding contract between the taxpayer and the United States Department of treasury. it is wise for the taxpayer to become aware of the requirements if your offer is accepted. What I mean by this is that for the next five years you must pay all your taxes on time. Should you miss, your offer in compromise will kick back out to the field.

6. The smaller the dollar amount, the less work and effort is put into the offer in compromise. Large dollar cases require 2 to 3 times the amount of work that a small dollar case takes.

7. Last year, approximately one-third of offers in compromise were accepted by the Internal Revenue Service. As a general rule, somewhere between 30 and 35,000 offers are accepted every year. The average settlement dollar is $9500 per offer. That dollar amount is misleading because it is an average and is not really reflective because the OIC is based on a case-by-case basis.

8. The Internal Revenue Service has a number of financial search engines they use to check the offer in compromise for the validity of doing due diligence. They can use the Accuriant search engine, the Google search engine and internal governmental search engines such as LEXIS-NEXIS and other ones used by the Department of Homeland Security the FBI as well as other agencies to do checks.

9. Offers in compromise are accepted per formula. Therefore knowing the formula is the key to getting your offer in compromise accepted by the Internal Revenue Service. If you want to get your offer in compromise accepted you must go to an experienced tax practitioner who has worked at least 100 an offer in compromise to understand the complexity and the nature of the offer in compromise.

It only makes sense to have former IRS agents such as us who know the system inside and out to have the best chance to getting your offer accepted.

10. The base rule for the Internal Revenue Service is that you must give IRS your total liquid value as a base. The Internal Revenue Service generally will never accept anything less than your full liquid value. Also IRS is going to take a close look at your income versus your necessary living expenses ratios.

11. The average offer in compromise takes a minimum of nine months from the time their file to acceptance.

If you like to learn more call us today and we will review with you the offer in compromise program and find out if you’re a qualified candidate to get an offer in compromise accepted.

When  you call our office you will speak to true IRS tax experts regarding settlement of your tax debt on back taxes. We can also file any unfiled or past-due tax returns because the Internal Revenue Service cannot finalize your offer in compromise until all tax returns are filed.


The Offer In Compromise + What You Need To Learn From Former IRS Agents

What You Need to Know About the Offer in Compromise, Former IRS Agent Explains + Ft.Lauderdale, Miami, Boca Raton, Palm Beaches

Fresh Start Tax


Michael Sullivan, Offer in Compromise Tax Expert at Fresh Start Tax   954-492-0088


As a former IRS agent and teaching instructor with the Internal Revenue Service I used to teach the offer in compromise program to agents that were qualified to both work to process and accept offers in compromise.

I worked out a local South Florida IRS offices we have over 100 years of professional IRS work experience and over 200 years of professional tax experience in our offices.  We are a national tax defense firm located right here in South Florida where we grew up, worked and provide expert tax help to the South Florida area.

Therefore, I know the system inside and out and when you call our office we will review your case with you and let you know before hand whether we will process your offer in compromise and take the case on.

We will never take any offer in compromise on that we do not believe will settle with the IRS.

One of the reasons the offer in compromise is the best way to settle your back tax that is simple it reduces your debt for pennies on the dollar and it removes the federal tax lien from your credit records.

The offer in compromise is a much more complicated process than taxpayers can possibly imagine. Much time is put in to the acceptance of an offer in compromise and IRS goes through great lengths of due diligence before it accepts an offer in compromise.

Below you will find out different aspects of the offer in compromise program you may not have been aware of so take heed.

1. All offers in compromise that are accepted are open to public inspection at rate eight regional IRS offices across the United States.

Believe it or not, only one person reviewed accepted offers in compromise at one regional site and to date this year, no one has reviewed any accepted offers in compromise.

2. It is much easier for an IRS agent to reject an offer in compromise into accepting why?, just sheer laziness, matter of fact an agent will look to reject an offer in compromise first as to accept it. It takes a lot more work to accept an offer in compromise because all the managerial reviews required.

3. An average offer in compromise takes anywhere between 20 to 40 hours to accept because of all the due diligence that is necessary for the program.

4. The offer in compromise group is a specialized group that goes through ask expansive training to understand the different nuances within the offer in compromise program and to make sure it legally can be accepted by the Internal Revenue Service.

5. The offer in compromise is a legal and binding contract between the taxpayer and the United States Department of treasury. it is wise for the taxpayer to become aware of the requirements if your offer is accepted. What I mean by this is that for the next five years you must pay all your taxes on time. Should you miss, your offer in compromise will kick back out to the field.

6. The smaller the dollar amount, the less work and effort is put into the offer in compromise. Large dollar cases require 2 to 3 times the amount of work that a small dollar case takes.

7. Last year, approximately one third of offers in compromise were accepted by the Internal Revenue Service. As a general rule, somewhere between 30 and 35,000 offers are accepted every year. The average settlement dollar is $9500 per offer. That dollar amount is misleading because it is an average and is not really reflective because the OIC is based on a case-by-case basis.

8. The Internal Revenue Service has a number of financial search engines they use to check the offer in compromise for the validity of doing due diligence. They can use the Accuriant search engine, the Google search engine and internal governmental search engines such as LEXIS-NEXIS and other ones used by the Department of Homeland Security the FBI as well as other agencies to do checks.

9. Offers in compromise are accepted per formula. Therefore knowing the formula is the key to getting your offer in compromise accepted by the Internal Revenue Service. If you want to get your offer in compromise accepted you must go to an experienced tax practitioner who has worked at least 100 an offer in compromise to understand the complexity and the nature of the offer in compromise.

It only makes sense to have former IRS agents such as us who know the system inside and out to have the best chance to getting your offer accepted.

10. The base rule for the Internal Revenue Service is that you must give IRS your total liquid value as a base. The Internal Revenue Service generally will never accept anything less than your full liquid value. Also IRS is going to take a close look at your income versus your necessary living expenses ratios.

11. The average offer in compromise takes a minimum of nine months from the time their file to acceptance.

If you like to learn more call us today and we will review with you the offer in compromise program and find out if you’re a qualified candidate to get an offer in compromise accepted.

Please feel free to visit our office, Skype us or contact us by phone or answer any of your questions.


What You Need to Know About the Offer in Compromise, Former IRS Agent Explains + Ft.Lauderdale, Miami, Boca Raton, Palm Beaches

What You Need to Know About the Offer in Compromise, Former IRS Agent Explains

Fresh Start Tax


As a former IRS agent and teaching instructor with the Internal Revenue Service I used to teach the offer in compromise program to agents that were qualified to both work to process and accept offers in compromise.

Therefore, I know the system inside and out and when you call our office we will review your case with you and let you know before hand whether we will process your offer in compromise and take the case on.

We will never take any offer in compromise on that we do not believe will settle with the IRS.

One of the reasons the offer in compromise is the best way to settle your back tax that is simple it reduces your debt for pennies on the dollar and it removes the federal tax lien from your credit records.

The offer in compromise is a much more complicated process than taxpayers can possibly imagine. Much time is put in to the acceptance of an offer in compromise and IRS goes through great lengths of due diligence before it accepts an offer in compromise.

Below you will find out different aspects of the offer in compromise program you may not have been aware of so take heed.


1. All offers in compromise that are accepted are open to public inspection at rate eight regional IRS offices across the United States.

Believe it or not, only one person reviewed accepted offers in compromise at one regional site and to date this year, no one has reviewed any accepted offers in compromise.

2. It is much easier for an IRS agent to reject an offer in compromise into accepting why?, just sheer laziness, matter of fact an agent will look to reject an offer in compromise first as to accept it. It takes a lot more work to accept an offer in compromise because all the managerial reviews required.

3. An average offer in compromise takes anywhere between 20 to 40 hours to accept because of all the due diligence that is necessary for the program.

4.  The offer in compromise group is a specialized group that goes through ask expansive training to understand the different nuances within the offer in compromise program and to make sure it legally can be accepted by the Internal Revenue Service.

5. The offer in compromise is a legal and binding contract between the taxpayer and the United States Department of treasury. it is wise for the taxpayer to become aware of the requirements if your offer is accepted. What I mean by this is that for the next five years you must pay all your taxes on time. Should you miss, your offer in compromise will kick back out to the field.

6. The smaller the dollar amount, the less work and effort is put into the offer in compromise. Large dollar cases require 2 to 3 times the amount of work that a small dollar case takes.

7. Last year, approximately one third of offers in compromise were accepted by the Internal Revenue Service. As a general rule, somewhere between 30 and 35,000 offers are accepted every year. The average settlement dollar is $9500 per offer. That dollar amount is misleading because it is an average and  is not really reflective because the OIC is based on a case-by-case basis.

8. The Internal Revenue Service has a number of financial search engines they use to check the offer in compromise for the validity of doing due diligence. They can use the Accuriant search engine, the Google search engine and internal governmental search engines such as LEXIS-NEXIS and other ones used by the Department of Homeland Security the FBI as well as other agencies to do checks.

9. Offers in compromise are accepted per formula. Therefore knowing the formula is the key to getting your offer in compromise accepted by the Internal Revenue Service. If you want to get your offer in compromise accepted you must go to an experienced tax practitioner who has worked at least 100 an offer in compromise to understand the complexity and the nature of the offer in compromise.

It only makes sense to have former IRS agents such as us who know the system inside and out to have the best chance to getting your offer accepted.

10. The base rule for the Internal Revenue Service is that you must give IRS your total liquid value as a base. The Internal Revenue Service generally will never accept anything less than your full liquid value. Also IRS is going to take a close look at your income versus your necessary living expenses ratios.

11. The average offer in compromise takes a minimum of nine months from the time their file to acceptance.

If you like to learn more call us today and we will review with you the offer in compromise program and find out if you’re a qualified candidate to get an offer in compromise accepted.

What You Need to Know About the Offer in Compromise, Former IRS Agent Explains

Owe Back Past Due Back Taxes To IRS, Learn Your Options, Former IRS + Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Boca Raton, Palm Beaches

Fresh Start Tax

We are a local South Florida tax firm that specializes in owing tax debt to Internal Revenue Service and filing back taxes.

We’ve been practicing since 1982 right here in the South Florida area in his former IRS agents we worked in the South Florida IRS offices.

While you read many articles regarding tips if you owe money for back taxes this one is from former IRS agents who know the truth about the IRS collection system.

If you have any questions please feel free to call us today.


1. One of the first things you want to do is make sure all your tax returns are filed.

Internal Revenue Service will generally not work with you until all tax returns are filed. If you do not have all your tax records you can we trust an IRS transcript and they will provide your income and wage report for the last six years.

If you are self-employed and need help we can complete a tax reconstruction for you to ensure you pay the lowest amount allowed by law.

2. Make sure you have the proper withholding or estimated tax payments currently being taken out so you are up to date, incurring no future debt with the Internal Revenue Service.

3. Make sure that the tax bill you have received from the Internal Revenue Service is accurate.

You want to pull out your old tax return and compare it to the current tax bill you have to ensure the Internal Revenue Service has calculated the right assessment.

4. Be familiar with the IRS financial statement and be prepared to give Internal Revenue Service a 433a or 433b if asked for.

5. Understand the various payment agreements or installment agreement arrangements offered by the Internal Revenue Service.

You can call our office today and we could review the various programs.

6. If you do not have money to pay your back tax bill you may be able qualify for an IRS hardship or another name for this program is called currently not collectible.

IRS has the ability to freeze your current case and review your case two or three years later. The good news is that’s a short-term solution the bad news is penalties and interest continue to run.

7. You should find out whether you are an offer in compromise candidate to settle your debt for pennies on the dollar.

The only way to make sure you do this is to check with the true tax professional.

8. Some people are eligible to file a bankruptcy proceeding. The bankruptcy laws are a bit complex and few most people do not know that federal taxes can be discharged in bankruptcy.

Generally, the taxes must be three years or older, assessed for 240 days and file for the last two years.

You can check with our firm or to consult a bankruptcy attorney to see if this is applicable for you.

9. One of the most important things that you can do is to contact a professional firm,’s that is people who have worked thousands of cases to find out what is the best plan or settlement could be based on your facts and circumstances.

10. More than anything understand the process.When you understand the process is easier to make the correct decision. More than anything to the taxpayer client, be part of the process.

Many times there is a short-term solution to get IRS off your back and a long-term solution.

If your case is complicated do not contact the IRS. Let tax representatives take over your case so you do not get bullied by Internal Revenue Service.

You also have rights that you need to learn about.

Call us today for a free initial tax consultation and we will walk you through the different processes solutions to get the best favorable settlement from the Internal Revenue Service.

When you call our office you will speak to former IRS agents and managers you know the system and of work hundreds upon hundreds of cases since 1982.

Since 1982, we have been serving the nation for IRS matters, problems and tax solutions. We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau. We are one of the longest-serving tax resolution companies in the United States.

Owe Money To the IRS For Back Taxes + Top 10 Tips, Former IRS

Fresh Start Tax


Owe money to the Internal Revenue Service for back taxes, as a former IRS agent here are some key suggestions and tips for you.


1. One of the first things you want to do is make sure all your tax returns are filed. Internal Revenue Service will generally not work with you until all tax returns are filed. If you do not have all your tax records you can we trust an IRS transcript and they will provide your income and wage report for the last six years. if you are self-employed and need help we can complete a tax reconstruction  for you to ensure you pay the lowest amount allowed by law.

2. Make sure you have the proper withholding or estimated tax payments currently being taken out so you are up to date, incurring no future debt with the Internal Revenue Service.

3. Make sure that the tax bill  you have received from the Internal Revenue Service is accurate. you want to pull out your old tax return and compare it to the current tax bill you have to ensure the Internal Revenue Service has calculated the right assessment.

4. Be familiar with the IRS financial statement and be prepared to give Internal Revenue Service a 433a or 433b  if asked for.

5. Understand the various payment agreements or installment agreement arrangements  offered by the Internal Revenue Service. You can call our office today and we could review the various programs.

6. If you do not have money to pay your back tax bill you may be able qualify for an IRS hardship or another name for this program is called currently not collectible. IRS has the ability to freeze your current case and review your case two or three years later. The good news is that’s a short-term solution the bad news is penalties and interest continue to run.

7. You should find out whether you are an offer in compromise candidate to settle your debt for pennies on the dollar. The only way to make sure you do this is to check with the true tax professional.

8. Some people are eligible to file a bankruptcy proceeding. The bankruptcy laws are a bit complex and few  most people do not know that federal taxes can be discharged in bankruptcy. Generally, the taxes must be three years or older, assessed for 240 days and file for the last two years.

You can check with our firm or to consult a bankruptcy attorney to see if this is applicable for you.

9. One of the most important things that you can do is to contact a professional firm,’s that is people who have worked thousands of cases to find out what is the best plan or settlement could be based on your facts and circumstances.

10.  More than anything understand the process. Many times there is a short-term solution to get IRS off your back and a long-term solution.

If your case is complicated do not contact the IRS. Let tax representative take over your case so you do not get bullied by Internal Revenue Service.

Call us today for a free initial tax consultation and we will walk you through the different processes solutions to get the best favorable settlement from the Internal Revenue Service.

When you call our office you will speak to former IRS agents and managers you know the system and of work hundreds upon hundreds of cases since 1982.

We are a full-service tax firm that can take care of all your accounting, tax and bookkeeping needs.

Since 1982, we have been serving the nation for IRS matters, problems and tax solutions. We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau.