Being Former IRS Agents and Managers we know the system!
Get your bank or Wage Levy Released and your case settled all at the same time.
Have Former IRS agents and managers who have over 60 years of combined IRS work experience in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the IRS get your money back today from an IRS bank or wage levy.
We are comprised of tax attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled agents, and former IRS agents and managers.
Some of our former IRS agents and managers some have taught out of the IRS Atlanta Regional Training Center.
Facts about Back IRS Owed Taxes
- The Internal Revenue Service issues over 1.8 million bank and wage levies each year.
- The Internal Revenue Service files close to 900,000 federal tax liens each and every year.
- Over 16 million taxpayers failed to file an annual tax return.
- The Internal Revenue Service settles 38% of all who file for IRS tax settlement.
How to Get a IRS Bank or Wage Levy Immediately Released
Being a former IRS agent there is an IRS system to everything.
You should know that the IRS did not want to levy, it may shock you but ,IRS levied because taxpayers did not replied IRS’s final notice, and the IRS is required to follow up systematically by issuing a bank or wage levy.
IRS does not dragnet banks in the area, they actually have kept some of your back records on their computer system so they automatically know where you have banked or worked. They are usually given this information by third parties.
As a general rule those records are kept on IRS’s computer system for seven years.
IRS will required a Financial statement to Release your Bank or Wage Levy
IRS is just looking to collect their back tax debt so they must evaluate each taxpayer according to the financial ability they have to pay the back taxes.
IRS uses their financial statement which is a form 433-F to make their evaluation on a case-by-case basis. You can find his form on our website.
To get an immediate release of an IRS bank or wage levy you will have to completely document form 433F and let IRS review it. Included in the documentation will need to be the last three months of bank statements, copy of all pay stubs, and a copy of all current monthly bills and expenses.
When retaining FST, as a general rule once we have your financial statement with complete documentation and we can generally get your levy release that very day.
Your documentation to your financial statement is your key to getting your bank and wage levy released.
You will need to file back tax returns.
Please keep in mind the Internal Revenue Service is going to want to make sure all your tax returns are filed, current and up-to-date.
We can help to this process. If you have little or few records we can reconstruct your tax returns and make sure they are filed and given to the Internal Revenue Service.
It is best to have the fax number handy of the bank or your employer so once we get your levy released the IRS can directly fax it to the party of interest.
How will IRS settle your case
After Internal Revenue Service reviews your financial statement they will make one of three determinations on your file.
The Internal Revenue Service on a case by case basis after your review of your financial statement will either place you into a:
- currently not collectible file,
- insist that you make a monthly installment agreement, or
- let you know you are a suitable candidate for an offer in compromise or a tax settlement.
Call us today for free initial tax consultation and we can get your bank or wage levy released and work out a tax settlement all at the same time.
We are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau and have been in private practice since 1982.
Atlanta * IRS Bank, Wage Levy Releases – Get Your Money Back TODAY *Affordable, Tax Attorneys, Former IRS – IRS Back Taxes Help Atlanta