Fresh Start Tax LLC “A” Plus Rated by the Better Business Bureau A Professional Tax Firm Since 1982
We can remove IRS Penalties and Interest!
We can remove or abate Penalties and Interest . Our job while working for the IRS for over 60 years was to determine which reasons passed the test. Let our experience work for you and save you money.
General Information for abatement of Penalties and Interest
The IRS is very tough on the abatement of penalties and interest. Once assessed, penalties and interest are considered tax. It is a major project to get penalties and interest abated. The IRS needs plenty of documentation before any consideration is made.
Each penalty abatement request is based on its own merit, its own situation and statement of facts.
90% of all abatement requests are rejected for reasons such as lack of documentation, the time line does not fit the case, the taxpayer has been a habitual delinquent, the taxpayer has had similar problems in the past or has multiple years involved, and mainly, the taxpayer submits a one page self serving letter.
Keys to getting the abatement of penalties ans interest to fly
Thoroughly write your statement of facts or affidavit and put your documents together that fit the time line to support your claim.
If you can get statements from other people, employees or professionals to verify your claim, that will speak volumes.
Make sure you document the facts ad nauseam. IRS loves documentation.
Forward to us your narrative for our review and we will make any corrections that may be needed to ensure success.
The outline of your statement should contain
* a complete history of the event
* what happened and when did it happen
* during that period of time, why was the compliance not met
* what facts and circumstance prevented the non-compliance
* who else can verify the facts of this case
* what documentation do you have to prove this
* does your time line meet the time line of the penalties and interest
This link will completely detail abatement’s of penalties and interest.
Why Hire Fresh Start Tax, LLC? We tell you the truth!
1. Fresh Start Tax is a National Tax Firm whose principles have been practicing Tax Law since 1982.
2. On staff are Board Certified Tax Attorneys, CPAs and Former IRS Agents, Managers and Instructors.
3. Former IRS Agents/Managers will review, manage, represent and close your IRS Tax Case for the best settlement possible.
4. We are one of the most experienced and trusted Professional Tax Firms with over 140 years of tax experience.
5. We have an “A” Plus Rating from the Better Business Bureau.