Stop Your IRS Levy Today.
As former IRS agents and managers we can stop an IRS tax levy, bank levy or wage garnishment levy within 24 hours.
We have a combined 60 years of direct work experience in the local, district, and regional tax offices of the Internal Revenue Service.
Due to our voluminous tax experience at the Internal Revenue Service we know the systems and the protocols to stop the IRS tax levy and work out a tax settlement all at the same time.
What is needed to stop the IRS tax Levy.
If you want to stop the IRS tax Levy immediately the Internal Revenue Service will need a fully completed and verified current financial statement.
They will compare your financial statement with that against the national, regional, and local standards.
After a review of your financial statement the internal revenue service usually has one of two closing strategies.
They were either place your case into a temporary hardship or they will ask for a monthly payment based on your current and verifiable financial statement.
The reason you need a tax professional is to fill out your financial statement because they know the system and what expenses can be included in the national standards to help your case.
IRS will expect all your tax returns to be filed, current and up-to-date in filing.
You can call us today for a free initial tax consultation and we will get your IRS tax levy or wage garnishment stopped and work out a tax settlement all at the same time.
We are a full-service tax firm that specializes in IRS and state tax resolution.
We have been in private practice since 1982 in are A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau.
STOP IRS Tax Levy, Bank Levy, Wage Garnishment *Affordable* Kettering, Lakewood, Euclid, Middletown