Generally, within 24 hours of receiving your current financial statement we can get your IRS bank or wage garnishment levy released and settle your case with the Internal Revenue Service.
Stop the worry today and contact former IRS agents and managers who have over 60 years with the Internal Revenue Service resolve and relinquish your IRS problem.
IRS Bank and Wage Garnishment Levies
If the IRS issued you a bank levy you will have 21 days before the bank must send the levied funds to the Internal Revenue Service.
If you have received an IRS wage garnishment levy a good portion of your next paycheck will go to the Internal Revenue Service. Your employer must continue to pay IRS until they get a release of Levy from the Internal Revenue Service
How to Get a Tax Levy Released within 24 hours
To get an IRS bank or wage levy released you will need to give IRS a current financial statement on form 433F.
The Internal Revenue Service will analyze your financial statement based on the national and regional standards in the area in which you live.
After a complete review of the financial statement , IRS will then enter you into a payment agreement or place you into an economic tax hardship or come up with another solution based on your current financial statement.
IRS will then send out an immediate levy release that day.
IRS will also make sure that all your tax returns are filed, a current and up-to-date.
If you need to file back tax returns we can do so within days.
IRS may often suggest you may be a tax settlement candidate for offer in compromise.
Call us today for free initial tax consultation and we can walk you through the different resolution programs that IRS has available.
We have been in private practice since 1982 and are A plus rated by the BBB.
Levy Help – IRS Bank, Wage Garnishment Levy, Fast Removals – Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Hazeltown, Williamsport