Fresh Start Tax: 1-866-700-1040 Audit Proof your tax return Immediate Levy Releases
Treasury Regulation 301.6331–1(c) permits notices of levy to be served by mail and fax.
When a levy must be served quickly, a fax can be used.
First, confirm the person has a fax machine and will accept the levy this way. Document that the levy source agreed to accept the levy by fax.
How to stop the IRS Enforcement Computer System . WAGE GARNISHMENT AND BANK LEVIES
IRS requires three specific things to stop enforcement action.
- IRS will need ALL tax returns filed and brought current. IRS will not release any tax levies until this happens.
- IRS will need a current financial statement, a 433f, with documentation to verify that the financial statement is correct.
- IRS will need to know how you are planning to close your case. The Three options in closing your case are:
- that you are under a current hardship and cannot pay at this time
- that you want to enter into an Installment Agreement or payment plan with the IRS
- that you want to file a quality Offer in Compromise with the IRS
One of the certified tax professionals at Fresh Start Tax will guide you through this process to get you the best possible result.