Let Former Affordable IRS Agents who know the systems end your problems, since 1982, A plus rated BBB.
We are a Professional Florida Tax Firm that specialize in affordable IRS solution help.
If you are experiencing any problem with Internal Revenue Service including the non-filing of tax returns, received an IRS tax Levy or going through an audit contact us today and we can tell you the most affordable way in the absolute best way to resolve your problem for as little dollars as possible.
Fresh Start Tax LLC is comprised of tax attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled agents, and former IRS agents who have over 206 years of professional tax experience and over 60 years of working directly for the Internal Revenue Service and the Florida IRS offices.
IRS Bank Levy
If the IRS is sent you a bank tax levy, you have 21 days to get a release of levy from the IRS before the bank has to send the money to the service.
IRS Wage Levy
if you have received an IRS wage levy, a good part of your next paycheck will go to the Internal Revenue Service.
Wage and bank levy releases
To get wage and bank levy releases the Internal Revenue Service will need a current and documented financial statement sent to them showing all income expenses and bank statements for the last six months.
IRS will review and come to a determination as to how your case will be closed off the enforcement computer.
As a general rule, IRS will either put you into an:
1. installment agreement,
2. determine you are currently not collectible, or
3. let you know you are a tax settlement candidate.
At that time IRS will send the release of levy to the bank or your employer. Once we have your financial statement in hand we can generally get your levy release within 24 hours.
IRS tax settlements
38% of all taxpayers that submit offers in compromise or tax settle agreements to the IRS are accepted. before you consider submitting an offer in compromise contact us today and let us walk you through the process. the process is a little more complicated than people think, I should know I’m a former IRS agent who actually work and taught the tax settlement program as a former IRS agent.
IRS tax audits
If you are going through an IRS tax audit call us today and we will have a former IRS agent audit manager review your case and let you know the best possible strategies to move forward.
We are one of Florida’s premier firms in dealing in IRS solution help for tax levies, back taxes, IRS tax settlements and IRS and state tax audits.
Call us today for free initial tax consultation. Free expert advise.
Affordable IRS Solution Help, Tax Levy, Settlement, Audits – Former IRS * Cocoa, Merritt Island, Palm Bay, Rockland