How to get a IRS Wage & Bank Levy Release, Quick Results, Affordable Former IRS Agents

July 8, 2013
Written by: Fresh Start Tax

Fresh Start Tax
IRS sends out 3.8 million wage and bank levies every year. You are not alone.
It is very possible to get a wage or bank levy release within 24 hours so don’t let the IRS wage or bank levy ruin your day and by all means do not be bullied by the IRS.
It is critical you understand the process of the IRS wage and bank levy.
Being a former IRS agent and teaching instructor with Internal Revenue Service I know the exact protocols and systems of the IRS wage and bank levies because I used to teach them as a former IRS agent.
We can get you quick results of getting this IRS issue behind you.
IRS does not want to seize or levy.

Believe it or not the IRS does not want to send out a wage or bank levy.
As a part of the Internal Revenue Manual if the taxpayer does not contact IRS after sending out a series of notices, the Internal Revenue Service has no choice but to send out a wage or bank levy.
On the IRS computer system called the CADE2, IRS keeps it levy information.
IRS systematically goes into the file of every taxpayer and  systematically sends to the last employer or last information they have on your bank and sends out the levy. Not a human hand touches these levies. It is critical that taxpayers respond to a IRS bill or notice especially the last L- 1058 letter.
If you do not  respond or contact the IRS you can expect enforced collection actions from the Internal Revenue Service.
 How to get an IRS wage or bank levy release
A taxpayer will have to contact the Internal Revenue Service in the ACS unit.
There will usually be a telephone number connected with the IRS wage or bank levy. When calling the Internal Revenue Service each taxpayer will be required to give a current financial statement to the Internal Revenue Service.
That financial statement will have to be accurate, correct and fully documented.
That financial statement will be on form 433-F. You can find that form on our website.
Beside the completion of the 433F, IRS will want copies of your last 3 to 6 months bank statements along with your pay stubs to verify all the information on the financial statement.
Once IRS’s reviewed your financial statement they will make a determination on how it best feels to close your case or settle your case off the enforcement computer.
Based on your financial statement, IRS will either put you into:

  • an economic tax hardship which is called currently not collectible,
  • IRS may  determined that you should be making monthly or installment payments or
  • the Internal Revenue Service may let you know that you can qualify for a tax debt settlement call the offer in compromise.

As soon as you get an IRS wage or bank levy immediately start preparing your financial statement to send or fax to the Internal Revenue Service.
Being former IRS agents and managers we know the exact system to get an immediate release of your wager bank levy. Contact us today and we can walk you through the process and settle your case all at the same time.
Do not be bullied by the Internal Revenue Service. As soon as you get an IRS wage or bank levy contact us today for fast, quick and affordable results.
How to get a IRS Wage & Bank Levy Release, Quick Results, Affordable Former IRS Agents




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